Why Cowboy Bebop’s Trailer Uses Its Original Manga Format

Why Cowboy Bebop’s Trailer Uses Its Original Manga Format

The editing for Cowboy Bebop’s trailer looks like the characters are moving through the panels of a manga, which is a fun nod to the original anime.

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Why Cowboy Bebop’s Trailer Uses Its Original Manga Format

The trailer for Netflix’s live-action Cowboy Bebop show takes inspiration from its original manga format. The upcoming series follows an unlikely group of bounty hunters traveling on their spaceship—the Bebop—while struggling to make ends meet. The iconic Cowboy Bebop anime has been praised for its blend of genres such as science fiction, western, and noir films, along with themes like loneliness and existential dread, which the live-action adaptation can only hope to expand on.

Every piece of information Netflix has shared so far in anticipation of the live-action Cowboy Bebop’s release has only further proved the show’s dedication to being a faithful adaptation. The original director of the anime, Shinichirō Watanabe, is a consultant on the Netflix series, and Yoko Kanno has returned as its composer. This was fully taken advantage of when creating the opening title sequence of the live-action Cowboy Bebop, which retains the jazz-inspired music from the original anime as well as fun nods to its unique visual style. This trend continues with the trailer.

The editing for Cowboy Bebop’s trailer looks like the characters are moving through the panels of a manga, which not only appears visually interesting, but is also a loving nod to Japanese manga. By jumping between barriers or “panels,” Spike Spiegel, Jet Black, and Faye Valentine tease and compete with each other while tracking down their latest bounty. Each location they jump between also contains vastly different color schemes that add to the visual appeal. This stylistic choice will hopefully be a part of the actual series since it plays well into the anime’s offbeat humor and fast-paced fight scenes.

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Cowboy Bebop’s live-action trailer also shares similarities with the anime’s introduction scene, wherein many panels in varying colors grow and shrink across the screen, taking the characters with them. Unlike the anime, however, Netflix’s adaptation allows the characters to interact with the panels and with each other, essentially breaking the fourth wall and inviting the viewer into the action. This trailer is just another example of how Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop seeks to build on the stylistic choices that set the anime apart while also updating it. No series wants to be an exact replica of the original that inspired it, and some of Cowboy Bebop’s casting choices, like Faye’s modified outfit, have proven Netflix’s willingness to try new things to change for the times.

Netflix’s live-action Cowboy Bebop trailer pulls inspiration from the original anime and manga format to create a fun adaptation that sets it apart both visually and tonally. Its editing choices promise a TV show that isn’t afraid to push itself in new directions, but only time will tell how successful these efforts are. The Cowboy Bebop series will debut on November 19 on Netflix.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/cowboy-bebop-trailer-original-manga-anime-format/

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