Supergirl Season 5 Finally Gives Winn His DC Comics Name

Supergirl Season 5 Finally Gives Winn His DC Comics Name

The latest episode of Supergirl, “Back From The Future – Part 2,” saw Winn Schott declaring his Legion of Superheroes codename and honoring a legacy.

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Supergirl Season 5 Finally Gives Winn His DC Comics Name

Warning: The following feature contains SPOILERS for Supergirl, season 5, episode 12, “Back From the Future – Part 2.”

“Back From the Future – Part 2,” the latest episode of Supergirl season 5, established the codename Winn Schott uses as a member of the Legion of Superheroes. It also established Winn’s place as a member of two separate DC Comics legacies in the post-Crisis Arrowverse.

Played by Jeremy Jordan, Winn Schott was Kara Danvers’ first ally in the war on crime. He acted as Kara’s eyes and ears in the sky when she first started trying to help people as Supergirl. He also designed Supergirl’s first costume, fabricating a structured polymer composite cloth that was as bulletproof as the Girl of Steel herself. Schott left the series in the Season 3 finale, traveling forward in time to the 31st century to join the Legion of Superheroes and lent them knowledge of the past that was doomed to be lost over the next millennium.

Schott recently returned to the era of his birth in Supergirl, season 5, episode 11, “Back From the Future – Part 1,” in order to clear his name when he was accused of murdering a man in 21st century National City. With the aid of his Super Friends, Schott was able to prevent the murder from occurring and prove the original killer was his doppelganger from a parallel Earth. This alternate Winn was clinically insane and had adopted the name and methodology of his father, Winslow Schott Sr. – an infamous terrorist known as the Toyman.

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“Back From the Future – Part 2” revealed the evil Toyman had successfully completed a project his father had envisioned but never finished, finding a way to copy his mind into a computer program. Uploading his consciousness into a laptop that was taken into custody by the DEO after his death, Toyman suddenly found himself connected to the computers of a major government agency with all sorts of new toys to play with, like Kryptonite-powered exo-skeletons and dangerous drones he was able to reshape into flying monkeys. Thankfully, the Winn Schott of Earth-Prime had some toys of his own and was able to use one of them to enter into the cyberspace inside the DEO computers to face his evil twin.

The experience of facing an evil version of himself with Supergirl made Winn reflective about his father’s legacy and his own fears of being anything at all like the twisted toy-loving madman who took amusement from hurting other people. Early on in the episode, Winn revealed to his friends he hadn’t officially chosen a codename yet and the other Legion of Superheroes members had taken to calling him Computer Lad as a joke. Before he returned to the future, Winn said he decided he was going to officially call himself Toyman and make the name come to be associated with a fun-loving gadget-builder who saved lives rather than the legacy his father and doppelganger had hoped to build.

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