The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

The Originals: The Main Characters, Ranked By Likability


The Originals was seen to introduce fans to some new and interesting characters. But which one would fans say is the most likable?

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The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

The Mikaelsons have always been an odd bunch. One day, they are either trying to stake each other and the next, they are willing to protect next. The Originals has never had a dull moment and mostly because the Mikaelson family never ran out of drama and action.

It’s tough to root for most of the characters on the show considering the bloodshed they have caused, but the viewers have loved the action-oriented spin-off of The Vampire Diaries that have its characters such phenomenal back stories. But if they were to be ranked based on likability, who would come out on top?

10 Kol

The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Kol Mikaelson’s character had a lot of potential as a principal lead, but fans have often talked about how his arc revolved around Davina’s in The Originals, which didn’t leave much room for his solo trajectory. This is disappointing for the fandom because Kol had a really great evolution on the show and he actually found some sort of redemption.

Even as a secondary character Kol made quite an impact and was loved by fans, especially as he reconciled with Klaus in the finale after centuries of tensions between the two.

9 Marcel

The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Warming up to Marcel was tricky for fans since he was introduced as the main baddie on season 1 but Marcel also underwent a pretty crucial transformation in The Originals. The chemistry he shared with the Mikaelson brothers, especially Elijah and Klaus was particularly well-received because it felt really organic and was consistent to their century-old backstory.

The fact that Rebekah chooses to be with Marcel, and grow old together with him as a human was also a big win for his character and gave his personal storyline a lot of fulfillment considering their personal history.

8 Davina

The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Fans of the show found Davina’s character quite refreshing, for the most part, particularly because her solo arc got almost as much attention as The Originals. Davina only grew powerful over time, which made her such an interesting primary lead.

It also helped that in the first two seasons, her characters had some grey shades since she was helping Marcel take down The Originals. Davina and Kol’s joint storyline has also been a big favorite with fans, although their romance could use some more texture or a more interesting ending.

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7 Cami

The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Cami was one of the most interesting characters on the show and was a major fan favorite, especially since she survived almost till the end. Her relationship with Klaus was one of the most engaging dynamics of the show because even though they went on to become friends, they did not start off on a great note. Klaus was using Cami to write his memoir, and he would regularly wipe off her memories, which outraged her.

But Cami was one of the few people who really challenged Klaus and called him out on his toxicity, which was refreshing considering she was a human and didn’t pose a mortal threat to him. Cami was also one of the few people Klaus actually listened to, which made their relationship so wholesome.

6 Jackson

The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Jackson was widely loved by fans, not just as a partner but also as a potential lead. He was a werewolf who married Hayley, but it was a marriage of convenience. They were the descendants of the former rulers of the Crescent Wolf Pack and their union basically strengthened the foothold of their clan. But Jackson loved Hayley and married her despite knowing that she was in love with Elijah.

Jackson’s role is really well-designed so the dynamic didn’t come across as a run-off-the-mill love triangle, especially as Hayley and Jackson’s chemistry was so great. He was also a good father to Hope, which made Hayley consider having a future with him.

5 Hope

The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Hope has the best origin story in the franchise and her narrative was fine-tuned to be relevant to modern audiences. The audiences had experienced how Hope made the Mikaelson family whole and was essentially key to ending their long history of dysfunction and hate.

The Mikaelsons and the people around them bonded as a community to save Hope from the Hollow, and her father and uncle sacrificed their lives for her. So, Hope’s existence is kind of a redemption for her family members and the fact that she is now on her way to taking her legacy forward definitely makes her very intriguing.

4 Rebekah

The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Rebekah had the most significant and the most plausible transformations on the show; when she is introduced on TVD, she’s a daunting presence who was somewhat hostile towards humans and quite invincible as an Original. She was somewhat similar to Klaus since she loved being an Original.

However, when The Originals ended, she was actually looking forward to growing old as a human, and luckily, this change was very well-handled as it happened gradually. Rebekah’s character also acquired some new dimensions in The Originals as it got room to grow; be it as a partner to Marcel or as an aunt to Hope, her journey has been quite fulfilling.

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3 Hayley

The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Hayley was one of the most promising leads from the get-go, and was holding her own ground as a protagonist amid the Mikaelsons. Her werewolf roots were definitely very interesting which also made her such a great female lead. In the first few seasons, Hayley is still dealing with her new situation since she was pregnant with Klaus’ child and living with the Mikaelsons.

But her romantic arc with Elijah was a major point of interest for fans, because no one really saw it coming, and yet it totally worked in favor of the show. Their relationship only grew steadier and more significant as the show progressed, but that didn’t take anything away from Hayley’s own narrative and her rise as a hybrid was very well-developed.

2 Elijah

The Originals The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

It’s safe to say Elijah was the most uncontroversial Mikaelson, at least by Originals standards. Elijah was the architect of the family’s new legacy, he envisioned that his family could have a future that’s not influenced by the hate and revenge that their father Mikael had spewed on his own children.

The Originals focuses on Elijah’s attempt to give Hope, their descendant a healthy and happy home and a better childhood than he ever had. His relationship with Klaus was what anchored the entire trajectory of the show, so despite their differences fans wanted to see them reconcile, and in a way, they did as they found their redemption together.

1 Klaus

Klaus has wrecked havoc over his family and almost everyone else, it’s tricky to defend his actions, even as an anti-hero. But Klaus has always been the audience’s favorite bad boy and is easily the most liked person on the show. It could be his charm, his quirkiness but it’s most likely his angst; his fans realize how painful his childhood was and why he felt wronged. But The Originals saw him becoming a father and actually learn what parenthood means.

His trajectory has been quite phenomenal, when one looks back on his ruthless TVD days and the fact that he accepted his redemption so readily, so his child could have a future is the most fitting culmination to his narrative.

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