10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well


Not everything about Gilmore Girls holds up, but there are a few reasons why fans keep coming to Stars Hollow to catch up with Lorelai and Rory.

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10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

While some of Gilmore Girls’ fashion and pop culture references scream early 2000s, there is a timeless quality to Lorelai and Rory’s story. In fact, thanks to the 2016 Netflix revival and star Scott Patterson’s “I Am All In” rewatch podcast, the show may have more fans now than it did when it was on the air.

As a series over two decades old, some aspects of Gilmore Girls have grown stale. However, thanks to creator Amy Sherman-Palladino’s fresh, Bechdel test-passing writing and the show’s timeless themes of family drama and small-town living, Gilmore Girls will always be as fresh as a cup of coffee at Luke’s Diner.

Characters’ Love Of Coffee

10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

The very first time Gilmore Girls audiences are introduced to Lorelai Gilmore, she was strolling into Luke’s Diner and begging him for coffee. Throughout the show’s seven seasons and revival, both Lorelai and Rory are constantly seen drinking coffee. Coffee is practically its own character in Gilmore Girls.

But while Lorelai and Rory drank their morning pick-me-up, the surrounding people in their lives thought their obsession with coffee was strange. Considering that many working professionals and students wouldn’t dream of starting the day without a bit of caffeine, the Gilmore girls’ vice seems downright normal.

Gilmore Girls’ Soundtrack

10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

Music played an important role throughout the Gilmore Girl’s run. Every episode was filled with a wide selection of pop, folk, blues, and classic rock and it was all rolled in to make a soundtrack worth revisiting, with Carole King’s “Where You Lead” theme song a particular favorite.

According to Cheat Sheet, show composer Sam Phillips came up with the iconic “la la la” score after Sherman-Palladino told her she wanted “this music to be another character, the music in Rory and Lorelai’s heads.”

Small-Town Life

10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

Despite Gilmore Girls being set in a fictional small town, Stars Hollow had an authentic feel, which helped make the show so special.

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Stars Hollow had events that were realistic for small-town life. With festivals to attend, town meetings to mock, and all the local eateries and stores, Stars Hollow felt lived in. Fans couldn’t wait to tune in every week so they too could feel part of the community.

Single Parenthood

10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

While fewer families today resemble a nuclear unit, Gilmore Girls was pioneering for its judgment-free approach to Lorelai and Rory’s family dynamic. At the start of the show, it was obvious how great a mother Lorelai was. She raised Rory all by herself, relying solely on her work ethic and determination.

When Rory got accepted to Chilton, Lorelai put aside her differences with her parents to ask for help. And when it came to Lorelai’s love life, she made sure that Rory was comfortable with the situation. Lorelai wanted Rory to have everything she never got, including the education and life she had to put aside after getting pregnant at a young age. It’s a positive depiction that still resonates today.

The Importance Of School

10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

The 2000s had far fewer shows than today that were centered around women, and many of them were about finding love. Gilmore Girls certainly had its romantic storylines, but the characters had their own hopes and dreams outside of landing a man. The importance of education was something that made the show stand out.

Always focused on her ambitions, Rory originally dreamed of going to Harvard, and didn’t let boys distract her from what she wanted out of life. The same went for Lorelai, who wanted a better future for Rory and herself. She even went to night school to get a business degree. Watching women like the Gilmores take control of their own lives still is empowering.

Multi-Layered Side Characters

10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

A big Gilmore Girls highlight was the community of Stars Hollow and how it was filled with multi-layered, multi-dimensional characters with unique and interesting lives.

The residents of Stars Hollow were people audiences felt they knew, and every character had their own backstory. From Miss Patty and her elaborate theater career, the strained rivalry between Luke and Taylor, the beautiful relationship between Babette and Morey to Mrs. Kim, these characters had flaws and imperfections that made them feel just as real as the town.

The Special Bond of Family

10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

The depiction of family on Gilmore Girls was always written honestly, especially in the tumultuous Friday night dinners Lorelai and Rory had with Emily and Richard. These scenes always showcased the characters’ flaws and imperfections, but those are what makes them relatable.

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While not every fan has family dinners in a home as hoity-toity as Richard and Emily’s, many can relate to these uncomfortable events where passive-aggressive comments are flung and dirty laundry is aired. This is as true for today’s fans as it was for those in the early 2000s.

Growing Up

10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

Part of what made Gilmore Girls relatable was the ongoing depiction of growing up. While some shows fantasized about what it was like being young, Gilmore Girls stayed realistic. Watching Rory’s journey as she became an adult always felt relevant.

Rory had her ups and downs and heartbreaks and disappointments just like any teenager. Fans watched as she changed schools, dealt with bullies, and struggled to be a good student, all the while trying to find love and herself. Everyone struggles at this age, and it was great to see it depicted in such a positive and truthful way.

Friendships Between Women

10 Things About Gilmore Girls That Have Aged Surprisingly Well

With the show centered around women, one of the things that stood out about Gilmore Girls was the depiction of friendships between all the female characters. Whether it was Rory and Lane’s close connection, Rory and Paris’s intellectual rivalry growing towards friendship, or the friendship between Lorelai and Sookie, these relationships were always uplifting to watch.

Each friendship was not without its flaws, but that was the charm that made each one special. Sookie was a chef and Lorelai managed the inn yet one didn’t look down on the other. Watching two adult female characters running a business together and being equal in decisions was not something seen in a lot of television shows.

The Mother-Daughter Relationship

At the very heart of the show was always the loving relationship between Lorelai and Rory. The mother-daughter connection remains the highlight of Gilmore Girls and one that viewers couldn’t get enough of.

The two always had honest conversations that extended outside of dating. No interaction between them felt forced. The two also had equality where they never did anything that the other didn’t agree on, although Lorelai would pull a mom card on occasion. Lorelai and Rory challenged each other and made every episode special to the audience. The relationship was something to admire.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/gilmore-girls-show-still-holds-up/

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