The Dark Knight Rises Had Two Awesome Batman 66 Easter Eggs

The Dark Knight Rises Had Two Awesome Batman 66 Easter Eggs

The Dark Knight Rises, which concluded Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, contained visual references to the cult classic TV show from 1966.

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The Dark Knight Rises Had Two Awesome Batman 66 Easter Eggs

In 2012, Christopher Nolan finished his Dark Knight trilogy with The Dark Knight Rises, which contained references to Batman canon all the way back to the 1966 television series — titled simply, Batman. While Nolan’s movies had a darker tone than any other on-screen Batman property before it, the series was full of nods to other iterations. Rises, however, had an actual cameo from two of the campy show’s most beloved props.

While some critics have accused Nolan of taking his Batman movies too seriously, the director clearly respects the 80-year legacy of the character. This includes a great many references to the larger canon of the comics, such as a last-minute introduction of Robin and the recognition of Green Lantern’s Rapid City football team. The 1966 show, which starred Adam West, was known for its bright colors, vaudeville villains, and cheesy comic-book action bubbles. It couldn’t be any further from Nolan’s Gotham tonally, but the director still found a way to pay homage to the cult classic.

Although The Dark Knight Rises gets more convoluted as its story unfolds, one of its central relationships is between Christian Bale’s Bruce Wayne and John Blake, a tenacious rookie cop played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Bruce’s decision to don the cowl once again is spurred by Blake, who visits Wayne Manor to reveal that he knows Batman’s true identity. As they talk about their similarities and their mutual friend, Commissioner Jim Gordon, viewers get a better glimpse at how Wayne Manor has changed since Bruce has gone into hiding.

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Clearly, some redecorating has taken place: two props that are instantly recognizable to fans of the Batman television show are sitting on a bookshelf behind Blake. One is the red “Batphone,” which provided direct access between the Gotham City police department and Batman through a private line. The bright red phone was one of many bat-inspired inventions on Batman, and its appearance in Rises shows how much the vibrant series differed from Nolan’s visually muted films.

The other noticeable prop is a bronze bust of famous English writer William Shakespeare. In the 1966 series, the head of the same bust could be tilted back to reveal a secret button that gave access to the Batcave. Neither of the props has the same function in Dark Knight Rises, but they’re clearly still at home in Wayne Manor.

While many of today’s mega-franchises, including the post-Nolan DCEU, are filled with wall-to-wall Easter eggs, too many references would have been distracting in Nolan’s realistic approach to the Batman mythos. That doesn’t mean they have to exist in a bubble, though. Through clever prop placement and oblique dialogue, Christopher Nolan showed respect to even the silliest of Batman properties. That reverence for the character makes him one of the creative minds to ever reinvent Gotham’s watchful guardian. The show has undergone a serious reevaluation in the last few years, but it’s nice to see that both interpretations of Batman can so happily coexist.

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