Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back: 10 Best Quotes


Empire is considered to be the best Star Wars movie by many fans. Here are some of its most memorable lines.

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Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

Many fans consider The Empire Strikes Back to be the greatest Star Wars movie of all time. It is the rare sequel that manages to be even better than the first film. As the second act in the original trilogy, the film dares to go to some dark places and present the heroes with their greatest challenges yet, while also maintaining a sense of heart and adventure.

Regardless of how the Star Wars universe continues to expand, many of the franchise’s most iconic and defining moments will always belong to The Empire Strikes Back. Check out these quotes that capture the legacy of the most beloved film in a galaxy far, far away.

10 “Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.”

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

When Luke halfheartedly says he’ll try to use the Force to lift his X-Wing out of the Dagobah swamp, Yoda utters this quintessential line. It works perfectly in the context of the film, but it’s also applicable in countless real-world situations as well.

Trying is not enough and implies that one doesn’t think they will succeed. If the mindset is switched to believing that one will either do or not do something, it’s more likely they will accomplish their goal instead of just settling for trying. Luke is too hung up on the size of the X-Wing and the difficulty of lifting it out of the swamp. This mindset causes him to fail before he tries, whereas Yoda’s mindset allows him to successfully complete the task.

9 “Never Tell Me The Odds!”

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

This moment encapsulates Han Solo’s gutsiness and that he truly marches to the beat of his own drum. Unable to jump to lightspeed and with Imperial TIE fighters closing in on the Millennium Falcon, Han dares to fly his ship through an asteroid field.

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C-3PO frantically shares the astronomical odds of surviving in an asteroid field, but Han has never been one to play by the rules and he certainly isn’t going to be intimidated by the odds.

8 “Apology Accepted, Captain Needa.”

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

Those who criticize Darth Vader’s line of “Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director” during Rogue One: A Star Wars Story weren’t paying attention to this line in The Empire Strikes Back. Vader delivers this line after he lethally Force-chokes Captain Needa, who takes responsibility for the failure to capture the Millennium Falcon.

Vader is ruthlessly sarcastic in this moment and he does it purely for his own amusement. This is the same attitude he takes when Force-choking Director Krennic in Rogue One, which shows consistency in Vader’s dark humor.

7 “Luminous Beings Are We, Not This Crude Matter.”

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

This quote does a beautiful job in helping to explain what the Force is and how living organisms interact with the Force. Living creatures are more than their physical bodies.

The Force taps into this idea and those attuned to the Force can transcend the limitations of the physical body and become part of something much more meaningful and permanent. This concept makes the concept of Force ghosts feel more valid and earned.

6 “We Would Be Honored If You Would Join Us.”

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

Lando’s betrayal is a shocking moment and it’s made even better with Darth Vader’s response. He deflects Han’s blaster shots, uses the Force to pull Han’s blaster away, and then utters this line.

It’s intimidating, yet it also sounds oddly polite and formal. Vader is a villain who’s not only fearsome, but he’s also got class and style. Taken out of context, his words could be a polite request, but in this context, they’re chilling to hear.

5 “I Don’t Know Where Your Ship Learned To Communicate, But It Has The Most Peculiar Dialect.”

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

Solo: A Star Wars Story gives this line far greater significance. Fans saw the droid L3-37 become part of the Millennium Falcon during Solo. The official Star Wars Twitter confirmed that when C-3PO communicates with the Millennium Falcon during The Empire Strikes Back, he’s actually communicating with L3-37 since she’s part of the ship.

Not only is this a fascinating development, but it’s also heartwarming to think that L3-37 is more than just part of the ship’s navigational system and that she is still able to openly communicate in her unique way with C-3PO. This gives her a greater legacy and it’s satisfying to think that she maintained a certain degree of her quirkiness and autonomy even when she became part of the ship. It also creates more meaningful connectivity between Solo and the original trilogy.

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4 “I Am Altering The Deal. Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further.”

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

This is the most epic and eloquent way that a character can essentially say, “I’m changing my mind and you better hope I don’t change it again.” Vader has a knack for making his threats feel both menacing and expressive.

Such a moment also emphasizes how Vader has backed Lando into a corner. As long as they work together, Lando has no choice but to adhere to Vader’s every whim. Lando is used to negotiating or swindling to get what he wants, but Lando is out of his depth as Vader does everything on his own terms and cannot be so easily manipulated.

3 “No, There Is Another.”

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

Yoda states this line after Luke leaves Dagobah and Obi-Wan says, “That boy is our last hope.” Yoda’s ambiguous response is full of possibility and hope. The story is so focused on Luke and his hero’s journey up to this point, that fans didn’t even consider that there might be “another.”

The “another” is later revealed to be Leia. The first From a Certain Point of View anthology book makes this line even more meaningful as one of the short stories shows that Yoda wanted to train Leia instead of Luke.

2 “I Love You.” “I Know.”

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 10 Best Quotes

Leia and Han’s relationship is the first epic romance that fans experienced during the Skywalker saga. It is another element that makes The Empire Strikes Back such a beloved film, as the romantic and sexual tension between Leia and Han slowly builds amidst all the adventure and galactic drama.

That tension culminates in this brief but telling exchange before Han is frozen in carbonite. Neither Han nor Leia say much in this exchange, but their few words speak volumes about how they feel about each other and that their love and their bond will endure beyond their current obstacles.

1 “No, I Am Your Father.”

It is one of the most iconic lines in the history of cinema. Decades later, this line still holds up as a genuinely game-changing and devastating plot twist.

The narrative of the original trilogy changes in this moment as Luke and the audience have to wrestle with the fact that the antagonist is the protagonist’s father, the fallout of which shapes the most satisfying moments in Return of the Jedi. Darth Vader being Luke’s father is the worst possible thing he can hear in this moment, thereby challenging him and his hero’s journey like never before.

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