Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?


The characters of True Blood were a varied and dramatic crew, but which one of them would you be, based on your zodiac sign?

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Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

True Blood was one of those shows that seemed to do the impossible: it did something new with the idea of the vampire. With its unique blend of genres, it managed to create a show that was, for its first few seasons, eminently watchable, even for those who didn’t like vampires and stories about them. While it eventually lost control of its own narrative-wandering in all sorts of bizarre directions before its overdue finale-there’s no question that the series still managed to produce some of the most fascinating characters on television.

And, looking at them through the lens of the zodiac allows for a more sophisticated appreciation of these individuals and their strange characteristics.

12 Aries – Russell

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Played with inimitable flair by Denis O’Hare, Russell was a powerful vampire king who also developed a taste for fairy blood. Though he only appeared in two seasons of the show, he still managed to capture the imaginations of many fans, who responded to the ways in which he seemed to wield power with an effortlessness that was as beguiling as it was dangerous.

Unfortunately, his hard headed ways ended up getting him staked by none other than his old nemesis Eric.

11 Taurus – Bill

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

For most of the series, Bill was the main character Sookie’s abiding love interest (for both better and worse). A Civil War soldier who was turned into a vampire against his wishes, he has a deeply conflicted relationship with his own immortality and with his need to feed on blood to survive.

He’s also notoriously stubborn, and this resulted in quite a few spats between him and Sookie (as well as with his own fellow vampires, including Eric).

10 Gemini – Tara

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Tara is a bit of a wild child. It’s not really hard to see why, really, particularly since he relationship with her mother is, to put it mildly, deeply antagonistic.

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Time and again as the series progressed she found herself caught up in forces that she couldn’t control, and yet she still seemed to have a pathological desire to get mixed up with exactly the wrong sort of people. Like so many Geminis, she just couldn’t seem to get her life in control.

9 Cancer – Sookie

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Sooke Stackhouse is, at the beginning of the series, the main character around whom all of the action revolves. She soon makes it clear that, like many a Cancer before her, she’s very concerned about her own feelings, and this often leads her to do and say things that are hurtful (and sometimes downright deadly) to the people that surround her.

Eventually she became one of those characters who audiences loved to hate, precisely because she seemed to only care about her own feelings.

8 Leo – Jason

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Jason, Sookie’s brother, is about as different from her as it is possible to be. With his seemingly insatiable sex drive, Jason was always getting involved with some woman or other, usually resulting in all sorts of trouble for him (and for them).

Like any other Leo, however, he also had something irrepressibly charming and charismatic about him, which made it impossible for anyone, either in the audience or in the series, to really hate him or resent him for his actions.

7 Virgo – Eric

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

With his cold demeanor, icy eyes, and blonde hair (all stemming from his Nordic ancestry), Eric is the quintessential Virgo.

It’s not that he doesn’t have feelings or emotions; it’s that, for the most part, he manages to keep them under a tight leash, only releasing them when he sees some advantage to do so. It’s not hard to see why he’s a compelling love interest for Sookie, since that cold Virgo exterior gives him all of the appeal of the unknowable.

6 Libra – Alcide

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

One of the series’ ongoing conceits was Sookie’s ability to draw very handsome men to her, despite the fact that she almost always ended up breaking their hearts. No one suffered from this more than Alcide, the werewolf that pretty firmly gave his love to Sookie.

As a Libra, he really does strive for balance in his life, both between his human and wolf sides and in his relationships with the various people in his life, including and especially Sookie.

5 Scorpio – Pam

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Though she was originally just a side character in service to Eric Northman, it quickly became clear that Pam had that extra something that meant she was fated to be a fan favorite.

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Part of it, no doubt, stems from the fact that she has some hard edges that no amount of immortality has been able to smooth away. It’s also the fact that she seems to take a delight in being a vampire and, in true Scorpio fashion, bending humans to her will.

4 Sagittarius – Jessica

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

In the zodiac, the Sagittarius is known for being a bit of an unstable sign. They’re not bad people, exactly, but they do sometimes make themselves hard to live with because of their penchant to make bad decisions.

This is a spot-on description of Jessica, the young woman that Bill is compelled to make into a vampire. Throughout her time in the series, Jessica just couldn’t seem to decide what it was that she wanted from her immortal life.

3 Capricorn – Adele

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Though she only appears in the first season, Adele, Sookie’s grandmother, casts a pretty long shadow over the series.

Alone among the many characters that appear, she seems to actually have a good head on her shoulders, and she’s often been a source of stability for Sookie, both in childhood and in adulthood. Even after her death, Sookie looks back at the time that they spent together and appreciates all of the support that her grandmother gave her.

2 Aquarius – Lafayette

Which True Blood Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Lafayette was another of those characters that seemed fated to be a fan favorite, despite the fact that his character actually dies in the first novel that the series is based off of.

It’s hard not to love Lafayette, with his signature sass and his willingness to speak truth to anyone who asks it (and even those who don’t). Like most of those who are born under the sign of Aquarius, he does have a tendency to be a bit mystical as well.

1 Pisces – Sam

Sam Merlotte is one of those characters who just can’t seem to make a decision that isn’t bad. Like every Pisces, he insists on seeing the world as he wants it to be rather than as it is, and this leads him to do some pretty terrible things.

What’s more, he seems to steadfastly refuse to accept the fact that, sometimes, it’s best to take the logical step rather than the one based on emotion.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/which-true-blood-character-based-on-zodiac/

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