Yelenas Thunderbolts Make The Avengers Phase 4 Money Problems Worse

Yelena’s Thunderbolts Make The Avengers’ Phase 4 Money Problems Worse

Yelena Belova arrived in Hawkeye episode 4, and her being kitted out by Contessa Valentina makes The Avengers’ money issues in Phase 4 look worse.

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Yelenas Thunderbolts Make The Avengers Phase 4 Money Problems Worse

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Hawkeye episode 4.

Yelena Belova’s (Florence Pugh) appearance in Hawkeye episode 4, seemingly as part of the Thunderbolts or a similar MCU team put together by Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), makes the money problems of Phase 4’s Avengers look even worse. Having been setup by Black Widow’s post-credits scene, Yelena made her debut at the end of Hawkeye episode 4, initially as a masked assailant who went up against Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner), while Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) faced off with Echo (Alaqua Cox). Yelena showed off her Red Room training and more than held her own against the longtime Avenger, and highlighted a problem with the team in the process.

Across the first three Phases of the MCU, the Avengers were financially backed up Tony Stark, aka Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), whose billionaire status helped to fund the team, its missions, costumes, gadgets, and more. However, Iron Man’s death in Avengers: Endgame has left a hole in the team, which hasn’t yet been filled in Phase 4. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier laid bare the Avengers’ money struggles in the MCU, with Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) struggling to get a loan and showing they’re reliant on handouts.

The Avengers relying on the kindness of others has been seen again in Hawkeye, at least to a degree, with Clint getting a meal for free earlier in the series. Similarly, with Hawkeye in need of a new costume, it’ll be a local group of LARPers making it for him, which is a far cry from the kind of high-tech suits delivered by Tony. Yelena’s arrival puts this into stark contrast and makes it look so much worse, because she is well kitted out; Yelena comes into Hawkeye episode 4 wearing a mask that looks very sophisticated and presumably boasts some key enhancements, as well as an array of weapons that allow her to stun and take down her opponents. It’s the kind of thing you’d expect from the Avengers themselves, but that they can seemingly no longer get in Phase 4 without a lot of help (like Sam’s new Captain America costume, courtesy of Wakanda).

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It’s unclear right now exactly what Yelena is a part of, but it seems likely she is among the MCU’s Thunderbolts team or something similar, such as the Dark Avengers. This has been hinted at a few times in Phase 4 – John Walker (Wyatt Russell) is another recruit – and it suggests that whoever is bankrolling the operation, whether that’s Val herself or someone above her, is incredibly wealthy. Indeed, with theories of Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, in Hawkeye, someone with his wealth is the kind of person who could be behind the Thunderbolts in the MCU. Similarly, Baron Zemo, who led the team in the comics and has been linked with them in the MCU, is also incredibly rich. Either way, Yelena’s MCU superteam is backed by a higher power who has the money to deliver high-end costumes and equipment, which is something the Avengers are lacking.

Quite how the Thunderbolts or Dark Avengers end up factoring into the MCU remains to be seen, although it’s unlikely they would completely replace the Avengers. Nonetheless, the Avengers could well do with a replacement for Iron Man sooner rather than later; it was clear from Endgame that Tony’s heroism, leadership, knowledge, and powers would be missed, but its his finances that are proving to be yet another key loss in Phase 4, and the Avengers could find themselves far outstripped by rival teams should it continue.

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