Why The TNG Cast Hated Star Trek Nemesis

Why The TNG Cast Hated Star Trek: Nemesis

Star Trek: Nemesis is a universally disliked film, even by members of its main cast who have also leveled criticism at the sequel’s director.

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Why The TNG Cast Hated Star Trek Nemesis

Star Trek: Nemesis is one of the most disliked movies in the Star Trek franchise, with even members of its cast leveling criticism at the sequel. Nemesis was the fourth and final film featuring the cast of The Next Generation, which was the second TV series in the franchise and one of the most popular Star Trek series of all time. TNG was about the adventures of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew, and when the series ended after seven seasons the TNG films picked up where it had left off.

Nemesis was not originally intended to be the final TNG movie, but the film was such a critical and commercial failure that it put any further ideas about continuing the films to bed, and was the beginning of a franchise hiatus that lasted for most of the 2000s. There were numerous reasons why Nemesis failed, including issues with the story and fans’ general dissatisfaction with the franchise at the time. However, it was not only the audience and critics who ended up disliking the sequel; members of the TNG cast have also gone on record to express their unhappiness with how Nemesis turned out.

The two most vocal cast members are Marina Sirtis, who played Counselor Deanna Troi, and LeVar Burton, who played Engineer Geordi La Forge. Burton and Sirtis’ main issue with the film was what they perceived as the failings of its director, Stuart Baird. Baird was a complete newcomer to Star Trek when he was hired to helm Nemesis, and according to Sirtis and Burton, refused to watch any episodes of TNG prior to directing. Sirtis has been vocal about her disappointment with this, stating that she thought one of TNG’s strongest aspects was its exploration of relationships between the crew, something Barid never took into account. Further demonstrating Baird’s lack of knowledge, Burton has said the director mistakenly referred to Geordi as an alien several times, and continually got Burton’s name wrong on set, calling him “Laverne”. Other cast members have mentioned difficulties working with Baird filming Star Trek: Nemesis too.

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Baird has defended himself against these accusations over the years. In an interview with the BBC, Baird said that he was more interested in making a film that stood on its own and didn’t “rest on all the past history”. He acknowledged the Star Trek fans take the series very seriously but stated he didn’t feel able to watch such a vast catalog of past TNG episodes prior to shooting. Baird also stated he tried to make Nemesis a film that would give fans “as much bang for your buck” as he could and was focused on the action and entertainment aspects rather than character development. He did not offer any counters to the reports of experiencing difficulty working with people on set but did seem to concede he could understand why fans might be offended by his lack of Star Trek knowledge.

With how badly Star Trek: Nemesis was received when it premiered, however, consensus about the sequel’s failings seems to lie firmly with Sirtis and Burton. Baird likely did the best he could with the knowledge he had and other factors contributed to Nemesis’s bad showing, but Sirtis, Burton, and other cast members have not backed down about their dislike for the film over the years. Ultimately, the TNG cast’s disapproval of Star Trek: Nemesis serves as just one other reason it is considered one of the worst Star Trek films.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/star-trek-nemesis-tng-cast-hate-reason-explained/

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