The Expanse Confirms A Major Naomi Reunion For Season 5

The Expanse Confirms A Major Naomi Reunion For Season 5

The first trailer for The Expanse season 5 confirms a major reunion for Naomi Nagata, but will her upcoming story lead to happiness or tragedy?

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The Expanse Confirms A Major Naomi Reunion For Season 5

A family reunion could have major repercussions in The Expanse season 5. With the crew of the Rocinante splitting up in Amazon’s upcoming season of The Expanse, viewers will learn more about the backstories of each respective character, including Dominique Tipper’s Naomi Nagata. With her extensive technical knowledge and level-headed determination, Naomi has evolved into a vital member of the Rocinante crew, and played an instrumental role in uncovering the conspiracy of the Protomolecule. However, Ms. Nagata has also been dogged by a shadowy past repeatedly coming back to haunt her. With historic ties to the extremist OPA (Outer Planets Alliance), Naomi’s background has attracted suspicion and a conflict of loyalties arose between her Rocinante family and her fellow Belters.

By the end of The Expanse season 4, Naomi’s inner turmoil is seemingly resolved, as she realizes she can do right by The Belt with the Rocinante crew at her side. Furthermore, the Rocinante’s last-minute rescue during the “slow zone” incident means Naomi is no longer viewed with distrust… so The Expanse season 5 is the perfect time for the skeletons in Naomi’s closet to become restless. When Naomi was involved in the OPA, she embarked on a relationship with the terrorist Marco Inaros, and the couple had a son together. Estranged from her child, Naomi has only referenced Filip on a few occasions over The Expanse’s four seasons, but as season 5 begins, Inaros is the most wanted man in the system for launching an attack on Earth, and Filip is right there by his side, throwing Naomi’s happiness into turmoil.

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As revealed in the trailer for The Expanse season 5, Naomi learns about Filip’s dangerous new job and leaves Holden behind, hoping to find her son and rescue him from the clutches of his evil father. But while the trailer clearly sets out Naomi’s new mission in The Expanse, there’s also a subtle shot of the actual reunion between mother and son. In a wide view of Marco’s bridge, various members of the OPA cell are standing around the Free Navy flagship, Naomi and her family are visible towards the bottom of the shot, with Filip recognizable by his distinct vertical hairstyle.

The fact that the Inaros family reunion is revealed in The Expanse season 5’s trailer suggests Naomi will catch up to the Free Navy within the opening trio of episodes, which will land on Amazon Prime in a single hit before the season moves to a weekly schedule, as per The Boys. Other scenes in the trailer confirm that Naomi receives a hostile reception from the Free Navy, but it’s interesting that she doesn’t appear to be restrained on the bridge. Although the context of the scene is unclear from the trailer footage alone, it’s possible that Marco believes he can win Naomi over, tempt her back into the OPA’s fold and reignite the fire that burned within the couple when they fought alongside each other in the past. This fits with Marco’s charismatic manipulation and habit of talking his way out of trouble.

But Marco won’t be the only one with an agenda in The Expanse season 5. Filip has diligently followed his father’s lead thus far, but he appears to be somewhat vulnerable in the presence of his mother. As much as Marco may be trying to convince Naomi to stick around, Naomi will be working on getting Filip out and back to the safety of the Rocinante. Whose determination will prove greater? The mother trying to atone for being an absent parent, or the freedom fighter who thinks he’s destined to lead the Free Navy triumphantly through the galaxy.

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