Arrow Season 7 10 Biggest Questions After Episode 13 Star City Slayer

Arrow Season 7: 10 Biggest Questions After Episode 13, “Star City Slayer”


Arrow season 7, episode 13 saw several characters leave the cast and ended with a shocking revelation regarding the identity of Blackstar.

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Arrow Season 7 10 Biggest Questions After Episode 13 Star City Slayer

Arrow season 7, episode 13, “Star City Slayer” may have contained the greatest number of surprising twists of any single episode in the history of the Arrowverse. The main plot of the episode saw the return of an old villain in a new identity. This helped clear the path for two of the show’s regular cast members to leave the series and set the stage for two more major reveals in the final minute.

Oliver Queen took some time off from work this week to focus on rebuilding his faltering relationship with his son, William. Things were worse than he imagined, however, as William contacted his maternal grandparents to complain about life under Oliver’s roof and sent them running to his defense, announcing their intention to sue Oliver for custody. At the same time, the rest of Team Arrow (all now duly deputized agents of the Star City Police Department) began investigating a series of murders that seemed to point to a serial killer. Our heroes also discovered evidence that the so-called Star City Slayer was responsible for the threatening notes which they had all been receiving over the past few weeks.

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Meanwhile, in the future storyline set in Star City 2038, William Clayton continued to search for answers regarding the murder of Felicity Smoak and the bombing plot that threatened Star City. The trail brought him and his allies into a confrontation with the pit-fighter Blackstar and Connor Hawke, in the ruins of the former Team Arrow bunker. It also led to a startling revelation regarding Blackstar’s identity and her own reasons for seeking out Felicity Smoak. Yet for all of the revelations this episode of Arrow provided, there are still many questions fans are asking in the wake of the conclusion of “Star City Slayer.”

10. Who Is Blockbuster?

Arrow Season 7 10 Biggest Questions After Episode 13 Star City Slayer

When Dinah Drake calls Captain Singh of the CCPD to get some information on a string of killings similar to those of the Star City Slayer, the two former co-workers start talking about old times and how things have changed since Dinah was an undercover cop in Central City. When Dinah says she still isn’t comfortable being a Police Captain and being outed as a metahuman has just made things more awkward, Singh encourages her by reminding her of an old case where she infiltrated the gang of a crime boss in Bludhaven called Blockbuster. Singh says that if it hadn’t been for Dinah, hundreds might have died in a gang war that would have shaken the underworld of Central City and that anyone who could accomplish what she did can do anything.

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Arrow season 7’s mention of Blockbuster and Bludhaven should ring a bell for fans of the Nightwing comic books, where Bludhaven was the name of Nightwing’s adopted hometown and Blockbuster was the nickname of a metahuman gangster named Roland Desmond. Possessing superhuman strength and a giant physique, Blockbuster became Dick Grayson’s arch-enemy. Given that the Arrowverse Blockbuster was locked up in Central City before the STAR Labs particle accelerator explosion awakened the metagene in hundreds of people, could this be foreshadowing the appearance of a super-strong Blockbuster on The Flash sometime soon?

9. What Just Happened In Central City?

Arrow Season 7 10 Biggest Questions After Episode 13 Star City Slayer

While Captain Singh and Captain Drake are talking, Singh apologies for taking so long to call her back. He explains that some new superpowered criminal just put several CCPD officers in the hospital before The Flash and his allies showed up to stop them and he was busy tending to the aftermath. This doesn’t seem to mirror any recent events in Central City, suggesting that this episode occurs concurrently with an upcoming episode of The Flash. So who is this new metahuman menace?

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8. Why Didn’t The Claytons Sue For Custody Sooner?

Arrow Season 7 10 Biggest Questions After Episode 13 Star City Slayer

When the Claytons arrive on Oliver’s doorstep announcing their intention to sue him for custody of their grandson, Mrs. Clayton says they should have taken this step a long time ago. Honestly, it’s surprising they didn’t. Even ignoring the events of the past year, which saw William placed in the Witness Protection Program and sent across the country to attend boarding school under an assumed name, his life with Oliver and Felicity was far from ideal. He was kidnapped twice by villains who found out that he was Oliver Queen’s son before Oliver ever took custody of him. Things only became worse after season 5, when Oliver moved William into his home after Samantha Clayton was killed on Lian Yu in the Arrow season 6 premiere.

The only reason Oliver took custody of William was because Samantha made him promise to watch over their son with her dying breath. This seemed drastically out of character given how desperate Samantha was to avoid any association with Oliver or the Queen family, even before she learned that he was the Green Arrow. Given that, it’s completely unbelievable that Samantha wouldn’t have told her parents of her wishes regarding her son’s care in case something happened to her or that she wouldn’t have told them who the father was and why she wanted him kept out of William’s life. Even before Oliver became a convicted felon and a publicly outed vigilante, William’s grandparents should have had a solid case that Oliver wouldn’t be able to offer a good home as a single-father with a high-profile job as Star City’s mayor that took up most of his time.

7. How Does Arrow’s Star City Slayer Match Up To The Comics?

Arrow Season 7 10 Biggest Questions After Episode 13 Star City Slayer

Fans of the classic Green Arrow comics thrilled when they discovered that Oliver’s one weaselly ally in Slabside Penitentiary was named Stanley Dover. In the graphic novel Green Arrow: Quiver (which was written by frequent Arrowverse director Kevin Smith), Stanley Dover was a seemingly kindly old man, who took a homeless and amnesiac Oliver Queen into his home after the recently resurrected Green Arrow saved him from being mugged. Stanley was there to play Alfred to Oliver Queen’s Batman, as the Emerald Archer rebounded and started investigating a series of child murders perpetrated by a killer dubbed the Star City Slayer.

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The climax of Quiver revealed Stanley Dover to be both the Star City Slayer and a practicing warlock. The murders Stanley committed as the Star City Slayer were all part of his plan to draw out a particular demon and gain immortality. Despite both being mentally unbalanced and thinking nothing of killing to get what they want, there is no connection between the comic book Stanley Dover and the Arrowverse version of Stanley Dover, apart from the shared name and their preference for knives.

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6. Who Is Virgil?

When asked how the search for the mystery man called Dante is going, Curtis Holt tells John Diggle that they’ve made progress. Tracking the phone number Ricardo Diaz dialed to contact Dante while in a virtual reality simulation led them to a figure in Egypt named Virgil, who is apparently one of Dante’s lieutenants. In the Green Arrow comics, Virgil is the name of a figure who had dealings with Dante’s criminal bank, the Ninth Circle, and just barely got out with his life. It is Virgil who tells the comic book version of John Diggle of the Ninth Circle’s existence and the depths of their power.

Page 2 of 2: More Questions From Arrow Season 7, Episode 13

Matt Morrison has been writing about comics since before the word “blogging” was coined. He got his start writing for the legendary DC Comics digital fanzine Fanzing, before receiving his own column, The Mount. Since then he has gone on to write for over a dozen websites, including 411 Mania, Comics Nexus and The Cult of Nobody. He holds both an MS in Information Science from the University of North Texas and a BFA from the University of Texas at Arlington. Known as a font of comic book history trivia, he has delivered lectures on the history of American Comic Books, Japanese Manga, Doctor Who, and Cosplay at over a dozen conventions and served as an Expert In-Residence for a course on Graphic Novels for Librarians at the University of North Texas. In addition to his work for Screen Rant, Matt is currently the Editor In Chief of and writes reviews for No Flying, No Tights – a graphic literature and anime review site aimed at teachers and librarians. He also maintains a personal blog – My Geeky Geeky Ways – which hosts his extensive episode guide for the television series making up The Arrowverse as well as his comedic Let’s Play videos. What little spare time he has is devoted towards acting, role-playing, movie-riffing and sarcasm. You can follow his adventures on Twitter, @GeekyGeekyWays.

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