Why Wrong Turn 2 Has The Franchises Best Kill

Why Wrong Turn 2 Has The Franchise’s Best Kill


Wrong Turn 2, from director Joe Lynch, doesn’t skimp on the violence and creativity of the original, and arguably features the franchise’s best kill.

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Why Wrong Turn 2 Has The Franchises Best Kill

The Wrong Turn movies feature a family of cannibalistic killers who stalk and hunt unsuspecting travelers in the West Virginia back country. It’s nothing particularly new for the horror genre, but the franchise has managed to keep itself afloat by featuring inventive, bloody kills–Wrong Turn 2 features one of the best.

The first movie, Wrong Turn, released theatrically in 2003 and starred Eliza Dushku, Desmond Harrington, Emmanuelle Chriqui, and Jeremy Sisto. The rest of the movies in the franchise were released direct to home video. There was a large gap between Wrong Turn, which was directed by Rob Schmidt and written by Alan B. McElroy, and the 2007 sequel. Wrong Turn 2: Dead End was directed by Joe Lynch (Mayhem), and starred Henry Rollins, Erica Leerhsen, and Texas Battle.

Despite the advantage of having a wide theatrical release, Wrong Turn 2 gets the highest reviews in the franchise, and the installments that came after got incrementally lower ratings. Wrong Turn and Wrong Turn 2 are the strongest entries in the franchise because they stick to the basics: a simple premise with a few interesting twists, unique kills, a heavy feature on the cannibal killers, and plenty of violence. Like in other horror franchises, some kills earned more acclaim from fans than others–Friday the 13th fans tend to rally behind the sleeping bag kill as one of Jason’s best–and Wrong Turn 2 delivered in a big way.

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Wrong Turn 2 Features The Franchise’s Best Kill

Wrong Turn laid the groundwork for the cannibal family who live in the backcountry that serves as the franchise’s primary setting. The three brothers–Saw Tooth, One Eye, and Three Finger–operate out of a cabin surrounded by large, open fields where they keep the broken down, damaged, and often bloody vehicles from people they’ve captured, killed, and eaten over the years. All three possess hunting skills, are clever enough to set traps, and have more ingenuity than one might expect from mutant, inbred cannibals.

In Wrong Turn 2’s best kill sequence, American Idol contestant Kimberly Caldwell (playing herself) runs over a man who is standing in the middle of the road. Horrified, she stops to check to see if he’s okay. Not only is he fine, but he’s one of the cannibals. He attacks her, biting off her bottom lip after a long struggle between the two. Caldwell is seen kicking and struggling against the man who, seconds before, seemed like a helpless victim. After she pulls away, revealing her lips have been bitten off, she encounters another cannibal; he is wielding an axe. After a moment, she is promptly cut in half–head first. The result is proof of how well-made gore can leave a lasting impression on a movie audience. Similar to Drew Barrymore’s death in Scream, this kill scene is a refreshing take on a common gag in horror films: the sudden death of a character who is literally in the movie just to die, which starts the movie on a high note.

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Often, where horror movies fail is when they open with this and don’t keep the momentum. The first Wrong Turn also featured a kill in the very beginning: a young couple who were rock climbing in the woods before being attacked by the cannibals. Where the kill in Wrong Turn 2 was more gruesome, the kill in its predecessor relied on building toward the slow realization that one of the two made it to the top only to be dispatched off-camera. The decision to shy away from graphic bloodshed early in the film has its merits, but in a franchise like Wrong Turn, it’s often better not to hold back. Both are classic horror movie opening scenes, but Wrong Turn 2 uses this kill to set the pace and promises the brutality will continue throughout; Lynch doesn’t pull any punches.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wrong-turn-2-axe-middle-best-kill-franchise/

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