The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

The Crow: 15 Best Quotes From The Film


The Crow has amassed a cult following over the years since its release, and here are 10 quotes from the film that’ll stick with us forever.

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The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

Besides the mesmerizing storylines, visuals, and larger than life characters, there’s another aspect of films that make them memorable. What’s a good film without quotes that stay with you long after you finished watching the film?

The Crow is one of those films with plenty of incredible quotes to chose from. The film gained a cult following for its dark and brooding storyline of revenge and lost love, as well as the tragic passing of Brandon Lee. The film delivers hard-hitting and chilling lines when Eric Draven is resurrected from the dead, as well as the occasional sarcastic one. Let’s take a look at the best quotes to remember from the film.

Updated on January 1st, 2021 by Scoot Allan: Alex Proyas’ live-action adaptation of James O’Barr’s The Crow developed a cult following despite a low box office in theaters, both due to the success of the adaptation and the hunting performance of Brandon Lee that would be his last following his accidental death during shooting. The movie features a number of amazingly quotable lines that perfectly capture the themes and emotions of the adaptation while creating a menacing and sympathetic anti-hero in the form of Eric Draven. We’ve assembled a few more of the best quotes to celebrate The Crow.

15 “People Once Believed That When Someone Dies, A Crow Carries Their Soul To The Land Of The Dead.”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

The Crow opens with a voiceover from Eric’s young friend Sarah, explaining the mythology of the film easily and succinctly with an ancient legend about death and the afterlife, though it doesn’t always work that way for the departed.

“But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can’t rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right.”

14 “Fire It Up! Fire It Up! Fire It Up!”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

The Crow featured a dark cast of characters that included the gang that was responsible for the death of Eric Draven and Shelly Webster, which was comprised of members like Tin-Tin, Skank, Funboy, and T-Bird.

The gang worked for Top Dollar and were routinely tasked with setting annual fires on Devil’s Night to throw the city of Detroit into chaos, which inspired their ritualistic chant of “Fire it up!” that they used to celebrate and pump themselves up, which also highlighted the general atmosphere of the film’s criminal element.

13 “You Heard Me Rapping, Right?”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

Eric Draven used his new status as a reborn angel of vengeance to create an intimidating character to take his revenge with, using face paint and a dark but poetic attitude, which he displayed perfectly when dealing with a pawn store owner that was associated with Tin-Tin.

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Draven first knocked on the door and then broke into the pawnshop, reciting lines from Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven” to the store owner and creating one of the best entrances in the film.

12 “Tell Them Eric Draven Sends His Regards.”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

While Eric Draven was brought back supernaturally on a mission for revenge by his crow, he didn’t just want to take out the men who were responsible for killing himself and the woman he loved, it was also important to him that they knew why.

With each of his attacks on the gang members responsible, he made sure they were well aware of why he was after them. When he interrogated the pawn store owner for information on the gang following the murder of Tin-Tin, he made sure he left a message for his prey — “Death is coming for them. Tonight.”

11 “Our Friend T-Bird Won’t Be Joining Us This Evening On Account Of A Slight Case Of Death”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

Eric Draven (Lee) goes after T-Bird (David Patrick Kelly) to seek revenge for his fiancé, Shelly (Sofia Shinas). He manages to kill T-Birdy in a horrific exploding car accident. Later on, when the top-level criminal Top Dollar (Michael Wincott) learns of his death, he could care less.

Instead, he delivers this one line to the rest of the crew. The line is memorable for its witty and sarcastic way of breaking the news of someone’s death, and it has been said before in everyday occurrences—but it’s unlikely that death is the excuse.

10 “The Crow Is His Link Between The Land Of The Living And The Realm Of The Dead”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

When Top Dollar first learns about Eric Draven, he doesn’t quite believe that he is invincible and brought back from the dead. His “sister” Myca (Bai Ling) is just as twisted and evil as Top Dollar. She explains the symbolism that often revolves around crows.

This scene also delivers another memorable line in response to the crow’s link to death and Draven’s invincibility. Top Dollar responds with, “so kill the crow and destroy the man.” It’s a line that makes a chill run down your spine.

9 “They’re All Dead. They Just Don’t Know It Yet”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

When Seargent Albrecht (Ernie Hudson) first encounters Eric, he hasn’t pieced together who he is. Eric tries to help him remember the night he responded to a murder scene on Devil’s Night. Unable to remember, Eric asks him about Tin-Tin. Albrecht realizes he was the one who killed him.

Eric didn’t kill him, he explains, “he died a year ago when he touched her.” He then delivers the memorable line. For Eric, the people who took the love of his life away signed their death sentence from that moment on and are destined to die one way or another.

8 “I Thought I’d Use Your Front Door”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

One of the more down to earth moments is when Eric visits Albrecht at his home to have a heartfelt chat. Eric learns the brutal truth of how his fiancé died and saw her pain through Albrecht’s eyes.

Besides Eric being brought back from the dead, he still feels pain and a sense of humanity. It also means he can use the front door. Albrecht thinks he will vanish into thin air like a ghost, but Eric says he prefers the old fashion method in a sad witty one-liner.

7 “Safest Place In The World To Be”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

Sarah (Rochelle Davis) has learned the truth about Eric’s resurrection from the dead. Draven and Shelly used to take care of Sarah as her mother cared more for drugs and alcohol. Since their death, she has no one to care for her except Albrecht, who promised Shelly.

Having no one to go home to, Sarah wanders the cemetery where she finds Eric. She thinks Eric will scold her, but Eric says it’s the safest place for her to be. No one will harm her. Everyone’s already dead, and the people who loved Sarah are there.

6 “Childhood’s Over The Moment You Know You’re Gonna Die”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

The Crow is all about grief, pain, and the conversation around death. Top Dollar has a heartfelt moment into who he is. While looking at the tombstone in the snowglobe, he tells Myca that it was a gift from his father.

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The snowglobe isn’t a happy moment, but a reminder about the cruelty of life. His father explained that your childhood is over once you realize that you’re going to die someday. The line sucks the air out of you and makes you think about its implications of having to face the real world and mortality.

5 “Victims, Aren’t We All”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

You can’t help but feel Eric’s pain when he seeks his revenge against Tin-Tin (Laurence Mason). Tin-Tin is the most ruthless of them all as he has no regard for what he did to Shelly that fateful night. Tin-Tin gives off a persona that he is invincible and no one can touch him, much less Eric.

But his knife skill proves useless as Eric gets the upper hand and says the line “Victims, aren’t we all.” The line is memorable simply because it tells the truth that everyone falls at some point. No one is ever better or above and will sooner or later fall from grace.

4 “Mother Is The Name For God On The Lips And Hearts Of All Children.”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

There is an impactful scene in the film where Eric confronts Sarah’s mother, Darla (Anna Levine). Eric and Shelly were almost parents to Sarah, seeing as Darla never cared for her as a mother. When Eric is done with Funboy (Michael Massee), he makes Darla realize what she’s done to herself.

Eric quotes William Makepeace Thackeray to Darla as he removes the morphine from her body. The line is impactful as is implies that mothers are every child’s foundation and their entire world. Darla abandoned her daughter and Sarah sought a mother figure in Shelly.

3 “Buildings Burn, People Die, But Real Love Is Forever”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

The Crow knows how to tug at the heartstrings. By the end of the film, Eric has avenged Shelly, and his soul feels at peace. Eric and Shelly had a deep love for one another and for Sarah. Eric is brought back because his soul was in anguish for the women he loved.

Time to grab a tissue. By the end, Eric is welcomed with open arms by Shelly and Sarah realizes it’s time for him to finally rest and says the line, “if the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever.” It gives off the message that the people we loved are never truly gone.

2 “I Have Something To Give You. I Don’t Want It Anymore. Thirty Hours Of Pain All At Once, All For You.”

The Crow 15 Best Quotes From The Film

When Draven finally reached his goal and got a hold of Top Dollar, he transferred all of Shelly’s hurt and pain over the time it took her to die into the man responsible for her death, exacting the perfect revenge on his enemy while also allowing himself to finally let go and begin to grieve properly.

It’s not only Eric Draven’s final act in a mission of revenge that he crawled out of the grave for, but it was also one of Brandon Lee’s most passionately delivered lines in the film, further highlighting its importance.

1 “Can’t Rain All The Time”

Sarah realizes who Eric is when he says this iconic line, but it’s more than that. In the film, it always seems to be rainy and gloomy. Despite the chaos and evil that lurks all around them, Eric believes that there is always something good to hold on to.

It’s a lesson he taught Sarah. Despite the pain and suffering Eric endured, there was a light at the end of the tunnel that he will return to Shelly. It’s a new meaning to the phrase “after every storm, there is a rainbow.”

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