What Walking Deads Commonwealth Tease Means For The Rest Of Season 10

What Walking Dead’s Commonwealth Tease Means For The Rest Of Season 10


The Walking Dead made a huge step in its Commonwealth arc this week thanks to Eugene, but what does this mean for the remainder of season 10?

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What Walking Deads Commonwealth Tease Means For The Rest Of Season 10

As the mysterious Commonwealth community bears down on The Walking Dead, what does their impending introduction mean for the rest of season 10? The conflict between Alexandria, Hilltop and Oceanside’s protagonist alliance and Alpha’s creepy Whisperers is heating up in The Walking Dead. Although a tenuous peace was struck in the wake of Alpha’s mass slaughter at the inter-community fair, the deal between the opposing sides has been continuously strained since the season began, first by a satellite crash, then by Carol going rogue, and finally just because Alpha felt like altering the arrangements.

Now war has broken out once again. Alpha has gathered her troops, both alive and undead, and is marching directly towards Hilltop, with Alexandria on the menu for dessert. Thanks to the strategic input of Negan, all routes of escape have been blocked off, forcing the scant forces of Hilltop to stand and fight against a horde of previously unseen proportions. Meanwhile, Eugene is engaging in a spot of post-apocalyptic Tinder. Lovable and smart, but socially awkward beyond belief, Eugene has struggled to find romance thus far in The Walking Dead, forever spurned by the object of his affections, Rosita.

In season 10, however, Eugene has managed to finish constructing his long-distance radio system from fallen Russian satellite parts, and he soon made contact with a brand new community. Comic readers will know that this development directly leads to the arrival of the Commonwealth, and with a meeting now set, what could this mean for the rest of The Walking Dead season 10?

The Walking Dead’s Commonwealth Setup So Far

What Walking Deads Commonwealth Tease Means For The Rest Of Season 10

The Walking Dead has been teasing the Commonwealth for quite some time, although there were a few false starts along the way. First, a variety of helicopters began appearing throughout the world of The Walking Dead, one of which has taken Rick Grimes away to parts unknown. Although The Walking Dead’s Scott M. Gimple has ruled out the Commonwealth being the community that abducted/saved Rick, there could still be a massive connection between the two. The helicopter group is confirmed to be known as the CRM – an amalgamation of 3 separate communities. If each letter represents a location, it’s logical that “C” could stand for Commonwealth, and Rick could’ve been taken by the “R” or “M.”

The second tease came with the arrival of Georgie, who promised cooperation with Hilltop and their allies, sharing resources and knowledge with the aim of creating a better world. Maggie has since moved from Hilltop to Georgie’s community in order to further her development (and facilitate Lauren Cohan’s break from the series), and many have speculated that this settlement and the Commonwealth could be one and the same, with Georgie a proxy for Pamela, the leader of the Commonwealth in the comic books.

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Firm confirmation of the live-action Commonwealth’s arrival finally came in the final moments of The Walking Dead’s season 9 finale, “The Storm.” With Eugene having constructed his pet radio project, a mysterious, unknown voice crackled through while no one was around to hear it. Finally, Eugene and the stranger (later revealed to be Stephanie) made contact with each other, but harbored reservations about sharing their whereabouts and other potentially dangerous information. In season 10’s “Bonds,” Eugene and Stephanie talk, and clearly enjoy doing so, but agree to keep conversation light and not tell their respective communities.

Eugene Has Now Arranged A Meeting With The Commonwealth

What Walking Deads Commonwealth Tease Means For The Rest Of Season 10

That situation changed in The Walking Dead’s most recent offering, “Morning Star.” With Eugene and Stephanie developing somewhat of a fondness for each other, bordering on a long-distance relationship, it becomes clear that the pair must either take a leap of faith and try to connect their communities, or walk away from the radio of love. Eugene takes the plunge first, revealing the location of Hilltop to be Virginia. Although Rosita’s interference almost scuppers the entire romance, Stephanie eventually returns the favor, informing Eugene that her community is in Charleston, West Virginia. It’s suggested in the comics that the Commonwealth is located in Ohio, so this could either be a change, or a sign that Stephanie’s proposed meeting place is very far from the actual settlement.

In either case, Stephanie has set up a meeting with her people and Hilltop, taking place one week from the battle against the Whisperers. Although The Walking Dead has now marked an in-universe date for the Commonwealth’s introduction, it’s unclear how long this “one week” will take in terms of episode count. The Walking Dead season 10 has 5 episodes left at present, and it would be logical to expect the current Whisperer War to wrap up within 3 of those, leaving plenty of time for a group of survivors to make the trek towards Charleston.

What The Commonwealth Means For The Walking Dead Season 10

Setting a date for the arrival of the Commonwealth spells big implications for the remainder of The Walking Dead season 10. Firstly, it’s probable that the Whisperer material is coming to an end. With the Commonwealth located so far away, it would be tricky to start the new arc if the Whisperer story was still playing out. In the comics, Alpha dies early on, and the horde is released by Beta, with the entire Whisperer arc ending once the threat is dealt with. In “Morning Star,” however, Alpha and the horde are on their way, indicating this will be the decisive clash between Hilltop and the Whisperers. Alpha or Beta may yet survive in order to wreak havoc another day, but it seems the focus of The Walking Dead will shift very soon.

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The second result of the Commonwealth’s arrival will be a thematically new approach. With the Governor, Saviors, Whisperers and many more, The Walking Dead’s formula has been a cycle of an enemy appearing and being overpowered by the good guys. If the comics are anything to go by, the Commonwealth arc will be very different. Although there are enemies, the lines are considerably more blurred, with moral shades of gray appearing on both sides. This means a different kind of moral grappling for viewers once the Commonwealth arrive, with issues such as race, class and privilege all included in the comics. As well as a thematic shift, also expect a visual one – the Commonwealth is gargantuan compared to Alexandria or Hilltop, with a sports stadium, shops and an army that makes Aaron’s militia look like they’re playing dress-up.

With a new setting will inevitably come new characters. In addition to Stephanie, there’s Pamela (who still could be Georgie), her spoiled son Sebastian, the army’s leader, Mercer, and Pamela’s right hand man, Lance. The Commonwealth arc is also notable for introducing Elodie, Michonne’s long-lost daughter, and it’ll be interesting to see whether Danai Gurira’s absence means this storyline is dropped or passed onto another character. Maybe the most exciting future addition, however, comes from outside of the Commonwealth, with the exuberant Princess potentially making an appearance in the latter stage of season 10, if not early season 11. Although not a new face, Maggie is set to return to The Walking Dead in season 11, and the incoming Commonwealth may facilitate that, whether she’s currently part of that community, or whether she’s been dwelling among a rival group. It can’t be a coincidence that Maggie’s return and the Commonwealth’s arrival appear to be coinciding.

With only 5 episodes remaining of season 10, the Commonwealth arc is unlikely to get too far into its comic material. Once the Whisperers are dealt with, season 10 could chart the journey to West Virginia and conclude with the Commonwealth’s very first appearance, shocking audiences with their formidable, Stormtrooper-esque appearance. Alternatively, The Walking Dead season 10 might have just enough time to get the first impressions out of the way, and end the finale episode with the grand reveal of the Commonwealth settlement from a distance.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/walking-dead-season-10-commonwealth-eugene-stephanie-meeting-setup/

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