The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts


The Hunger Games and Divergent, both based on YA sci-fi series, have characters that show similar traits and motives. So who matches up with whom?

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The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

The Hunger Games and Divergent are both sci-fi movie series based on YA novels, and fans love both for their unique plots and nonstop action. Perhaps more importantly, both series kept viewers coming back for more of their unique and memorable characters.

It’s no surprise that there’s some overlaps between the fandoms of these series since they share a lot of similarities, from the different factions and districts to the controlling governments and the inevitable call to action from the main protagonist. Many characters in The Hunger Games have analogous counterparts in Divergent, with similar traits and motives.

Seneca Crane And David

The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

Seneca Crane from The Hunder Games and David from the Divergent series showed similar characteristics. Even though they were game makers, controlling a lot of what happened behind the scenes, they really didn’t have as much power as was suggested.

Much like Seneca when he controlled the games and concocted horrible scenarios for the players to deal with, David was the face of an enemy cause, in charge of experimentation. They both seemed like powerful threats, but they hid behind much bigger threats, Seneca with Snow and David with Jeanine. When compared to the bigger, more powerful antagonists, they really didn’t have much control at all.

Cinna And Tori

The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

Cinna and Tori were both guiding, supporting characters to the main protagonist. They didn’t have to do anything too big to be impactful for the main story and the development of the heroes.

Cinna and Tori were both rebellious influences who knew how to hide behind the scenes but were still impacted. Cinna laid low but spoke out through how he styled Katniss. Similarly, Tori remained quiet about things but informed Tris about the divergence and hid her test results. They were compassionate to the main protagonist when there seemed to be no one else there for them, and their little bits of advice stuck with them throughout the movies.

President Coin And Evelyn

The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

Although Alma and Evelyn gave off the presence of being good guys in support of the main characters, they were actually hidden antagonists with ulterior motives who betrayed everyone’s trust in The Hunger Games and Divergent, respectively.

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Both characters seemed to favor taking down the villains of the stories, i.e., Snow and Jeanine. Coin’s plan all along was to get rid of all the districts so that she could be the leader of everyone. Like Coin, Evelyn hoped to eliminate all factions and make everyone factionless. However, their hopes to diminish the controlling governments in place were really centered on their own personal gain. They proved to be villains themselves with their hunger for power and authoritative behaviors.

Cato And Peter

The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

Cato and Peter were very alike in their similarly bullying personalities. They were unpredictable characters who showed their skills of violence, and brute strength was what they relied on to get by.

Both characters mocked those they knew were weaker than them. Much like Cato, Peter roped others into his plans and forced them to fight with him, like his kidnap and attack on Tris in the middle of the night. Even though they showed cold, violent sides, they also revealed a soft layer underneath them. Cato and Peter both have moments in the movies when they admit they don’t want to be the bad guys but don’t feel they have a choice.

President Snow And Jeanine

The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

President Snow and Jeanine were both the ultimate dictator antagonists of their respective series. They both used propaganda and lies to maintain a false image for their naive followers.

Both figures proved they would do anything for power and control, Jeanine with her serums and Snow with his games. Although both are smart individuals, probably some of the smartest characters in The Hunger Games and Divergent, they rely solely on lies to portray a false sense of peace and hope. Their arrogant natures were their own undoing, as they grew too confident in their advances, and both were overthrown.

Johanna And Christina

The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

Johanna and Christina both come across as snarky, rough individuals who have no problem getting dirty. Although neither liked to admit their weaknesses and accept help, they both showed weaknesses and eventually were more open about their emotions.

Johanna was notorious for her rebellious personality and proved she would never fit into the mold that the capital wanted her to as seen through her controversial actions and some memorable lines in The Hunger Games. Christina also proved defiant when she made fun of Four’s name and refused to fight in their physical training. Similarly, they both are wounded and guarded characters because of the deaths of their loved ones.

Primrose And Caleb

The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

Primrose and Caleb were both the siblings of the main protagonists and shared a similar naive innocence and dependent nature. They both proved to be weak physically and emotionally and relied highly on others to protect them.

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Prim and Caleb were both siblings to the main protagonist but proved to be opposites in personality and skill. Where their sisters were fighters and brave, they were soft-hearted and shy. They both were highly dependent on others to protect them and were emotionally weak to the high-stress situations around them. When they both tried to do something helpful, it usually ended badly for them. Prim died in the explosions and Caleb was beaten up and aligned with the enemy.

Peeta And Will

The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

Peeta’s strong and diplomatic personality in The Hunger Games is similar to Will’s in Divergent. They both proved they could keep up during a battle but were more soft-spoken and reserved about it than the others.

Peeta and Will both were skilled in battle, being physically strong and intelligent individuals, but neither felt the need to flaunt it. Much like Peeta’s protective nature toward Katniss, Will was protective toward Tris, sticking up for her multiple times and accompanying her around after Peter’s surprise attack on her. Unfortunately, both characters were also manipulated by the enemy and used an accessory in their favor. This forced the main protagonists to fight against them unwillingly.

Gale And Tobias

The Hunger Games Characters And Their Divergent Counterparts

Gale and Tobias both shared a sense of leadership and survival instincts. They appeared stand-offish and brooding but were deeply compassionate and did everything they could to protect those they cared about.

Gale and Tobias are both soldiers through and through. They are strong, skilled in battle, and excellent leaders. Gale seemed cold and overly serious around others but opened up when he was around Katniss, showing he had a witty and soft personality. Tobias had the same brooding personality, keeping past traumas and emotions hidden away but opened up to someone he loved and cared about, Tris. They would do anything to protect those they loved, even die for them.

Katniss And Tris

Katniss and Tris were the most similar characters of the two series. They both were reserved, insecure individuals thrust into a new world of opportunity and chosen to be the leaders of the cause.

Katniss and Tris began as insecure individuals in poor factions and districts who just tried to keep their heads down. When they found no other choice, they developed into confident, assertive, and strong leaders. They cared deeply about keeping their friends and families safe and ultimately doing the right thing. They were not afraid to stand out and revolt against the controlling tyrants that tried to keep them silent. They both were the heroes of their stories.

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