Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

Young Justice: The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)


Young Justice has a sprawling cast of fan-favorites, including several villains who keep things interesting by constantly challenging the Team.

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Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

Young Justice is currently airing its highly anticipated fourth season, providing new adventures for loyal fans who’ve stayed with the show for more than 10 years now. The heroes of Earth 16 face all kinds of threats, including multiple villains who don’t know when to quit.

The villains in Young Justice are some of the best in any DC property. Cunning and genuinely menacing, this show’s antagonists are playing the long game, with numerous plans years in the making. Their intelligent and ambitious plots keep the Team on their toes and prove why Young Justice is one of the best animated shows on television.

Granny Goodness

Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

In many ways, Granny Goodness is the most terrifying of the New Gods, except for Darkseid. In both the comics and Young Justice, Granny is one of Darkseid’s lieutenants who brutally oversees the Orphanage, a training school for child soldiers.

The show’s interpretation of Granny is good but not great. She’s as menacing as she’s in the comics, but her plan to use Halo as a way to solve the infamous Anti-Life Equation seems a tad contrived. Her overly saccharine tone also becomes obnoxious after a while, but it’s hard to complain, considering that’s precisely the point. Overall, Granny is a worthy foe for the Team and the Justice League, even if so much more could’ve been done with her character.

Lex Luthor

Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

Lex Luthor is one of the best characters who debuted during the Golden Age of comic books and DC’s ultimate villain. The character has a long and prolific history, going from petty criminal to evil genius throughout his 70-year history.

Young Justice’s take on Lex is faithful albeit erratic. He remains a clever and cunning Machiavellian villain, always one step ahead of his enemies. However, the show made the bizarre choice to turn him into a Donald Trump stand-in in season 3, a decision that remains controversial among the fandom. Still, Lex is one of the most dangerous foes for the heroes of Earth 16, one that uses politics and diplomacy as the ultimate weapons.


Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

The Main Man is one of the most dangerous criminals in the universe, capable of single-handedly defeating the combined forces of Nightwing, Superboy, Artemis, and Black Lightning without even breaking a sweat. Young Justice turns Lobo into a creature of despicable humor, showcasing his lethal abilities while allowing him enough room to display his colorfully devious personality.

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So far, Lobo has only appeared in three episodes, but he made enough of an impression to quickly become one of the best villains in the show, and fans can’t wait to see him again. Lobo is one of Superman’s most underrated villains in the comics, so Young Justice is the perfect chance to put this dangerous bounty hunter in the spotlight.

The Reach

Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

The extraterrestrial civilization known as the Reach acts as the primary antagonist for the show’s second season. Like the best villains, they are infuriating, cruel, clever, and extremely easy to hate. During their season-long arc, the Reach successfully invades Earth by earning humanity’s trust, whom they refer to as “meat.”

The Reach includes several key members, including the loathsome Ambassador and the fearsome Black Beetle. These aliens nearly succeed in enslaving Earth and prove themselves worthy enemies for the Team and the Justice League. They also manipulate Blue Beetle and are directly responsible for Wally’s death, cementing their place as some of the show’s evilest villains.

Black Manta

Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

After appearing in a single season 1 episode, Black Manta returned in season 2 of Young Justice in a pivotal supporting role. He took Ocean Master’s place in the Light, becoming one of their leading players. He also revealed himself as Kaldur’s father, seemingly recruiting him into the Light.

What makes Black Manta stand out above the show’s many villains is his personal connection to Kladur’ahm. The two share a complex relationship, with both caring for the other despite their opposing views. However, Manta is far from being kind or experiencing any regret over his actions. He reappears in season 4 as a member of Amanda Waller’s Suicide Squad, and many fans believe he’ll return once Kaldur’s arc begins in the current fourth season.


Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

Deathstroke lives up to his reputation as arguably the most dangerous assassin in the DC Universe. He takes over the Shadows after Ra’s al Ghul abandons them, becoming their new leader and a key member of the Light. Deathstroke has played mainly a supporting role in the show, but many episodes hint that he’ll play a more critical role in future storylines.

Still, the show did adapt the infamous Judas Contract storyline from Teen Titans comics, showcasing Slade’s cunning and manipulative nature. Fans are also dying to see Young Justice’s take on Deathstroke and Nightwing’s iconic rivalry, which might happen during Dick’s upcoming arc in season 4.

Klarion The Witch Boy

Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

As obnoxious as he is terrifying, Klario the Witch Boy is one heck of a character. A Lord of Chaos described by Doctor Fate as “chaos personified,” Klarion is basically a spoiled child that happens to possess considerable destructive powers. His immature and overindulgent personality comes across in every single one of his actions, which become even more entertaining thanks to his childlike lisp and constant tantrums.

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Zatanna’s current arc in the show’s fourth season will provide more insight into the Witch Boy’s backstory. Still, fans have seen enough to understand that Klarion is one of Young Justice’s most powerful characters and a fantastic villain capable of going head to head with miss Z.

Ra’s Al Ghul

Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

Often referred to as “the Great One,” Ra’s al Ghul is among the most menacing figures on Earth 16. He acts as the head of the League of Shadows and a high-ranking member of the Light during the first two seasons before abandoning both in favor of building a smaller “family” on Infinity Island.

Thanks to Oded Fehr’s soft-spoken and alluring portrayal, Ra’s becomes one of the series’ most fascinating characters. Fans hardly know anything about it, but that’s exactly his appeal. Ra’s is elusive, mysterious, a shadow brought to life. His role was minimal in season 3, but he returned in season 4, and many fans believe he’ll be the main antagonist in Dick’s upcoming storyline.

Lady Shiva

Young Justice The 10 Best Villains On The Show (So Far)

And speaking of soft voices capable of bringing a chill down anyone’s spine, none is more terrifying than Lady Shiva’s. Know as the most dangerous woman in the world, Shiva is an expert swordswoman, the Shadow’s Sensei, and the current enforcer for the Light. Season 4 added more complexity to her character by revealing she’s Orphan’s mother.

Shiva is a deadly and menacing woman, capable of striking fear into the bravest of men. Thanks largely to Gwendoline Yeoh’s terrific voice work, Shiva becomes one of the show’s best villains, a character whose words can cut just as deeply as her sword.

Vandal Savage

For all terms and purposes, Vandal Savage is the puppet master pulling all the strings on Earth 16. He is the world’s first-ever meta-human, and immortal being who’s lived countless lives, becoming wiser with each one. Savage is currently in control of the Warworld, a planet-sized artificial satellite capable of decimating the Earth, making him arguably the most powerful villain on the show, second only to Darkseid.

Season 4 revealed that Savage created Atlantis, and Young Justice fans on Reddit are already asking questions about his role in future episodes. In many ways, Savage is the show’s ultimate villain, the greatest threat that the Team and the League face. He is a formidable opponent, intelligent enough to remain hidden in the shadows while his years-in-the-making plan takes place before his eyes.

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