The Hulks Only Allies Left Are Villains

The Hulk’s Only Allies Left Are Villains

The Hulk is famous for being a loner, and after the world thinks he destroyed a town, his only friends are a group of obscure Marvel villains.

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The Hulks Only Allies Left Are Villains

Spoiler Warning for Immortal Hulk #40

The Hulk doesn’t always have the best relationship with other Marvel heroes. Whether it be the Illuminati sending Hulk into space, or Hulk’s constant fights with the Thing, other heroes always seem to be more than willing to harm the lovable green brute. Though Hulk is undoubtedly a hero, this status as a misunderstood loner has often made him more popular with villains than heroes, and now Hulk’s own villains are rallying around him. In Immortal Hulk #40, the group of obscure villains known as Gamma Flight might be Hulk’s only friends left.

Given what Hulk’s been through in Immortal Hulk, he’ll need every ally he can get. After a gamma explosion in a small town was blamed on Hulk, Gamma Flight was sent in to take care of him. The team, consisting of the powerful Absorbing Man, his wife Titania, and their leader Puck, Gamma Flight battles Hulk as he proclaims his innocence. With a lucky shot from a high powered laser, Puck manages to blow a hole in Hulk, bringing the giant down long enough for Gamma Flight to bring him back to their space station base. But that’s where things get out of hand.

On the space station, Gamma Flight is beginning to suspect something was off about their fight with Hulk. Confirming their suspicions is a resurrected Doc Samson in the body of Canadian villain Sasquatch who confirms that the Leader is behind everything. The group is roused from their discussion by none other than the shadiest Hulk persona, Joe Fixit. Samson says that the team shouldn’t worry about Joe, as he’s one of the more reasonable Hulk personas. Then Joe blows a hole in the space station. Joe transforms into the Hulk as he plummets to Earth while Gamma Flight holds onto anything they can so they’re not sucked out. After a gate closes to block off the destroyed portion of the space station, Gamma Flight watches on and hopes that he can survive reentry.

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Much like all great Hulk stories, the elements of tragedy are what makes this story so compelling. Gamma Flight have genuinely changed their minds about Hulk and are invested in helping him, but Joe’s past experiences with them keep him from trusting the team of villains. One thing that unites every Hulk persona is how they constantly push others away.

Further complicating matters are Gamma Flight themselves. While all of them have villainous pasts, it’s difficult to describe any of them as evil. At worst they’re crooks who just so happen to have incredibly dangerous superpowers. Recently Absorbing Man has played anti-hero more than a villain, making it satisfying to see him finally realize that Hulk is not his real enemy.

It remains to be seen whether Gamma Flight will be able to atone for their past sins and actually help the Hulk. Given that the Leader is torturing Banner, the Thing is gearing up for a fight with the Hulk, and the government wants him dead, Hulk will need every ally he can get after the events of Immortal Hulk #40.

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