Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

Twin Peaks: 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed


From casting to references, here are 10 details about the weird and wonderful characters of Twin Peaks that are often overlooked.

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Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

Twin Peaks is one of those shows where you’re never sure what’s going to happen next, but you can damn well expect it to be shocking, exciting, horrifying or all three. Sometimes you’re not quite sure what’s going on. There are a million different ways to interpret everything that happened on the show, which provides perfect breeding grounds for fan theories.

The characters were quirky, manipulative and downright strange sometimes, but that’s what we love about them. We were thrilled to see them return in the revival back in 2017, and hope to see more in the future. For now, we reminisce with these bits of trivia, so here are 10 hidden details about the characters that everyone missed.

10 How Josie Nearly Wasn’t Josie

Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

It’s hard to imagine anyone else as a main character on any show, especially Twin Peaks, but it does happen. Though the people who are cast tend to work out and it’s usually for a good reason. Isabella Rossellini was the first choice to play Josie, but all that changed with time commitment concerns and later Rossellini’s break-up with Lynch.

It was probably for the best, given the split couple would’ve probably felt all kinds of tension and awkwardness at having to work together. Joan Chen made a great Josie, so at least something good came out of it.

9 A Fugitive Reference

Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

It’s always fun when you see one element of pop culture embedded into another. It shows appreciation for work of all kinds, from different creative minds, and, for audiences, it’s fun to catch and make note of any references we see.

Twin Peaks paid homage to The Fugitive with the character of the one-armed man. Only meant to appear in the pilot, the character stuck around and helped make the series that much more interesting.

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8 The Setting

Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

On a show like Twin Peaks, the setting is just as important as the characters. In fact, we daresay the setting is a character itself. It’s the site of brutal tragedy and devastation, but also hope and togetherness in a small town.

Set in Washington State, under a sea of clouds and surrounded in lush greenery, it suited the oftentimes dark and foggy atmosphere. However, the show was nearly set in, and named, North Dakota. The plains would never have been able to provide the same mysteriousness or various puzzles, so we’re glad Washington State was named as the series’ setting.

7 Dale Cooper and Harry Truman

Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

The names ‘Dale Cooper’ and ‘Harry Truman’ are significant not just to Twin Peaks, but also to real-life Washington State legends, which is suiting given the show’s setting. Dale Cooper shares a name with D.B. Cooper, a hijacker that parachuted out of a stolen plane headed towards Seattle with stolen cash who was never found.

Meanwhile, Harry Truman also happens to be the name of a man who refused to leave his lodge during the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980, which cost him his life. These characters are mysterious in their own ways, but they pale in comparison to their name-sharing counterparts.

6 Piper Laurie Undercover

Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

Piper Laurie, at the request of David Lynch, managed to fool her fellow cast members into believing she was a Japanese actor named Fumio Yamaguchi, who didn’t speak much English.

These efforts were deemed necessary by Lynch in an effort to keep characters and plotlines under wraps from the rest of the Twin Peaks cast. Obviously it didn’t last forever, but it must’ve been quite a mystery for the cast to solve.

5 Film Noir References In Names

Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

It’s suiting how film noir has earned a spot in Twin Peaks. Several of the characters’ names are references to characters in prominent film noir. An insurance agent named Walter Neff (also a character in Double Indemnity). An FBI regional bureau chief named Gordon Cole (a character on Sunset Boulevard). That’s just to name a couple.

There are a few more embedded within the episodes, so see if you can try to spot them unless your brain is already filled with all the madness that tends to stem from Twin Peaks.

4 Laura Wasn’t Originally A Prominent Character

Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

Can you imagine the series without seeing bits and pieces of Laura, or even her brunette look-alike cousin Maddy, in it? Sheryl Lee was originally meant to be just a dead body, but when Lynch witnessed her acting skills, all that changed and he wrote the part of Maddy for her.

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Lynch certainly has an eye not just for the unusual, but also the talented. Including Lee in the series the way he did provided an extra air of mystery around Laura, and her look-alike cousin, further developing the enigma of the series.

3 It’s All Backwards In Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

This could be said for a lot of reasons. Not much seems to make sense, but that’s part of the show’s overall allure. No doubt the actors felt out of place every now and then given the scenes they were filming. Speaking of which, for any scene in the Red Room, the actors had to say their lines backwards.

Learning lines are hard enough without adding something like this to it, but they managed. They said their lines backwards, only for their lines to be played backwards, therefore remedying them, though it still sounded warped. Apparently the oddities extended to filming and behind-the-scenes.

2 “Bob” Was An Unexpected Addition

Twin Peaks 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

“Bob” is quite a terrifying character. He’s strange, he’s messed up in more ways than one, and his character is more of a nightmarish haunt than anything else. Frank Silva, who plays Bob, was actually a set decorator when Lynch’s mind produced a lightbulb.

Lynch got a shot of Silva crouching by Laura’s bed while staring right at the camera, and later noticed Silva had unintentionally shown up in a mirror during Sarah Palmer’s disturbing visions. With that, Lynch knew what he wanted to do and Bob officially became a character. Can you imagine Twin Peaks without Bob? Seems like a fortunate accident to us.

1 Dale And Audrey Could’ve Been If Not For…

Lara Flynn Boyle (Donna) was dating Kyle MacLachlan (Dale) at the time, and according to Sherilyn Fenn (Audrey), Boyle was the one who put an end to the Dale and Audrey romance. Dale and Audrey seemed so perfect for each other, and many fans were frustrated that it never exactly came to be.

Lara wasn’t pleased that Fenn’s character was getting more attention than hers from Dale, and then Kyle thought the romance should be broken off, given the characters’ age differences. If not for this development, Audrey and Dale may have become a couple and lived happily ever after–or at least as happy as they can get by Twin Peaks standards.

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