10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends


It’s right there in the title, so it’s no wonder that Friends is all about how to be a good friend to the people you love.

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10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

It’s right there in the name, Friends is all about friendship! Yes, it’s also about romance, the will-they, won’t-they of Ross and Rachel, growing up, figuring out career paths (whether starting from scratch or just working up the ladder), and so much more, but the friendships between these six New Yorkers is the heart and soul of the show.

They’re not always perfect, of course. Over ten seasons, fans see the times that the Friends gang are truly there for each other… and the times that they mess it all up. In the end, though, we can learn as much from their mistakes as their successes – and figure out how to be the best friend possible… even without dancing around in a water fountain.

10 Make Space In Busy Schedules For Each Other

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

One of the most impressive things about this particular group of friends is that they always find time for each other. In many ways, it’s also one of the least realistic parts of the series, as despite their jobs (and presumably conflicting hours, given that Monica would have to work nights, and Chandler would have a nine-to-five, with the others somewhere in between), they can always be found hanging out together in Central Perk. It would be easy to assume that this is just a bit of flawed sitcom reality, where everyone manages to have all the free time they need, but it’s nicer to assume that they actually put a lot of effort into finding time for each other.

9 Believe In Each Others’ Dreams

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

Over the course of the show, it becomes clear that no matter how big (or potentially unlikely) a dream is for one of the gang, the others support them wholeheartedly. Phoebe wants to be a musician, despite the fact that she is actually not particularly good at it… but the others love her quirky songs, and never let her think that her dream is unrealistic. When Rachel decides to quit her job and try to make it in fashion, they don’t tell her that she’ll never make it because of her lack of experience and qualifications, they help her send out resumes. Even Joey, who has a dream of being a movie star, is fully (and financially) supported by the others.

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8 Don’t Take Each Other For Granted

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

One of the most iconic episodes of Friends involves a Thanksgiving dinner, Monica’s frustrations with her friends, and everyone’s heading sticking around the edge of the door… it’s a hilarious scene and a great moment, but it comes with a great lesson, too. Monica is so frustrated in this situation because she hadn’t wanted to make Thanksgiving dinner, but everyone else pressured her into it – and then didn’t show up on time! Don’t become a floating head – and appreciate what your friends do, especially as a favor.

7 Living Together Can Be Complicated!

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

Over the course of the series, most of the Friends live together at least once. Sure, most of the time it’s Chandler and Joey living together across the hall from Monica and Rachel, while Phoebe and Ross live alone, but over time, everyone swaps apartments with everyone else.

And while a lot of these living situations seem surprisingly perfect, they also include some great lessons for living with friends – everything from being able to put furniture in shared areas (whether it’s an ugly lamp or a whole Pottery Barn collection), to being considerate, to adjusting to different ways of living.

6 Support Your Friends’ Growth

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

All of the Friends grow up over the course of the series, and one of the best things about these characters is that they are always supportive of each other. When Phoebe wants to start taking night classes because she didn’t finish her education, Rachel and Monica are there (although neither are really great classmates). When Phoebe reveals that she can’t ride a bike, Ross is there to teach her. Even when Monica and Chandler decide to move out of the city, and it’s upsetting, their friends are still supportive (eventually).

5 Be Aware Of Your Friends’ Finances

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

Although everyone seems to be doing pretty well, financially, in the end, for much of the early seasons, half the Friends gang are making significantly less than the other half. Ross, Chandler, and Monica all do well, while Rachel, Phoebe, and Joey are struggling – and it comes to a head over another ‘nice’ celebratory dinner which they can’t afford. It’s a good reminder to be aware of what friends can (and can’t) afford – and be considerate of that.

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4 Don’t Be Afraid To Show Affection

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

While the series has been (rightfully) criticized for often being homophobic, it still manages to show a surprising amount of physical affection between everyone on the series.

From Joey and Ross napping together to the dozens of huge bear hugs, these friends aren’t afraid to show each other how much they care – and it’s great to see.

3 Put Friends Above Dates

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

Although romance is a big part of the show, the Friends almost always remember to put friends first – and when they don’t, it’s called out. Phoebe gets upset with Joey for canceling their plans for a date, and she’s got a point. Friends don’t come second to relationships, especially not first dates! And when Paolo hits on Phoebe, Rachel immediately listens to her and rightly places the blame for the situation on him, choosing her friend over her boyfriend. Friends always come first on Friends – and they should!

2 Tell The Truth

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends

Unsurprisingly, for a sitcom, a lot of the ‘wacky’ misunderstandings come about when the group aren’t honest with each other – and the lesson there is that honesty really is the best policy! Whether it is Rachel lying to Phoebe so she doesn’t have to go running with her, or Phoebe lying to Monica about wanting to live together, or Joey and Chandler getting mixed up over Joey moving out, there are so many situations where honesty would have made it all much simpler (but, admittedly, less fun to watch).

1 Always Be There For Each Other

It’s in the theme song, and it’s in every episode. The Friends are always there for each other, right from the pilot episode, when Monica opens her home to Rachel (even though they haven’t been in touch for years). No matter what happens, the Friends are always there to support each other through heartache, bad jobs (like Monica’s awful diner gig!), new careers (like Chandler’s move to advertising), pregnancy, divorce, and so much more.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/friends-best-friendship-tips-lessons/

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