Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

Star Wars: The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe


The world of Star Wars is filled with some of the most iconic villains to ever grace fiction, but just who are the most evil?

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Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

The Star Wars universe has a number of iconic villains from across its various properties. From comics to official tie-in novels to even the animated shows like Rebels and Clone Wars, the creative team behind each of these projects has managed to create compelling, complex and all around sinister foes for the Jedi and allies to fight against.

Of course, some of the most menacing villains actually originate from the live action films. With so many dastardly enemies to explore, it’s difficult to narrow down the list. The expanding universe keeps on doing just that, expanding, with every new property bringing with it another character for audiences to fear!

10 Nuvo Vindi

Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

One of the most hated characters from Clone Wars and for good reason, Nuvo Vindi was the absolute definition of a mad scientist. He had some truly corrupt aims; goals which would see the entire galaxy wiped out if he had his way.

The doctor managed to create one of the deadliest diseases in the entire galaxy, turning the once-extinct Blue Shadow Virus from being a water-based threat into a nigh-unstoppable gaseous threat. His plan was to infect entire planets and try to be one of the few surviving species — talk about evil!

9 Darth Vader

Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

It seems obvious to suggest that Darth Vader was a menacing presence. While his final act was heroic, Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side of the Force is heavily explored in the prequel trilogy, showing how far he would go to serve his new Empire.

From killing younglings to hunting down the last remaining Jedi to even torturing his own daughter, Vader was feared across the galaxy for a reason. In many ways he had lost his very soul, as he was willing to do anything in order to please the Emperor. Thankfully, he saw the light in his final moments.

8 Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine

Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

In many ways, Darth Sidious is actually more sinister than his puppet Lord Vader. The Emperor of the Galactic Empire, the dark lord played the long game by manipulating thousands in the senate to centralize power for himself. He used this position to create the Clone Troopers to execute Order 66, which wiped out the Jedi Order in one fell swoop.

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He created mass genocide on a galactic scale (i.e. the Death Star) and is one of the most evil men in the universe. He resurfaced once again in the Sequel Trilogy to try and regain his power in the galaxy and if he had not been stopped, it’s fair to say that the Star Wars timeline would have been taken down an even darker route, leading to a new evil era.

7 Moff Gideon

Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

Moff Gideon became one of the main antagonists of The Mandalorian towards the end of the titular character’s first season. Although fans don’t know a lot about the character, a few things have become very clear.

He’s ruthless, taking every measure in order to achieve his goals. He killed some of his own and clearly wants to use a baby for his own dark, force driven desires. The character is also in possession of a Darksaber, which he has likely carried out a number of heinous acts with. Fans are excited yet fearful to learn more about him in The Mandalorian’s upcoming second season.

6 Asajj Ventress

Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

Ventress may have been redeemed towards the end of her life in the novel Dark Disciple, but she spent many years killing Jedi, feeling no remorse for her heartless actions. The apprentice of Count Dooku was in many ways more dangerous than her master.

While Dooku controlled events from afar, Ventress allowed herself to be manipulated and did a lot of the dirty work for him. With her background and origin featuring the Night Sisters, her heritage is linked to the Dark Arts that permeate the galaxy far far away.

5 Grand Admiral Thrawn

Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

The Grand Admiral is one of the most sociopathic and intelligent characters ever featured in the Star Wars franchise. Too bad he’s on the Empire’s side. The multiple novels about this Chiss warrior demonstrate his cold and calculating personality and his desire to rise up the ranks of the Empire.

Most famously, Star Wars Rebels demonstrated his thirst for power as well as his penchant for studying an enemy before trying to eradicate them. He’s the kind of personality who feels more dangerous than any Sith with a lightsaber.

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4 Gallius Rax

Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

The Aftermath trilogy of novels meant to bridge the Original and Sequel trilogies introduced audiences to Gallius Rax, the backup plan of Darth Sidious. Though he’s not seen in the films, Gallius Rax was partially responsible for the rise of the Empire and its eventual rebirth into The First Order in the Sequel Trilogy.

The character is completely obsessed with serving the Emperor and has committed some truly horrendous crimes, from laboring children to brainwashing large groups of Rebels to turn them against the Republic and assassinate key politicians.

3 General Grievous

Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

General Grievous was one of the commanders of the Clone Wars who built a reputation for his cruel attitude. His methods of torture were horrible and he took great pride in killing Jedi, even storing their weapons as trophies.

Grievous only ever knew a life of pain himself, so it’s no surprise that the cyborg tried to inflict that same pain upon his enemies. Not one to hide behind his battle droids, Grievous would repeatedly jump into battle just to get his sabers wet with the blood of clones and Jedi.

2 Aurra Sing

Star Wars The 10 Most Evil Villains From Across The Expanded Universe

Aurra Sing has left such a legacy behind that Lando was glad to hear of her demise after Beckett put an end to her. The bounty hunter never stopped in the middle of a job and always got what needed to be done finished, no matter what the cost.

Her legacy extends to training Boba Fett himself, meaning she left an even longer line of destruction and bodycount across the universe than the galaxy’s most feared Mandalorian. This sharp shooter had no heart and was so committed to her psychopathic job that she had an antenna fitted into her head for 24/7 communications and bounty updates.

1 Grand Moff Tarkin

As seen in the original Star Wars and later on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Grand Moff Tarkin oversaw a weapon capable of destroying entire planets. By commanding the Death Star, Tarkin was able to wipe out whole species and commit genocide on an unimaginable scale with just an order.

Men like Tarkin take great pride in their penchant for taking life. He never gets his hands dirty himself, though, and manipulates thousands of workers to do the killing for him, inflicting pain and punishment on anyone that disobeys him. To date, he is one of the coldest and most ruthless leaders in the whole galaxy.

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