Why Deadpools First Disney Appearance Breaks His Own Timeline

Why Deadpool’s First Disney Appearance Breaks His Own Timeline

Deadpool’s first Disney appearance breaks his timeline by reacting to Ryan Reynolds’ Free Guy movie trailer as he killed Reynolds in the past.

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Why Deadpools First Disney Appearance Breaks His Own Timeline

Ryan Reynolds officially made his Disney debut as Deadpool to promote his new movie Free Guy, but the fun piece of marketing inadvertently breaks the Deadpool timeline. 20th Century Fox struck gold when they finally agreed to let Reynolds make an R-rated Deadpool. The 2016 film was a massive hit and generated a sequel that would’ve been part of an ongoing franchise. However, the fate of Deadpool changed once Disney bought Fox and brought the Merc with a Mouth under the Mouse House’s umbrella and under the purview of Marvel Studios.

There are currently plans for Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe and star in Deadpool 3, but he’s already made his first Disney appearance. One of the hallmarks of the Deadpool franchise is the brilliant marketing campaigns, and Reynolds is now combining the love for Deadpool with his latest project: Free Guy, a Fox movie greenlit and made during the Disney acquisition. Now, Deadpool teamed up with Korg, Taika Waititi’s MCU character first introduced in Thor: Ragnarok, to do a reaction video to one of Free Guy’s trailers. It is a fun piece of marketing that will likely draw more attention to Reynolds’ upcoming action-comedy, but it also breaks Deadpool’s timeline.

Although the first two Deadpool movies are tied to the X-Men franchise and its messy continuity, it does have a general timeline to adhere to based on the events of Reynolds’ solo films. This is still true even after Deadpool 2’s post-credits scene, which involves time travel, but that is where the complications with this Free Guy trailer reaction arise. The Deadpool 2 post-credits scene shows Deadpool travel across time doing various tasks, including killing X-Men Origins: Wolverine’s Deadpool. These events also lead Deadpool to travel back in time and kill Ryan Reynolds before he makes Green Lantern, which was released in theaters in 2011. Now that Deadpool has reacted to the Free Guy trailer, his timeline is broken. If Wade Wilson killed Ryan Reynolds before 2011, then how is it possible for Deadpool to react to a trailer for a movie coming out in 2021?

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Deadpool 2’s time travel rules are messy when the post-credits scene is considered, to say the least. There is likely no reasonable explanation for how this is possible other than this Deadpool is living in one of the timelines where he doesn’t kill Ryan Reynolds in 2011, allowing him to become a movie star. Of course, since the Free Guy trailer also shouts out Deadpool (which Deadpool doesn’t let pass by without highlighting), that makes Deadpool a being in a universe where Ryan Reynolds also made a Deadpool movie.

In truth, this Free Guy trailer reaction probably won’t have any bearing on Deadpool’s future. Now that he’s set to join the MCU, it remains to be seen whether or not the first two movies will even be canon. That doesn’t change the fact that it is surprising to see Reynolds let an opportunity to reference Deadpool killing him pass by. The trailer reaction was meta enough to comment on Deadpool 2’s fridging controversy, and Reynolds hasn’t shied away from Green Lantern jokes in the past. But now that Reynolds has finally seen the movie at long last, perhaps Deadpool’s days of poking fun at the animated green suit and that career choice are behind him.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/deadpool-free-guy-trailer-break-marvel-timeline/

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