Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

Star Wars: 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon


There are characters from both canon and Legends Star Wars video games who have a place in the new canon, but who fans are desperate to see more of.

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Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

Alongside a ton of fantastical action, great voice work, beautiful design, and some profound, wonderful stories, Star Wars video games have provided fans with a collection of excellent characters over the years. So many of these characters are lacking in terms of canon, both in the number of their stories told and in the amount of content they are in.

There are characters from both canon and Legends video games who have a place in the new canon, but who fans are desperate to see more of, whether that be because they have so much potential or because in their short time in canon, they have made a big impact.

10 Dash Rendar

Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

The replica-journal book did not give much information on the canon version of Rendar. But the smuggler became popular through his time in Legends, and he is a character a lot of Legends fans would love to see fleshed out a bit more in the new canon, or at least make a couple more odd appearances.

9 Shen

Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

Star Wars: Squadrons not only gave pilot fans the flight-simulator they have waited for but also some fascinating characters of Vanguard and Titan Squadron that the player talks to throughout the story. Shen is one such character.

Darth Vader-esque in that he is more machine than man, Shen is incredibly loyal to the Empire and has lost much of his body fighting for them as a pilot. He is also one of the most interesting characters to have recurring conversations with within the game. Seeing him fight off rebel/New Republic pilots in the canon or pop up in pilot stories as an antagonist would be great, especially for fans of the game.

8 Shriv Suurgav

Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

Battlefront II’s campaign may have suffered a little from some misleading marketing and a quick campaign, but it was still hugely fun with some great characters, including a standout Duros rebel Shriv.

With his cynicism, sarcasm, and overall attitude, Shriv is hilarious and a joy to watch. Since Battlefront II, he has been mentioned and appeared in stories like Resistance Reborn and The Last Jedi novelization. Seeing him back on screen, though, whether that be in another video game or in TV fighting against the Empire and First Order with the personality fans love him for, is something many want.

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7 Iden Versio

Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

Most canon characters who originated from (or are best known from) canon and Legends video games have not had their story told in tons of detail thus far. Iden Versio, though, has a relatively fully told life. That does not mean fans do not want to see more of her.

Iden is a solid character, and while she has had some great appearances in Battlefront II and Inferno Squadron, she would be a great addition to pretty much any pilot story. Fans would also like to see more of her defection to the rebellion and how that transition was for both rebellion leaders and Iden, especially with Del Meeko folded into the mix.

6 Merrin

Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

Jedi: Fallen Order is full of great Star Wars characters who fans are excited to see explored further in the game’s inevitable sequels, and Merrin is one such character fans cannot wait to get more of.

The Nightsister and Dathomirian Zabrak was a huge part of the game and had a fascinating dynamic with Cal that fans want to see delved into further. She is also a tragic character given her past and what happened to her family and people, and seeing more of her even before Fallen Order would likely be great too.

5 Cal Kestis

Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

It takes a bit of time to get really invested in Cal Kestis’ character in Jedi: Fallen Order, but he proved to be a great protagonist of one of Star Wars’ best ever games while remaining a character with a lot of potential going forward.

Not only do fans want to see the dynamics he shares with the likes of BD-1, Merrin, Cere, and Greez, but also dive more into his psyche and past in dealing with the aftermath of Order 66 and his duel with Vader. His journey continuing on the Mantis across the Galaxy is something fans are patiently waiting for.

4 Keo Venzee

Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

Perhaps the most interesting original character from Star Wars: Squadrons is Keo Venzee, whose conversations with the player are some of the best in the entire campaign.

A Mirialan pilot connected to the Force and a former professional racer, Keo has had quite a life before joining the rebellion. There is no real information on their life outside of what fans learn of them in Squadrons, and fans want to know more. Seeing her pop up during her time as a racer, leaning more about her connection to the Force, or simply seeing her fighting with the New Republic would be great with her easy-to-love, fun personality, and obvious skill.

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3 Darth Nihilus

Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

Technically, Darth Nihilus is not canon, yet, but it looks like he very well could be, especially after The Rise Of Skywalker where it seems as though his Sith statue can be seen, and concept art for the movie clearly depicts him.

Nihilus, in Legends, is a fascinating, terrifying, and a powerful Sith Lord who would be a welcome addition to the canon. There is a tonne of Legends video game characters fans want in canon, but it looks as though Nihilus’ inclusion is closer than anyone else, and if he is added, fans want more than just a fleeting mention but genuine stories told with the character.

2 Delta Squad

Star Wars 10 Video Game Characters Fans Want More Of In Canon

The noughties were somewhat of a golden era for Star Wars video games, and one of the games to come out of that era was Republic Commando, a beloved game fans want to see remade in some way, which follows a group of adored, badass clones: Delta Squad.

Through The Clone Wars, the special unit of clones is canon, and fans are desperate to see more of Boss, Fixer Sev, and Scorch (who cameoed in The Bad Batch). Seeing them used by the Empire, popping up in more seasons of The Bad Batch, or even in comics and novels would be superb as there is so much potential for the characters to showcase their skills and be fan-favorite clones in canon.

1 Darth Revan

It is unlikely that Star Wars fans will ever stop talking about Darth Revan and how fantastic of a character he is. Through The Rise Of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, fans know for sure Revan is canon, and they want more of him.

Made for Knights Of the Old Republic, Revan is one of Legends’ best and most beloved characters, and for years fans clamored for his canon inclusion. All he has gotten thus far is a fleeting mention, but eventually, his story deserves to be told, and like it is in Legends, fans hope it is incredible.

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