What Happened To Fear TWDs Helicopter Group After Season 6 Timeline Explained

What Happened To Fear TWD’s Helicopter Group After Season 6 – Timeline Explained

After a group of Fear The Walking Dead protagonists departed in a CRM helicopter at the end of season 6, FTWD season 7 reveals what happened next.

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What Happened To Fear TWDs Helicopter Group After Season 6 Timeline Explained

What became of the Fear The Walking Dead characters rescued by CRM helicopter at the end of season 6? With Teddy Maddox hellbent on firing a nuclear missile, Fear The Walking Dead season 6’s finale became a mad dash for survival. As the clock ticked down, Morgan and Grace took refuge in a beached submarine, Dwight and Sherry found a storm cellar, and June and John hid in Teddy’s own personal murder bunker. Most intriguing, however, was how Daniel’s group escaped. Thanks to Al’s romance with CRM soldier Isabelle, a helicopter swooped by to whisk Daniel, Luciana, Sarah, Wes, Charlie and Jacob safely away.

Naturally, many expected this team would be harbored by the CRM in Fear The Walking Dead season 7, living inside the mysterious group’s territory. Instead, “Breathe With Me” reintroduces the helicopter evacuees sheltered within a safe zone. Fear The Walking Dead offers a few details on what happened since season 6’s helicopter scene, but there’s no flashback, and the audience is left to piece together the breadcrumbs themselves. What happened to the CRM chopper? Where are Daniel’s group now? How much time has passed? Here’s what we know.

At the end of Fear The Walking Dead season 6, all 6 protagonists were ferried away from Teddy’s nuclear blast by a CRM helicopter. As Sarah vaguely recollects, Teddy’s nuke went off while the gang were still mid-flight. Predictably, the helicopter lost control due to the explosion, and Al reveals the engine overheated. Maggie Grace’s character also explains how the CRM pilot (almost certainly Isabelle) was forced to make a difficult and unexpected landing, meaning Fear The Walking Dead’s 6 rescued heroes never joined up with the CRM proper.

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The group traveled “a few miles” on foot, fighting their way through hordes of undead to reach Fort San Vicente – a decommissioned military post now transformed into a bed & breakfast. Sarah had been knocked out during the helicopter’s descent, and needed to be carried. Though the fort itself is seemingly a fictional location, San Vicente was once the name of a town in Brewster County, a whole 700 miles from Galveston, where the nuke was launched. As such, Fear The Walking Dead’s Fort San Vicente is probably located elsewhere, closer to the USS Pennsylvania.

Wherever the B&B is situated, Al saying the chopper landed “a few miles short” implies that even before being forced into an emergency landing, the CRM helicopter pilot intended to take the rescued group to Fort San Vicente, rather than her own facility, and Al could’ve been there waiting. Fort San Vicente sits within a safe zone, since one of Teddy’s warheads turned out to be a dud. Based on Fred and Bea’s map from Fear The Walking Dead season 7, episode 2, the fort could slot into the strip of clean land between the east and west fallout zones – near the mysterious Padre. The CRM pilot handed over a stock of Prussian Blue (radiation medicine, not Bob Ross paint), so they could eventually leave for somewhere safer, and presumably took off once the chopper cooled.

In terms of a timeline, “Breathe With Me” begins 2 days after the helicopter landed, which chronologically places the episode before every other Fear The Walking Dead installment thus far. Once Sarah heads out looking for Wendell, however, the timeline gradually catches up with the remainder of the season. Josiah tells Sarah he’s been tracking her “for days” and Sarah later claims Wendell has been missing for “78 days.” By the time Sarah reunites with Morgan, Lennie James’ character is already aware of Victor Strand’s survival , which brings “Breathe With Me” right up to date, as June’s chalkboard from episode 3 said “Day 71.” It’s not known whether the remainder of the helicopter group are still at Fort San Vicente, or have since moved on.

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With the main cast split across the indistinguishable nuclear swamp that is Texas in Fear The Walking Dead, it’s rapidly becoming tricky to read the lie of the land – even more so when episodes skip around the timeline. With any luck, Fear The Walking Dead season 7 will begin to walk a more linear path now that most major characters have been reintroduced.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/fear-walking-dead-season-6-helicopter-group-what-happened/

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