5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

5 Ways She-Ra Is the Best Female-Led Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)


She-Ra and Legend of Korra have been compared a lot by fans but when it comes down to it, which is the better animation series?

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5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

Recently, both She-Ra and the Princesses of Power and The Legend of Korra have been getting a lot of internet buzz. As She-Ra’s final season released in May of 2020, critics and fans alike celebrated the show’s storytelling as well as its progressive LGBT+ representation, and with the release of The Last Airbender on Netflix, fans were once again talking about the franchise including Korra.

Both of these series have many similarities as well as key differences, but one of their main similarities is that they are both popular children’s shows with female main characters. Here are the things that She-Ra does better as well as the areas where Legend of Korra excels.

10 She-Ra: The tone stays consistent

5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

While She-Ra and the Princess of Power might have a slightly younger audience, its tone stays pretty consistent. While the stakes might become higher as the seasons go on, it always has a bright, pastel aesthetic with an undercurrent of some pretty heavy themes. Legend of Korra struggled at times, especially in season two, to have a consistent tone both aesthetically and message-wise.

9 Legend of Korra: Korra’s hero journey is more believable

5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

While both Korra and Adora are complex protagonists who have some interesting struggles and personality traits, Korra’s hero journey is more believable, and this is likely because the series reads as a bit more for teens. While Adora also goes through some heavy things, Korra’s struggles to become the Avatar and fulfill her potential are varied and often intense. When she is tortured and left to pick up the pieces afterward, it’s a very mature and believable storyline.

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8 She-Ra: Fewer filler episodes

5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

While it might seem like She-Ra would have more filler episodes considering it has five seasons instead of three, the storytelling often felt more concise. There seemed to be a pretty consistent narrative that was going to be told, and, while there were filler moments, they focused usually on character development in a way that was necessary. Korra seemed to struggle to find its footing at certain moments and the season often felt disconnected from one another.

7 Legend of Korra: It builds on its predecessor in interesting ways

5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

Both of these series have a show that came before them that set the foundation. While She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is a remake of She-Ra: Princess of Power, Legend of Korra is a sequel to The Last Airbender.

While She-Ra re-makes the characters in completely new ways, Korra thrives because it is a continuation of a narrative. It weaves in the past and has characters from the original making for a more fleshed-out and fascinating world.

6 She-Ra: The Best Friend Squad is more realistic than Team Korra

5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

One thing that many fans often point out is that Team Korra isn’t nearly as loved as Team Avatar from The Last Airbender, and She-Ra’s Best Friend Squad has a very “Team Avatar” feel. The trio of Adora, Glimmer, and Bow is a strong one, and fans loved their friendships and dynamics. On the other hand, Team Korra often felt disjointed and focused too much on love triangles for it to really feel like they were a cohesive unit.

5 Legend of Korra: A more realistic animation style

5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

While both of these series have great animation and distinct styles, Legend of Korra slightly wins in this category because the animation is a bit more detailed and realistic. While realistic doesn’t always mean better, it does make the show a bit more interesting visually to watch. She-Ra’s art style fits more with a young audience and would appeal a bit more to children where Korra’s style is a bit more nuanced.

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4 She-Ra: The series is very female-driven

5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

While both of these shows have female leads and many other diverse female characters, She-Ra is the more female-driven of the two. Except for a couple of exceptions, the vast majority of the main and supporting characters are women. This allows for a wide range of personalities and backstories, and it feels more especially made to be a show from a female gaze, likely because the showrunner is a woman herself.

3 Legend of Korra: The series is for a slightly older audience

5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

While both of these animated series are technically meant for children, they have appealed to fans of all ages. The fandoms for both contain many adults, and they both have complex, relatable themes that people of any age can enjoy. However, Legend of Korra is slightly darker and for an older audience. While this doesn’t mean She-Ra is a worse show, it does allow Korra to dig a little deeper on some issues.

2 She-Ra: There is more LGBT+ representation

5 Ways SheRa Is the Best FemaleLed Animated Series (& 5 It’s Legend of Korra)

One of the best things about She-Ra that has earned the show a lot of acclaim is that it was very groundbreaking when it came to queer representation. There are many LGBT+ characters in the show, and making the main character queer was something that hasn’t really been done before in a series like this.

While Legend of Korra also ended with a canon queer couple and protagonist, it was made a few years ago and wasn’t able to be as explicit with the representation of Korra and Asami’s relationship as She-Ra did with Adora and Catra.

1 Legend of Korra: Has an extremely racially diverse cast of characters

Both shows are also good at including a cast of diverse characters when it comes to race. But, Korra does a bit better of a job. Korra herself is a woman of color and almost all of the characters are. It’s also a story that is based on mythologies that aren’t just white and European which makes it stand out compared to She-Ra which has a white protagonist.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/she-ra-legend-of-korra-best-comparison/

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