The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

The Vampire Diaries: Damon & Elena’s 10 Best Romantic Tropes


Damon and Elena’s relationship was a main focus of The Vampire Diaries and they, like so many other TV couples, had their share of romantic tropes.

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The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

Although it was originally centered around a love triangle, Damon and Elena stole the spotlight in The Vampire Diaries. After making her final choice between the Salvatore brothers in season 4, Elena’s romance with Damon became a pillar of the plot.

Delena has evolved into one of the most iconic teen drama ships of their time period, and the couple utilized almost every romantic trope in the book. No matter how cliché they may be, tropes are popular for a reason, and Damon and Elena have some of the best.

10 The Love Triangle

The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

A love triangle can be frustrating when dragged out for too long, but no matter which side viewers are on, there’s never a dull moment. There are fans who still believe Stefan and Elena are soulmates in The Vampire Diaries, and the couple’s breakup makes the love triangle difficult to enjoy.

However, those who were rooting for Damon since the beginning can find the love triangle rewarding. The entire debacle was the story of how Elena fell in love with Damon, while she was still with his brother.

9 Going Through Memory Loss

The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

The only thing better than watching two characters fall for one another is watching them do it all over again. Memory loss is a popular trope because it showcases how strong the love between a couple is. When two people are meant to be together, nothing can keep them apart.

Elena didn’t have a typical case of amnesia, as she asked Alaric to compel away all of her good memories of Damon. Rather than forgetting who he was, Elena remembered every bad thing Damon did. But despite only seeing Damon as a monster, she still couldn’t shake the way she felt about him.

8 In Love With Brother’s Girlfriend

The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

Love triangles are complex on their own, but when everyone involved has some type of relation, things get even more intense. Damon and Stefan had a rocky relationship, but they were the most important people in each other’s lives. After Nina Dobrev left the series, The Vampire Diaries became the story about two brothers’ love for each other.

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Damon and Stefan’s reunion in the afterlife was the last scene of the show, proving that they were the most important relationship. Therefore, Damon had more than one reason not to act on his feelings for Elena. There were times when the brothers seemed to have an “all is fair in love in war” mentality, but they genuinely wanted one another to be happy.

7 Heroine’s Love Changes The Villain

The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

The greatest couples bring out the best in each other, but Damon and Elena’s situation is a bit complicated. Damon has the reverse effect on Elena, as he has a tendency to bring out a darker side of her. In fact, Elena has even admitted that she needs to abandon all her morals to defend him.

But there’s no denying that Elena has changed Damon for the better and he had to work to prove he was worthy of her affection. It’s up to viewers to decide whether or not Damon earned his redemption in The Vampire Diaries, but his love for Elena makes him unrecognizable from the person he was in the pilot.

6 Together In Death

The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

Damon and Elena had the best ending any shipper could ask for. After taking the cure, Damon and Elena got married, had kids, and lived a long, happy, human life. But Delena’s story didn’t end with their mortal deaths, as not even that could separate them.

The two are seen walking hand in hand into the afterlife, where they find peace with each other and reunite with their families. Because life is so uncertain, is nice to know that Damon and Elena’s spirits are spending eternity together.

5 Dance Of Romance

The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

It’s common for two love interests to share a dance before becoming an official couple, and The Vampire Diaries used this trope often. The series did the same for both Klaroline and Steroline to foreshadow a potential romance between them.

Elena later admits that this was the moment she first realized how attractive Damon was. It was easy to see the chemistry between the pair if fans were looking, but this was the first time it was undeniable. While Damon and Elena don’t get together until much later down the line, this scene eventually comes back into play.

4 The Slow Burn

The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

It’s natural to crave immediate gratification, but slow burns are proof that some things are worth the wait. The longer it takes for a couple to get together, the more rewarding it is when it finally happens. Every touch and lingering look is there for a reason, and cherishing the little moments is part of the fun.

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Damon and Elena didn’t share their first kiss until The Vampire Diaries season 2 finale, and even that came with a catch. Damon’s reckless behavior, their mutual love for Stefan, and the sire bond were all factors that dragged out the slow burn between them. Viewers didn’t get to see Damon and Elena as an official couple until season 5.

3 Enemies To Lovers

The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

Enemies to lovers remains one of the most popular tropes in all forms of literature. It’s entertaining to watch the complex evolution of two people who once wanted to kill each other, become willing to die for one another.

Because he was introduced as a villain, Elena saw Damon at his worst. Yet, she still fell for him knowing what he was capable of. Elena offered Damon unconditional love and acceptance, and their relationship development is a highlight of the first few seasons.

2 A Bit Of Unrequited Love

The Vampire Diaries Damon & Elenas 10 Best Romantic Tropes

His huge capacity for love initially came as a surprise, but Damon has the most romantic quotes out of all the characters in The Vampire Diaries. Damon uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism and tries to appear carefree and unaffected to avoid his true feelings.

When it comes to Elena, Damon lets his walls come down. He didn’t hide the way he felt about her and was something of an open book. Because Damon’s love was unrequited for so long, he spent several seasons pining for a woman he believed he could never have. It was heartbreaking to watch, but when Elena finally returned his affections, it was made worthwhile.

1 The Epic Rain Kiss

Every shipper wants their OTP to have a classic rain kiss, and Damon and Elena fans were lucky enough to get one. However, this wasn’t a scene that came about naturally, as viewers had been asking for the kiss ever since The Vampire Diaries Season 1.

In an interview with ET, showrunner Julie Plec reveals that Delena’s romantic moment was a way to “honor fans.” The campaign started when the duo teamed up to save Stefan in Season 1 Episode 17, “Let the Right One In,” and had an intense conversation in the pouring rain.

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