Star Wars 1313 Would Have Been The Mandalorian Before The Mandalorian

Star Wars 1313 Would Have Been The Mandalorian Before The Mandalorian


The cancelled Star Wars 1313 was a promising video game that let players control Boba Fett, and it could’ve been a breakout hit like The Mandalorian.

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Star Wars 1313 Would Have Been The Mandalorian Before The Mandalorian

Currently in Season Two, The Mandalorian is a hit show on Disney+ that’s more popular now than ever. The story of a Mandalorian bounty hunter venturing through the criminal underworld is nothing new, though. Star Wars 1313 was a promising video game project from LucasArts with the same concept, but it was sadly cancelled. It’s a real shame, too, since 1313 could’ve been the breakout hit The Mandalorian is now.

All of this was reaffirmed recently, when God of War director Cory Barlog asked for a single-player Mandalorian video game on Twitter, and one of Star Wars 1313 LucasArts employees, Celia Hodent, responded. In a lot of ways, it opened up old wounds, since many LucasArts employees and Star Wars fans are still a bit sore about 1313 being scrapped in the first place.

Star Wars 1313 was a promising project, which let players control fan-favorite bounty hunter Boba Fett as he explored the criminal underworld of Coruscant. In a lot of ways, it was a spiritual successor to Star Wars: Bounty Hunter on the PS2, but on a much grander scale. Even now, years after the game was shelved, 1313 screenshots continue to leak out and show what could’ve been. It’s especially sad, because the video game had so many similarities to The Mandalorian, and it could’ve been a similar breakout hit, especially if they released in close proximity to each other.

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How Star Wars 1313 & The Mandalorian Are Alike

The criminal underworld narrative of Star Wars 1313 involved space pirates, bounty hunters, and mercenaries. In a lot of ways, it featured the same rough-and-tumble kind of characters The Mandalorian does. Although the game was shelved before too many details released, fans can’t help but notice how much the hit Disney+ series looks like the cancelled 1313 video game.

The teaser trailer shared in 2012 for Star Wars 1313 even had a bounty hunter droid similar to The Mandalorian’s IG-88. The design of the Mandalorian compared to that of 1313’s Boba Fett also look so much alike that fans are convinced the show was directly inspired by the video game. With so much in common, it’s not hard to see that 1313 could have been a breakout bounty hunter hit for Star Wars.

Now that The Mandalorian has proven to be such a lucrative property for Star Wars and Disney, perhaps this means Star Wars 1313 will one day be reworked and released to coincide with the show. That’s a big dream, though, and right now it seems unlikely – although it would be nice for the developers to be able to see their dream fully realized. For now, fans are still only left with what might’ve been.

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