Wrong Turn Review A Horror Film That Is Unsettling But Mixed In Message

Wrong Turn Review: A Horror Film That Is Unsettling, But Mixed In Message

The film does an outstanding job elevating its horror with a sprinkling of disconcertment, but it takes a wrong turn by offering a muddled message.

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Wrong Turn Review A Horror Film That Is Unsettling But Mixed In Message

Blending in social and political commentary with horror and gore, Wrong Turn can be an engaging, high-stakes film. It pits Gen Z-ers against seemingly backwoods mountain people who are trying to maintain their way of life. Wrong Turn — directed by Mike P. Nelson from a script by Alan B. McElroy (who also wrote the 2003 original) — asks the audience to wonder about who’s right and wrong, who’s “barbaric” and who isn’t, all while establishing the main characters’ journey toward a sense of belonging and purpose. The film does an outstanding job elevating its horror with a sprinkling of disconcertment, but it takes a wrong turn by offering a muddled message.

The reboot of the 2003 film of the same name (and seventh in the franchise), Wrong Turn follows Jen Shaw (Charlotte Vega) and her friends — boyfriend Darius (Adain Bradley), Milla (Emma Dumont), Adam (Dylan McTee), Luis (Adrian Favela), and Gary (Vardaan Arora) — on their trip to hike the Appalachian Mountains. As soon as they arrive in a small town in Virginia, they are met with unwelcoming stares, glares, and the general unsettling feeling of not belonging. It’s immediately established that Jen, in particular, is on this trip to figure out her life post-college. She’s got two degrees, one in dance, but she doesn’t really know what to do with her life or where she’s going. It’s the kind of journey that is completely understandable for someone her age. Shortly after they veer off the trail, they’re met with dangerous traps, death, and scares that eventually puts them in the direct path of the Foundation, a community of 12 families (led by Bill Sage’s Venable) who decided to make a life for themselves in the Appalachians prior to the Civil War and will do anything possible to preserve their way of life.

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Wrong Turn Review A Horror Film That Is Unsettling But Mixed In Message

Wrong Turn is fraught with fantastic action, unnerving terror about being lost in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no help, and horror that is just shy of being far too gory (there are decapitations, though). There are some intriguing twists and turns that aren’t too predictable, shifting the narrative so that it maintains the audience’s attention throughout. The Foundation is domineering, though the film makes attempts to convince viewers to see things from their perspective. The group fashions themselves as natives to the land (they’re not), forward in thinking due to their avoidance of the Civil War. They’re self-sufficient, but quick to use violence on those who trespass on their land. The Foundation offers a reason for why they want to kill Jen and her friends, but watching the group since their arrival and stealing their things weakens their argument of innocence and it’s interesting that the film essentially tries to paint them as misunderstood peoples despite their actions.

The film is a modern-day reboot of the 2003 film and with that comes changes: the Foundation aren’t deformed cannibals and the character Three-Finger is absent here. Still, the film works on a lot of levels. The horror is unflinching, willing to get grisly and disturbing. The Foundation is only slightly upgraded for a new era. Wrong Turn is seamless when it comes to its twists and capable of building the tension that begets frighteningly gruesome scenes and a sense of overall satisfaction. The film is bolstered by good performances and the fact that it has something to say, even if that something isn’t exactly all that clear. There is an underlying sense of fear that is prevalent throughout because, while it’s obvious that Jen and co. are going to have a run-in with the Foundation, it’s not immediately clear how things are going to end.

One of the film’s primary issues, however, is that it doesn’t establish its characters well enough before the horror and action begins. The characters are all set up to feel like obvious outsiders, especially considering that Darius is Black, and there is an interracial gay couple (Latinx and Indian-American) at the forefront. In that vein, Wrong Turn doesn’t thoroughly engage with their backgrounds or identities for the premise to fully work. In the case of Jen, who goes on this trip to find herself, there isn’t enough time spent on her personal journey. She doesn’t think she has anything to offer the world and devalues herself as a person, tying her self worth to that of her biological makeup to survive, which is an odd choice to make considering the setup.

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While Jen does take charge at various points, the film doesn’t wholly embrace her being confused about life’s decisions, which would have been fascinating to delve into further. It’s also unclear that she would have had a sudden epiphany about her life during the trip. That said, she underestimates herself and there isn’t enough of a back-and-forth regarding her future, which ultimately falls flat because it’s obviously used as an excuse to hike the Appalachians. The film also attempts to change the narrative regarding first impressions — the townspeople, who come off as bigoted, are revealed to have different motives for their actions; the Foundation members wonder aloud who the real monsters are in life (they certainly don’t think it’s them despite their violent actions). But, the message is muddled because the film plays both sides and doesn’t seem to know what it wants to say by the end about either one. Wrong Turn should still please viewers with its horror, its bloody action, and the uneasy feeling that permeates the film’s entire run, but it would have been more intriguing if the filmmakers had grappled with any of the obstacles initially introduced.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wrong-turn-2021-movie-reviews/

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