Visions Daughter Is Finally A Hero Again But Can She Be Redeemed

Vision’s Daughter Is Finally A Hero Again, But Can She Be Redeemed?

Preview pages for Champions: Outlawed #5 shows Viv Vision wants to atone for her mistakes – but will her team forgive her so easily?

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Visions Daughter Is Finally A Hero Again But Can She Be Redeemed

Vivian “Viv” Vision has seemingly returned to the side of good in Champions: Outlawed #5 – but can she be redeemed?. Preview pages for the issue show the daughter of synthezoid Vision on a clandestine mission, infiltrating a facility alongside an old former comrade, Amadeus Cho in an effort to help her friends and teammates.

The Champions – a team of teenage superheroes including Miles Morales AKA Spider-Man and Kamala Khan AKA Ms. Marvel – are on the run after all underage heroes are declared illegal thanks to Kamala’s Law going into effect across the country. The government organization C.R.A.D.L.E is subsequently tasked with apprehending the superhero children and teens and sending them to sinister re-education schools. The Champions kept moving from location to location, never understanding how C.R.A.D.L.E. manages to track their location so precisely until Cyclops reveals that a former Champion has sold them out: Viv Vision. The Champions previously thought Viv to be dead; it comes as a shock to them that not only is their friend alive, but seemingly a traitor. But turning Judas was never Vivian’s intention.

As a daughter of Vision, Viv’s actions were eminently logical and perfectly reasonable (at least from her perspective). Her friends and fellow Champions were breaking the law, thus putting them in danger, and the correct response was to notify the police (and C.R.A.D.L.E. by extension) in order to keep them safe. After a discussion with a woman who participated in sit-ins during the Civil Rights Movement, Viv realized that the legal course of action is not always the right action. Thus, in preview pages for Champions #5 by Eve L. Ewing with art by Bob Quinn and colors by Federico Blee, Viv is shown breaking into a secure facility with ally Amadeus Cho (AKA Brawn), who possesses the powers of the Hulk and a genius-level intellect. Viv has tracked Brawn down and personally asked for his assistance.

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Visions Daughter Is Finally A Hero Again But Can She Be RedeemedVisions Daughter Is Finally A Hero Again But Can She Be RedeemedVisions Daughter Is Finally A Hero Again But Can She Be RedeemedVisions Daughter Is Finally A Hero Again But Can She Be Redeemed

Additional pages showcase the pair running through the facility. With limited options for proceeding further, the two drop the pretense of stealth and knock a door off its hinges, sending multiple guards flying. It soon becomes clear that the two are most likely breaking into one of C.R.A.D.L.E.’s re-education schools, and it is Viv’s intention to free the captured young heroes inside.

Certainly, Viv freeing other teenage heroes would go a long way toward winning back the trust of her former Champions. Like her father, Viv may have an artificial mind but it is not without emotions. Viv Vision may have a logical mind, but she is not so naive as to believe her teammates will welcome her back with open arms overnight. What else will be asked of her by the Champions? Readers will find out for themselves when Champions: Outlawed #5 is released on March 17th, 2021.

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