The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

The Vampire Diaries: 5 Times Stefan Was Mr. Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)


Stefan and Damon Salvatore can both be pretty romantic in The Vampire Diaries, and each has their outstanding moments.

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The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

While The Vampire Diaries might have hooked fans for the vampires, witches, and the supernatural storyline, fans were really head over heels for the romance. There were so many relationships and romantic feelings going on that it was hard to keep track.

As the series progressed, storylines changed, hearts fell in love with other characters but at the core of it was always Damon and Stefan. Both Salvatore brothers have a way with the ladies. Who can resist a suave, handsome and charming vampire? Stefan and Damon both have thier romantic moments that would woo anyone, even their leading ladies.

10 Stefan: “Just In Case There Is No Later”

The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

Season three of the show really tested the love that Elena and Stefan had. By this time, Elena was having a hard time with her growing feelings for Damon. Stefan being the great guy that he is, allowed Elena to think about who she truly wanted to be with.

Stefan then tells her that he loves and will always love her. In the season finale, Stefan gets even more romantic. Their lives are at risk and Stefan takes the opportunity to give Elena one final passionate kiss just in case things would go wrong.

9 Damon: Making Her Forget His Confession

The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

Damon was Mr.Romantic early on into season two of the series that is essential to his and Elena’s future. This is one of his most memorable moments when he tells Elena that he loves her. It shocked fans and even Elena. He stares deeply into her eyes when he says this and looks emotional when telling her that he doesn’t deserve her.

Trying to be with her would be selfish of him when Stefan deserves a chance at happiness with her. Therefore the romantic moment turns into a sorrowful one when Damon compels Elena to forget he ever told her the truth.

8 Stefan: He Tells Caroline He’ll Wait For Her

The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

In the final episode fo the sixth season, Stefan tearfully says goodbye to Elena. She tells him that all she wants is for him to be happy and make a life for himself. Overridden with emotion, Stefan gives a heartfelt speech to Caroline by the fire.

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Caroline and Stefan was a romance not many expected. Caroline is conflicted with moving forward and letting herself fully love Stefan. She even made a list of how loving Stefan ruined her life. Stefan counterattacks by saying he made a list of all the ways loving her has changed his life for the better. Stefan sets the record straight and tells Caroline that he’ll wait for her.

7 Damon: “You Are My Life”

The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

Damon isn’t really one to give out romantic moments like his brother. But he does have his fair share that had fans gasping in awe. In the third episode of season five, Damon goes on an emotional rant about how he really feels about Elena. At this point, Elena and Damon are already together.

Katsia tries to get inside Damon’s head by telling him that his and Elena’s relationship will always be doomed. Damon, on the other hand, is steadfast in his feeling for Elena and says, “I’m not gonna let someone else’s idea of destiny stop me from loving you or being with you or building a future with you because you are my life.”

6 Stefan: The Dance To Help Remember

The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

The Salvatore brothers were at odds end when Elena turns off her humanity. Stefan tries to woo her back and remeber who she was. He does so in the most spine-chilling romantic way only Stefan can. While at prom, Stefan is dancing with Elena.

Elena says she doesn’t feel anything between them. He asks her if she really doesn’t remember their time together. He tries to convince her by whispering in her ear how he would put his hands on her waist when dancing. How their hands would touch and then dips her while staring into her eyes. The temperature in the room raised a bit becasue of Stefan’s antics.

5 Damon: Kiss In The Rain

The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

Some of Damon’s best and most romantic moments are when he’s with Elena. Damon is trying to bring back Elena’s memories in episode seven of the sixth season. When recounting driving the car into the Mystic Grill, he tells her the moment she got in the car with him was the moment he knew she was the girl for him because she was just as crazy as him.

At the end of the episode, there’s a flashback to one of their earlier memories. They get caught in the rain and Elena wants to stay. Damon looks at her with a loving gaze and smiles and kisses her will it’s still pouring. It’s a perfectly romantic moment.

4 Stefan: Getaway To The Lakehouse

The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

Back in season two when Elena and Stefan were at the highest pointof their relationship, they take a needed getaway. A needed romantic getaway with some steamy kissing scenes. Despit the overall setting being emotional due to it being Elena’s family lakehouse, there’s one moment that had fans’ heart flutter.

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This is when Elena is staring at the lake from the dock remembering her past with her family. She starts to ponder about her future with Stefan and he tells her there are many things to wonder about the type of life they’ll have together whenever she’s ready for it. Elena is upset and wants to focus on the now instead of possibilities and the past. Stefan whispers in her ear that a new memory is where her boyfriend (Stefan) tells her he loves her.

3 Damon: The Final Dance

The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

Damon put on the charm and emotions when it came to the final episode of season 6. The first scene is Damon laying on the road because he was feeling symbolic of how he and Elena first really met. He then holds her face and kisses her.

Elena feels the gravity of the situation but Damon tries to get her mind off it and asks her for a dance. This is inarguably one of the sweetest and pivotal moments for the couple. He wants her to spend the last moment with him in their own bubble. The couple is seen smiling, twirling and being happy. He tells her he’ll never be ready to spend the next 60 years without her.

2 Stefan: His Vows To Caroline

The Vampire Diaries 5 Times Stefan Was Mr Romantic (& 5 Times Damon Was)

While fans can agree tha Stefan had fans weeping when he proposed to Caroline, fans were also sobbing at Stefan’s romantic and heartfelt vows during their “fake” wedding. Having to wing it, Stefan still put his soul into how he feels about Caroline.

He describes her as being his friend, thanks her for seeing the light in him when was consumed by darkness and saved him from despair. Stefan recounts her telling him he’ll fall in love one day without realizing it and it came true with Caroline.

1 Damon: He’ll Take The Cure To Be With Elena

Damon has done some selfish and shameless things in the past but when it comes to Elena he’s willing to give up everything. Even if it means no longer being a vampire. In season 6, Damon looks back at a moment where things changed for him in regards to taking the cure.

Once seeing an elderly couple still in love, he realizes what he really wanted. He tells Elena that he’ll take the cure if it meant he gets to her husband, her partner, the father of her children. He goes on to say even if things didn’t work, the possibility of a perfect life with her outweighs an immortal life without her by his side. To make it more romantic, he finishes it off by saying he’ll love her until his last breath.

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