WB MultiVersus 10 Characters Fans Want To See According To Reddit

WB MultiVersus: 10 Characters Fans Want To See, According To Reddit


While nobody knows who will be announced, plenty of Redditors have made cases for their favorite Warner Brothers-owned characters to join the fray.

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WB MultiVersus 10 Characters Fans Want To See According To Reddit

The platform-fighter genre has seemed ripe for growth ever since the original Super Smash Bros. showed how well the formula could work. Though a few others, such as PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, have attempted to emulate Nintendo’s crossover mega-hit, none have found the same level of success. With its plethora of owned properties, Warner Brothers is the latest group to announce an entry into the genre.

MultiVersus’ announcement trailer has confirmed that several fan-favorite characters like Shaggy, Arya Stark, Batman, and Finn the Human will be joining the roster, and fans are excited at the myriad of possibilities for the remaining slots. While nobody knows for sure who will be announced, plenty of Redditors have made cases for their favorite Warner Brothers-owned characters to join the fray.

9 Scorpion

WB MultiVersus 10 Characters Fans Want To See According To Reddit

There are plenty of guest characters that fans want to see in Mortal Kombat, but choff22 points out how great it would be for Mortal Kombat’s most famous fighter to appear in MultiVersus. Since he already stars in fighting games, the strongest point in Scorpion’s favor is that he already has established move sets and fighting styles. Neatherrealm’s yellow-clad Kombatant would indeed have to have his signature violence toned down, but the announcement trailer has already shown with Arya Stark that it isn’t opposed to classicly violent characters.

8 The Animaniacs

WB MultiVersus 10 Characters Fans Want To See According To Reddit

The Animaniacs may have been slightly niche during the airing of their original animated series, but the Warner siblings have remained popular and are starring in a well-received revival. It’s difficult to imagine any of these three trouble makers acting alone, but the inclusion of Tom and Jerry as a single fighter similar to Smash Bros.’ Ice Climbers means that anything is possible. The random, manic behavior of Yakko, Wakko, and Dot seem to be a perfect fit for the cartoonish presentation in MultiVersus. Redditor Shadypants127 agrees, simply requesting, “Where’s my Animaniacs?”

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7 Elmer Fudd

WB MultiVersus 10 Characters Fans Want To See According To Reddit

MultiVersus will attempt to differentiate itself from Super Smash Bros. by focusing on two vs. two fights, and character’s kits will be designed to work with a teammate. Enderandrew42 points out that this focus on teamwork seems to be mirrored in pairs of roster characters like Finn and Jake, Batman and Harley, and Steven Universe and Garnet. They suggest Elmer Fudd as a natural inclusion to mirror Bugs Bunny. Not only has this affable hunter starred in several of the best Bugs Bunny shorts, but his shotgun and traps seem to fit well in a combat game.

6 Daffy Duck

WB MultiVersus 10 Characters Fans Want To See According To Reddit

Daffy Duck is a classic cartoon character, but he’s also famous for having undergone several characterization shifts and starring in some of the best Looney Tunes spin-offs. While this could make it challenging to adapt one version of the character, it also opens up the door to plenty of alternate costumes and moves. One comment from foreveralonesolo suggests that the more sarcastic, cynical Daffy Duck may offer a different vibe than the serious or perky characters that currently occupy the roster. With the game focusing on memorable voice acting, characterization will likely play an important part in the game’s staying power.

5 Jon Snow

WB MultiVersus 10 Characters Fans Want To See According To Reddit

Game of Thrones is a show filled with memorable characters, and, from start to finish, Jon Snow remained one of the best. With Arya already in the game, it makes sense that at least one more character from Westeros will be making an appearance. Though some think it’ll be Danaerys Targaryen or Jaime Lannister, lakovsanite is confident that it’ll be Jon Snow, one of the most powerful characters in Game of Thrones. His use of swords and a dire wolf seem like they’d translate well into MultiVersus, and Warner Brothers may want to include multiple Game of Thrones characters to promote the upcoming prequel series, House of the Dragon.

4 Legolas

WB MultiVersus 10 Characters Fans Want To See According To Reddit

The Lord of the Rings is one of the most famous book and movies series of all time, so it’s no surprise that fans such as Redditor MayhemMessiah are confident we’ll be getting at least one representative from Middle Earth in MultiVersus.

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Though several characters have iconic weapons and fighting styles in the series, Legolas has remained one of the most enduringly popular. It’s easy to see how his agility and prowess with a bow would translate exceptionally well into an exciting long-range character with diverse mobility options.

3 Sheldon Cooper

WB MultiVersus 10 Characters Fans Want To See According To Reddit

While Sheldon Cooper may seem like an odd choice for a fighting game, MultiVersus’ diverse roster and cartoonish homogenization of visual designs mean that anything is possible. While Sheldon, as he appears in The Big Bang Theory, wouldn’t work, it would be easy to use his genius-level intellect and scientific background to give him science-based moves and team-ups.

Mulljade12 shows support for Sheldon’s inclusion on Reddit, sighting their desire for less-traditional characters to further differential MultiVersus from its competition and take advantage of the immensely diverse Warner Brothers portfolio.

2 Jason Voorhees

WB MultiVersus 10 Characters Fans Want To See According To Reddit

Jason Voorhees has terrified fans across several Friday the 13th movies, but he’s also proven that he can work exceptionally well in a fighting game. This cinematic slasher was a fan-favorite guest character in Mortal Kombat X, where Jason’s most memorable weapons and intimidating presence were translated into a high-power tank-style character that could take damage without slowing down. While he’d have to be toned down in a game like MultiVerses, Redditor Lucky_Measurement154 and several others have voiced their support for this representative from Warner Brothers’ horror wing.

1 Harry Potter

Harry Potter is one of Warner Brothers’ most popular characters, and fans like k1w1_zero claim that The Boy Who Lived is a no-brainer for inclusion in MultiVersus. Harry Potter could sport almost any playstyle with the wide range of spells and magic paraphernalia present throughout the book and film series. While it’s easy to see him as a ranged spell attacker, it would also be possible for him to use stealth and illusions with the help of the Marauder’s Map and Cloak of Invisibility. Harry Potter’s inclusion would make the game much more popular among his vast fan base.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wb-multiversus-characters-fans-want-see-according-reddit/

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