The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

The Simpsons: 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons He’s The Worst)


In The Simpsons, Bart remains an iconic character that pop culture will never forget. He was capable of good, but was also very bad sometimes, too.

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The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Bart Simpson was once upon a time the poster boy for The Simpsons. Armed with a slingshot and spiky yellow hair (which doesn’t really seem separate to his head, so maybe it’s just a spiky bald head?), he was the animated Dennis The Menace. Whether the American Dennis The Menace from the films or the British Dennis The Menace from the Beano, he continued the legacy of both.

There are a fair few reasons why Bart has remained one of the most iconic characters from the show, but also quite a lot of more problematic elements of his personality that make him one of the worst.

10 Best: He Has Provided A Lot Of Great Quotes

The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

When The Simpsons first started, Bart was effectively the main character. Sure, Homer was the draw to the everyday adult viewer, but it was Bart’s adventures that we followed more often than not.

During this time, we were treated to a number of hilarious evergreen quotes. Whether it’s “eat my shorts”, “ay caramba” or “don’t have a cow, man”, there are very few people who would hear those phrases and not associate them to the spiky headed hell-raiser.

9 Worst: He Bullies Lisa With No Remorse

The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

No matter how many brilliant quotes Bart is responsible for, it sometimes gets very hard to forgive him for his treatment of his even-spiker headed genius of a sister, Lisa. Almost every episode shows Bart making her complex eight-year-old life miserable in some way or another.

Whether it was his hatred of her when they were both very young, his desire to stop her from making new friends when she wants to reinvent herself, or when he melts her Thanksgiving sculpture in the fireplace.

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8 Best: But Secretly Cares About Her

The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Despite all of this malice and desire to ruin Lisa’s never-ending day, Bart has a soft spot for his sister, and when all is said and done, he is normally there to take care of her or protect her.

Despite being ten years old, he got Michael Jackson (who was only quite recently officially announced to have been Michael Jackson) to sing her happy birthday. He also helps her out when they’re stuck in military school together, he spends his money on buying her the last Bleeding Gums Murphy record in the store, and he helps her keep her college fund through poker.

7 Worst: He Misled The Whole Of Springfield

The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

One of Bart’s single worst deeds came in the episode ‘Radio Bart’, from season three. Bart plays a prank on the whole of Springfield, by putting a radio down a well and pretending to be a boy called Timmy who got stuck. This led to everybody showing their support, with Sting appearing to help make a charity single and a drive to help rescue Timmy.

Despite convincing everyone of this, he doesn’t really show any guilt for his actions until he gets stuck down there himself.

6 Best: He Originated The Chalkboard Gag

The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Along with the couch gag, the chalkboard gag is one of the most memorable things about The Simpsons. It is truly impressive to be able to create such a long-lasting and iconic moment that only appears in the opening credits (and have it followed up by something arguably even more iconic).

Bart is the one at the helm as he scrawls onto the chalkboard during detention. Some of his highlights include: “I will not mock Mrs. Dumbface”, “I will not hang donuts on my person” and ‘Judas Priest is not death metal”. He also takes a more solemn route when Marcia Wallace died in 2013: “We’ll really miss you, Mrs. K”.

5 Worst: He Puts His Father Into A Coma

The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

This is a particularly impressive display of particular brutality from Bart. Homer is a man with only one kidney and a particular proclivity for suffering massive heart attacks, yet Bart still plays pretty dangerous practical jokes on him.

In the episode ‘It’s Come To This, A Simpsons Clip Show’, Bart ends up paralyzing his father and putting him in an episode-long coma due to a trick based around an exploding beer can. He feels guilty but never exactly learns his lesson.

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4 Best: His Quotes Can Get You Out Of Trouble

The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Considering a lot of Bart’s actions are either psychotic or illegal, he manages to get away with a huge amount of stuff. There have of course been times that he has broken his mother’s heart, or had major run-ins with the law, but most of the time a few of his quotes work a charm.

“I didn’t do it” is a simple but effective case of deny deny deny. “I tried, I really tried” is a classic way of convincing everyone that he had good intentions. “Ow, my ovaries” is just proof that Bart will go to any length to fix his own problems.

3 Worst: He Was Almost Involved In Martin’s Death

The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

In the season 19 episode “Dial N For Nerder”, Bart and Lisa get caught up in a pretty dramatic turn of events that see them almost responsible for the death of Martin Prince. Bart’s prank is what puts Martin in a dangerous position, though it is actually Lisa who ends up almost killing him.

However, Bart’s plan is to just leave Martin to die, and avoid any way of being blamed. It’s brutal, but weirdly, it is Bart who eventually wants to turn himself in for his part in what he assumes is Martin’s death.

2 Best: He Brings Sideshow Bob To Us

The Simpsons 5 Reasons Why Bart Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Almost every time Sideshow Bob shows up in The Simpsons it’s so he can attempt to kill little Bart Simpsons. This vendetta is pretty extreme, considering Bob is a lifelong criminal and Bart is a ten-year-old, but it still provides us with some of the best episodes the show has ever produced.

Whether its Bob’s excellent operatic singing voice belting out for hours, or his slapstick ability to stand on rakes over and over again, everything he does is comedy gold. Without Bart, Bob would have no reason to be around.

1 Worst: He’s Basically Evil

Despite occasionally showing compassion or remorse (though usually after something comes back to bite him), Bart is really quite a twisted individual. Past his behavior towards his family, some of the criminal actions he undertakes or total lack of empathy he shows are quite shocking.

He relentlessly prank calls Moe (once framing Jimbo for his actions), he cut the head off of the beloved statue of Jebediah Springfield, he destroyed Willie’s shed with creamed corn, he infected Australia with bullfrogs. The list is endless.

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