This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

This Is Us: Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments


NBC’s This Is Us is a show full of emotions, from the most wholesome moments to most heartbreaking.

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This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

This Is Us is known for eliciting a lot of emotions and tears for its viewers, whether good or bad. The show connects with real-life issues, from family relationships to mental health to dealing with the pain of loss to finding a path in this life. However, the show also covers a lot of wholesome moments that bring lots of joy to the screen, whether they’re small or monumental. While the show has already come to its conclusion, fans are still talking about the show’s most tear-jerking moments that they will never forget.

There are many scenes that tug on viewers’ emotions, positive or negative, but these events have left a lasting and important impact on fans.

10 Rebecca Speaks To Her Unborn Triplets (Wholesome)

This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

Rebecca wants to be a good mother, but there is always some uncertainty. She begins to tell her unborn triplets to bear with her and take it easy on her. Jack catches this moment on camera so he can show the children what a good mother she wanted to be from the start.

This heartwarming scene shows the viewers how serious Rebecca is about her journey as a mother, and it sets a good groundwork for the family they want to be.

9 Dr. K Visits His Wife’s Grave (Heartbreaking)

This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

The doctor that delivers Jack and Rebecca’s triplets has his own story, and viewers get to see a bit more about the doctor’s life.

Losing his wife a year before, he has not recovered. He still talks to her at breakfast like she is still there, and many of her belongings are still lingering around the home, including her clothes in the closet. The scene that hurt viewers the most was when Dr. K went to visit her grave, and confessed that he does not know how he can do this without her.

8 Jack Carries Randall On His Back (Wholesome)

This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

While the Pearson family tries their best to raise their kids, Jack is concerned about Randall and wants to think of ways to make him feel comfortable growing up in a family of a different race. Jack brings him to a karate lesson, hoping to ask the instructor for advice and get Randall connected. The instructor told Randall to get on Jack’s back while he does pushups.

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Doing the most he can until giving up, the instructor invited another man over to do pushups with Randall on his back. This lesson to Jack was to show that he is the foundation, but there are more people around to help out. This was a heartwarming scene that shows how loved Randall is, and how many people are willing to hold him up.

7 Kate’s Flashbacks To Jack’s Funeral (Heartbreaking)

This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

The first glimpse viewers see of Jack’s funeral is through the eyes of Kate when she joins a workout class. Sitting on a yoga mat, pounding drumsticks, and digging into her emotional state, she begins to see flashbacks of her childhood, and the funeral of Jack.

She ends up screaming, alarming the instructor, but viewers finally see that Kate has some unresolved pain to deal with surrounding those events.

6 Nicky Opens Up (Wholesome)

This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

Nicky, Jack’s brother, was never able to connect and fit in with the Pearson family. However, there is a scene where Nicky opens up to Kevin and Cassidy about someone he had once loved years back.

This vulnerability and openness is important for his growth of trusting and connecting to his nephew. His honest story to Kevin opens a door for their relationship to deepen, and it left fans content and excited for more.

5 William’s Death (Heartbreaking)

This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

While William’s death is the first scene in the show, viewers were not prepared to arrive at the moment where they would officially have to let him go. Randall takes William on a road trip back to his hometown, but William ends up going to the hospital and dying.

Randall tells him that Jack would always hold his face with his hands during his panic attacks. And in the last moments before William died, Randall held William’s face in the same way. This was an emotional but powerful end that viewers found hard to watch.

4 Tess Comes Out To Her Parents (Wholesome)

This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

Tess wanders in the kitchen and tells her parents that she feels sick of keeping secrets. Randall and Beth tell her that she can tell them anything, and Tess says while all the girls are getting boyfriends, she doesn’t like boys, but girls.

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While this could have many different outcomes, Randall and Beth approach it with love. They reassure her that they love her, that they are the two people who love her the most in this world, and they will be there for her no matter what. Tess seems to find comfort in this, and even though there are moments with her and Beth that arise in the future, their initial response came out of pure love for their daughter.

3 Randall’s Breakdown (Heartbreaking)

This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

After getting caught up with work, Randall realizes that he is going to miss Kevin’s play. He calls Kevin and tells him he won’t make it, but Kevin can tell something is off. He then leaves the play and runs to find Randall on the floor having an emotional breakdown.

There is a flashback of when the two boys were young and how Kevin completely ignored one of Randall’s panic attacks, but this time, he sits and holds him tight. This was a heartbreaking scene that brought tears to many viewers.

2 Jack Helps Kate At The Pool (Wholesome)

This Is Us Most Wholesome & Heartbreaking Moments

Kate has grown up feeling insecure about her body. When she is at the pool, a group of girls sends her a note saying that they do not want to be with her because of how she looks. Heartbroken, Kate wants to leave the pool.

However, Jack appears and gives Kate one of his shirts to cover up, but he says that this shirt is special and allows Kate to be whoever she wants to be. Kate decides to be a princess. While this moment could have ended badly for Kate, Jack fulfills his role as a father and comes to save the day by giving Kate a little bit of hope and love.

1 Jack’s Death (Heartbreaking)

Viewers knew this was coming, but not in the way they expected. When the fire happens, viewers believe this is how he dies, but Jack makes it out of the fire alive. It isn’t until afterward that Jack dies in his hospital room, alone.

The scene where the doctor tells Rebecca that Jack did not make it tore everyone’s hearts, and still somewhat came as a surprise, even though Jack’s death was unavoidable. This was one of the saddest scenes in the entire show, and the key event that tore the Pearson family apart.

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