The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

The Office: 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)


Dwight was a fan-favorite from The Office, but should he have married Angela? There are many other characters he would’ve made a great couple with!

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The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

Dwight K. Schrute is an ‘Office’ favorite. No matter your sense of humor, you’ve inevitably cackled at a few Dwight memes or gifs somewhere. Dwight is a Dunder Mifflin regional manager, a job that he not only loves but is fiercely loyal to. With an unbeatable unique personality, Dwight is The Office character that fans can never get bored of.

Despite being a married man in the shows’ ending, there have been other characters whom Dwight has admired and vice versa and with a few turns of events, he could have ended up with. Hence, here are 10 characters that Dwight should have been with other than Angela.

10 Erin

The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

This may initially seem like a strange pairing but Dwight once showed an interest in Erin. In Season 5, Episode 23 ‘Michael Scott Paper Company, Dwight battles with Andy for Erin’s attention. He does so by serenading her with songs and by speaking to her seductively. Though Erin is impressed, she ultimately ignores it and nothing comes out Dwight’s pursuits.

If Erin were interested in Dwight, she would have been his ultimate supporter and this would have given Dwight more prank and executive power in the office. Dwight and Erin are also both quirky which would have been a ‘quirk match’ made in heaven.

9 Creed

The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

Creed is a mysterious and suspicious character with a potential criminal past whereas Dwight is a self-proclaimed enforcer of the law. Despite this, they both share a love for protection and sometimes that involves actual real weapons. While they are mostly non-lethal, they both partake in activities they use for their protection which shows their similarities.

For example, in Season 3 Episode 17 titled ‘Business School”, Dwight is seen approaching Creed and asking for a wooden stick. This shows their common ground on the need for weapons for protection. There is no doubt that if this couple would develop, no one in Dunder Mifflin and Scranton would be safe.

8 Andy

The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

Andy Bernard came into the office as a proud Cornell graduate and was not ashamed to flaunt it. This made Dwight instantly jealous which was the start of a ‘love-hate’ bond between the two. Since their first meeting, these two had not been able to avoid each other. Dwight and Andy both share so many similarities in whom they love that it is hard to not consider a romance.

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It is worth considering these two hated each other because they loved each other. We would’ve loved to see a storyline with these two being friends or maybe more, may even sharing their musical talents with each other.

7 Phyllis

The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

Another pair with underlying similarities are Phyllis and Dwight. When Phyllis became a victim of harassment, Dwight really stepped up to protect Phyllis and he even set up the “Anti Flashing Task Force” to help investigate the wrongdoing.

With this level of concern, Dwight proves to be a considerate candidate for Phyllis. Although they didn’t always get along, Phyllis did in fact state in Season 3 Episode 13, The Return that ‘Dwight had a big personality and ( she ) had a big personality’ and that “when two people like that get together, it can be explosive”. That is some pretty saucy stuff to say about someone. I’m sure fans would have loved a Dwight – Phyllis union at some point.

6 Stanley

The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

Despite their differences, Dwight and Stanley share a bond over their love of meatballs, being able to prank Jim without him knowing. Dwight always thinks of Stanley as an office challenge and he is often seen scheming against or with him. In Season 9 Episode 20 Stairmageddon Dwight attempts to get Stanley to a sale by shooting him with a bull tranquilizer as a solution to Stanley not wanting to climb the stairs.

Dwight goes to great lengths to ensure that Stanley attends the sale and this is done successfully. Dwight and Stanley are an effective team when it comes to both prank execution and helping each other which would make for a fun relationship.

5 Clark

The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

Clark Green AKA Dwight Jr is seen as the new and improved version of Dwight. At first, Dwight is threatened by Clark as he thinks he is being replaced, however, due to Clark’s young and unbothered personality, Dwight uses Clark as his personal assistant.

They both get into mischievous things but do so naturally with each other. Both Clark and Dwight share a connection and grow to like each other. We would have loved to see Dwight end up in a father-son relationship with Clark and seeing a new Dwight come to life would be spectacular.

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4 Mose

The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

Mose is Dwight’s cousin who has been by his side since childhood. Having been raised together, these two have an understanding of each other which surpasses common familial relationships. From playing perfect table tennis to holding manure-ball fights, Mose and Dwight are a match made in heaven.

Compared to Mose, Dwight is seen as a normal person. From being there to help Dwight in his adventures to kidnapping Ryan and managing Schrute farm, Mose has shown time and time again that he is willing to do anything for his cousin. Mose and Dwight are a once in a lifetime pairing and one in which Dwight could have stayed in comfortably.

3 Pam

The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

Over the course of the series, Pam and Dwight have formed an unlikely friendship. Dwight’s personality can be described as “over the top” whereas Pam is calm and sweet. Although Pam was shocked at the realization they were friends, she has always taken interest in his life.

They both share banter which would make their relationship fun. By the end of the series, Dwight has consoled and encouraged Pam on many occasions and even proudly recognizes Pam to be his best friend. A relationship between the two although unlikely is plausible within The Office storyline.

2 Jim

The Office 10 Characters Dwight Should Have Been With (Other Than Angela)

There are many ways to look at Jim and Dwight’s relationship, but a prominent way to view it is through the lens of a joke. Always pranking and making fun of each other, it is evident that Dwight and Jim share the show’s unmatchable bond.

Although they’ve put their lives at risk through their pranks, they both have a mutual understanding that they love to make a joke out of each other. A romance between Jim and Dwight would be an office dream as fans cannot deny they have not loved this prankster pairing.

1 Michael

Dwight has shown nothing but pure love and admiration for Michael. From the start, Dwight has proven that he would do anything for his role model and friend Michaell Scott. For example, in the Season 2 Episode The Injury, Dwight took no time to evaluate his actions to save Micheal from the infamous Foreman Grill.

Although at times it may seem like Dwight’s love for Michael is unrequited, Michael also greatly appreciates Dwight and values him not only as a friend but as an employee. There is no doubt that fans would have loved to see a Dwight and Michael relationship.

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