Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

Supernatural: 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together


Whether due to the timing of their appearances or to reasons unknown, these character pairs didn’t share enough screen time on Supernatural.

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Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

There are so many memorable and beloved duos throughout Supernatural’s 15 seasons: the Winchester brothers, Dean and Cas, Sam and Lucifer, and a plethora of others. However, similar to how the show misused many characters or kicked them off the show too early, many character pairings did not share as many scenes as fans would have liked.

Whether due to the timing of their appearances or to reasons unknown, these character pairs didn’t share enough screen time on Supernatural. Now that the series is over after its long run on the air, fans are left to wonder what could have been.

John Winchester And The Boys

Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

Season 1 of Supernatural does not revolve around the end of the world nor a cosmic entity making their presence felt. Rather, it is Sam and Dean saving as many people as they can on the route to finding their father and hunting down Azazel.

As a result of John not wanting to be found and sacrificing himself to save Dean’s life in the first episode of season 2, audiences do not get to see much of the three Winchester boys together. It was great when they did share the screen, and fans would have loved a little more of it in season 1 rather than spending time on episodes like “Bugs.”

Chuck And Castiel

Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

When fans first meet Castiel, he is as devoted to God as they come, a fiercely loyal angel who blindly believed in Chuck until he met the Winchesters. When Chuck revealed himself, it made for a fun dynamic.

The two did not get a huge amount of scenes together on their own, though. Chuck’s line about Cas being broken and how every other Cas from the other universes did what they were told could have made for some fascinating scenes between the two, but they mostly spent time together as a group with the Winchesters.

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Frank Devereaux And Dean Winchester

Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

There are a handful of Supernatural characters who left the show too soon, and Frank Devereaux may be one of them, dying after only three full appearances despite a brilliant dynamic with Dean.

Season 7 is disliked by many fans, but Frank was a good part of it, with his hilarious and paranoid personality making for great back-and-forths with Dean. Had Frank survived just a little longer, fans could have gotten more good scenes with the two.

Bobby Singer And Rufus Turner

Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

Bobby and Rufus are a joy to watch in every episode they share in Supernatural, and there is a good handful of them. With both characters being so loved, though, fans would have loved to see more of them.

Rufus only properly appears in half a dozen episodes, so seeing flashbacks to his younger days with Bobby or having him involved in more hunts with Bobby and the Winchester’s would have been a welcome sight for the grouchy old duo.

Death And Dean Winchester

Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

Every time the original Death appeared in the show, it made for some memorable Supernatural scenes, particularly when shared with Dean who had more of a relationship with Death than Sam.

The two bounced off each other well, especially since Dean was scared of Death yet still had to put his foot in his mouth. Having Julian Richings continue to play the character beyond season 10, or even having more than five appearances in seasons 5 through 10, would have been fantastic.

Castiel And Balthazar

Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

One of the best parts of Supernatural’s sixth season was Balthazar, a character whose death at the end of the season was not only permanent but seriously saddening for fans who were desperate for more from the free-spirited angel.

Fans still wish that Balthazar had not died as soon as he had for one, but also that he had got to share more scenes with Castiel. The two had a good and wildly entertaining friendship that unfortunately ended in one killing the other, but the SPN family still love the pair.

Cain And Dean Winchester

Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

Cain may be one of the show’s most underrated and most underutilized characters, being excellent in every appearance, and lighting up the screen when he shared it will fellow Mark of Cain wielder Dean Winchester.

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Their initial meeting and final fight to the death were remarkable, but Cain only appeared twice. His death at the hands of Dean was the right choice, but before that, the two should have had more time together, whether that be fighting or talking about the impact of the Mark.

Crowley And Anyone

Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

Whether it be his bromance with Dean, his odd-couple pairing with Cas, his insult-fueled relationship with Sam, his toxic mother/son dynamic with Rowena, or his torturer/torturee relationship with Lucifer, fans still wish they got at least one more scene with Crowley.

His death was great. But if characters like Mary, Lucifer, Michael, Jack, Kevin, Ruby, etc., could get brought back for scenes, episodes, and whole seasons time again, there was no real reason Crowley could not pop up again. Seeing him alone in a flashback would not have the same impact, but pairing him up with one of his many fantastic dynamics for a return to Supernatural would have been terrific.

The Roadhouse Trio And The Winchesters

Supernatural 10 Duos Who Should Have Had More Screen Time Together

Not so much a duo of individuals but two separate families, the Winchester brothers and the three residents of the Roadhouse got nowhere near enough time together on screen.

The Roadhouse was like a home away from the car for the Winchesters, and it did not get enough time to shine before it got destroyed, nor did Ash, Ellen, and Jo. Some fans still believe Jo and Dean should have gotten together, while some believe Ellen and Jo should have lived on long past their heartbreaking death. Either way, most fans can agree the more screen time the Harvelles and Winchesters got together, the better it would have been.

Sam Winchester And Castiel

The relationship between Dean and Castiel is one of the best in the show, and the two share so many memorable scenes and episodes together. While Sam and Castiel have their share of great scenes, they got nowhere near enough.

The show just seemed to rarely pair them off compared to the amount they paired up Dean and Cas. That is understandable given the special nature of Cas and Dean’s dynamic. However, both Cas and Sam could have benefited from time together away from Dean to explore their friendship further, like how they remained to look for a way to help Jack and stop Chuck.

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