All 36 Dungeons & Dragons 5e Deities From The Forgotten Realms

All 36 Dungeons & Dragons 5e Deities From The Forgotten Realms


Forgotten Realms is the D&D setting that has had the most shakeups with its deities. The Sundering event led to Toril’s current pantheon of gods.

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All 36 Dungeons & Dragons 5e Deities From The Forgotten Realms

The Forgotten Realms campaign setting has had numerous catastrophes and upheavals in its timeline, usually coinciding with the change to a new edition of Dungeons & Dragons’ tabletop RPG system. These changes have impacted nations and politics, the weave of magic, and the gods themselves, as the current fifth edition D&D pantheon for the setting is different from prior editions.

More so than any other D&D setting, Forgotten Realms has used its events to reshape the world of Toril to match D&D rules changes, rather than adapting the rules to the setting. From the Time of Troubles, which marked the change from first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons to second edition, to the Spellplague that shifted Forgotten Realms from third edition to fourth edition D&D, these events have provided rationalizations for rules changes while reshuffling the deck of deities available for worship.

The Second Sundering is the most recent of these setting events that ushered Forgotten Realms from fourth edition into current fifth edition D&D. As the “overgod” of Forgotten Realms, Ao, again separated the overlapping worlds of Abeir and Toril, which had largely fused during the Spellplague, some gods were resurrected, like Mystra and Helm, while others lost power. The end result of The Sundering is more of a restoration to the Forgotten Realms setting’s status quo, prior to the Spellplague, as well as a larger list of gods than 4e D&D’s lean deity selection.

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The Sundering Changed The Forgotten Realms Deity List

The fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook includes lists of deities for some of its best-known D&D campaign settings. In addition to the more than thirty gods listed for Forgotten Realms, the section notes that there are many more deities worshipped by small cults, as regional deities, and by more eclectic religious sects. These are the most prominent deities of the Forgotten Realms, according to the Player’s Handbook:

Forgotten Realms contains one of the most robust selections of deities of any Dungeons & Dragons setting. Not grouped in with any specific setting, the D&D Player’s Handbook also includes a section for “Nonhuman Deities,” which hosts a few of Forgotten Realms’ more well-known deities like Lolth, drow goddess of spiders, and Gruumsh, orc god of storms and war.

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Players interested in the specific upheavals that led to the rise and fall of gods can track down the novels that tell the story of The Sundering. Dungeon Masters will find a great deal of campaign ideas inspired by the rich histories of betrayals and alliances between the various gods of the setting, although the most common use of a deity list will always be for Dungeons & Dragons cleric players to select a god to grant them their spells and domain abilities.

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