Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

Stranger Things: 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)


Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler of Stranger Things had a bit of a rocky ride, and each did some bad things to the other.

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Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler of Stranger Things were high-school sweethearts but, unfortunately, their relationship was never going to last. Steve was Nancy’s first love but ultimately her heart belonged to Johnathan, and the two have been apart since season two.

Steve and Nancy’s relationship was flawed. In season one, Steve is an antagonistic bully who is swayed by his friends’ dislike of Nancy before ditching them for good. However, Nancy was no better and used Steve in spite of his love for her. Here are the five worst things Steve did to Nancy and the five worst things she did to him.

10 Steve: He Didn’t Listen To Her When She Wanted To Be Alone

Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

The Steve Harrington we meet in season one of Stranger Things is almost unrecognizable from the Steve Harrington we know and love now. Originally he was an antagonist and a bully and this is demonstrated through his early interactions with Nancy.

In the first episode, Nancy tells Steve she wants to be alone to study which Steve disregards by going to her house and climbing through her window anyway. He persists in trying to distract her, pressuring her into intimacy before eventually relenting.

9 Nancy: She Cheated On Him

Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

Nancy and Steve never specifically stated that they had broken up following their Halloween argument when Nancy ventured out of Hawkins with Johnathan to help Murray shut down Hawkins Lab. It was whilst at Murray’s that Nancy and Johnathan finally gave in to their feelings and slept together for the first time.

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This is a harsh blow to Steve, especially considering Murray’s observation that Nancy likes Steve a lot but doesn’t love him moments earlier. Unbeknown to Nancy, Steve goes to her house to make up with her before being distracted by Dustin.

8 Steve: He Wrote Awful Graffiti About Her

Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

Steve was quite awful in season one. After glimpsing Nancy and Johnathan together through Nancy’s bedroom window, the King of Hawkins High writes disparaging graffiti around town about her in retaliation, revealing details of their intimate night together.

This devastates Nancy, though the couple reconciles after a bloody confrontation with the Demogorgon. Steve turns on his friends afterward, even going back to the cinema to clean up the graffiti.

7 Nancy: She Didn’t Love Him

Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

Murray tells Nancy bluntly in season two that she doesn’t love Steve, something which was apparent to viewers. Nancy and Steve never shared the same connection as Nancy and Johnathan and were mismatched in regards to their personalities.

Nancy accepts that she doesn’t love Steve in season two, but this leaves the fallen jock heartbroken. Despite their differences, Steve loved Nancy, something he tells Robin during their conversation in season three.

6 Steve: He Didn’t Talk To Her First About Johnathan

Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

When Steve catches Johnathan in Nancy’s bedroom following their confrontation with the Demogorgon, he immediately jumps to conclusions. Rather than confront his girlfriend and ask her what happened, Steve instead tells his friends and spreads graffiti about around town.

If Steve had spoken to Nancy first then she may have been able to give him a better explanation. This shows that he can be impulsive and lashes out when hurt.

5 Nancy: She Stayed With Him Because She Couldn’t Have Johnathan

Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

It was obvious that Nancy never loved Steve in the same way that she loves Johnathan which only makes her decision to stay with him more awful. Nancy tells Johnathan in season two that she waited for him before getting back with Steve, indicating that he was always second best.

Considering how much Steve loved Nancy and how he wanted to build a life with her, this only makes their relationship sadder. Steve was a consolation prize for Nancy until Johnathan admitted his feelings for her.

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4 Steve: He Gossiped About His Relationship

Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

Steve eventually ditches his ‘friends’, Tommy and Carol, in season one, but before then the King of Hawkins High told them everything about his relationship with Nancy. This allowed the malicious high school bullies to interfere in their relationship and spread lies about Nancy.

As the former King of Hawkins High, Steve was very preoccupied with status and reputation in season one. This reflects in his abrupt decision to ruin Nancy’s reputation after seeing her with Johnathan.

3 Nancy: She Told Him Their Relationship Was B******t At Tina’s Halloween Party

Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

Nancy doesn’t always choose her moments wisely. During the beginning of season two, Steve and Nancy attend a Halloween party together which ends in tears after Nancy gets drunk and tells her heartbroken boyfriend that their relationship is “bull****.”

Nancy is still recovering fro Barb’s death and gets drunk as a way to cope with her feelings. This is still a horrible moment for Steve, however, who looks devastated by his girlfriend’s exclamation.

2 Steve: He Let Tommy & Carol Spread Rumors About Her

Stranger Things 5 Worst Things Steve Did To Nancy (& 5 She Did To Him)

After Steve sees Nancy in her bedroom with Johnathan, he goes immediately to Tommy and Carol and tells them what he thinks has happened. This leads to his ‘friends’ helping him write graffiti about Nancy around town and antagonizing her and Johnathan.

Tommy and Carol never liked Nancy and jumped at the opportunity to ruin her reputation. Steve makes a good choice when he abandons them, seeing them for the destructive influences that they are.

1 Nancy: She Blamed Him For Barb

Nancy was wracked with guilt following Barb’s death in season two which is what drove her and Steve apart. Whilst berating him drunkenly at Tina’s Halloween party, Nancy tells Steve that it is their fault that Barb died and blames him for her death.

Barb died after being taken by the Demogorgon from Steve’s backyard whilst Nancy and Steve were otherwise preoccupied. It is apparent in this scene that Nancy resents Steve for this subconsciously.

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