The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

The Witcher: Every Single One of Jaskier’s Songs, Ranked


Through the books, games, and Netflix series, Jaskier’s songs have become integral to the charm of The Witcher. Today we’re ranking all of his tunes.

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The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

Months after the release of Netflix’s The Witcher, the show still remains an absolute sensation. Between the writing, fight scenes, and fantastic performances, there are a lot of things to love about the show. Out of all of those many things, however, nothing has gone more viral than Jaskier’s songs.

Also known as Dandelion, Jaskier is one of the most accomplished bards in the world of The Witcher, is quite good at cranking out catchy tunes. From the Witcher video games, books, and this new show, there are plenty of great songs to choose from. Here’s every single one of Jaskier’s songs, ranked.

10 “Her Sweet Kiss”

The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

“Her Sweet Kiss” is a great example of Jaskier’s softer side. Every artist needs his/her inspiration, and for many men there is no greater inspiration than a beautiful woman. Jaskier no doubt has a particular woman in mind. Whether that means he’s met her before or that the woman is an idyllic daydream remains to be seen.

The bard’s soft, sweet voice is perfect for a song such as this. It is being used in various YouTube videos as the backdrop to compilations of people in love. Most commonly it’s used to highlight compilations of Geralt and Yennefer together.

9 “Winter”

The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

One of Dandelion’s most famous ballads, “Winter,” actually comes from the books. In The Sword of Destiny collection, several different verses from Dandelion’s song are displayed proudly by the author and Witcher creator, Andrzej Sapkowski.

“Around your house, now white from frost, sparkles ice on pond and marsh, your longing eyes grieve what is lost, but naught can change this parting harsh…” The song goes on to talk of the return of spring, and the burning of a hopefully eternal fire. The alternative name for this song is, after all, “The Eternal Fire.”

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8 “You Think You’re Safe”

The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

Probably Jaskier’s most ominous song in the new Netflix show, “You Think You’re Safe” serves as a creepy warning to the locals of a town called Posada. As the rest of his ballads are mostly love songs and tales of triumph, this one definitely stands out among the rest.

“You’d be wise to beware the pike with the spike that lurks in your drawers. Or the flying drake that will fill you with horror.” Haunting lyrics make for quite the memorable tune.

7 “Elaine Ettarial”

The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

Another one of the Witcher series books, Time of Contempt, gives us another great Dandelion ballad. “Elaine Ettarial” tells the story of a beautiful heroine named Ettarial. The lyrics of the ballad are originally in Elder Speech, which Dandelion tries his best to translate.

“Your love’s proof and sign, the drops of morning dew like silvered by tears.” The writer of the ballad goes on to obsess over the elven maiden’s beauty.

6 “Elusive”

The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

Another song from Time of Contempt is the ballad known as “Elusive.” “O’er glistening roofs you float, through lily-strewn rivers you dive, yet one day I will know your truths, if only I am still alive…”

This ballad is yet another one of Dandelion’s more famous ones. The clever lyrics help push it over the top as compared to some of the others. Writer Andrzej Sapkowski certainly has a talent for creating clever Dandelion songs.

5 “The Fishmonger’s Daughter”

The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

One of the more fun songs from the show, Dandelion sings this balled when he is invited to perform at the betrothal feast of Princess Pavetta. It is a hardy, uplifting song that keeps the party going. Jaskier really seems lost within the joy and energy of this one.

“Oh fishmonger, oh fishmonger, come quell your daughter’s hunger to pull on my horn as it rises in the morn…” Very raunchy lyrics that are quite fit for a banquet where a bunch of burly men are getting drunk off of ale and wine.

4 “The Ballad Of The Lion Club Of Cintra”

The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

In the books, Dandelion grew to fame quite quickly. News was carried across the land of this great bard and his wonderful ballads, singing of love, war, and the country’s storied history.

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The one song that made his fame grow faster than any other was “The Ballad of the Lion Cub of Cintra.” For those that aren’t familiar with Witcher lore, the Lion Cub of Cintra is none other than Ciri herself. Since Ciri is the most important person in all of Cintra, its no wonder that this song was so popular.

3 “The Stars Above The Path”

The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

One great thing that can be said about Dandelion is that he is no one hit wonder. There are many great ballads that he has written and performed. Several of those have become famous across all of Cintra and beyond.

Another song that ended up reaching far across the lands was “The Stars Above The Path.” Dandelion sang it during a hunt for a dragon in Barefield.

2 The Succubus Bait Song

The Witcher Every Single One of Jaskiers Songs Ranked

One of the more hilarious songs that Dandelion came up with. This one is actually from the games. When Dandelion tries to lure out a succubus, he puts together a bit of a serenade in order to, hopefully, seduce her.

As the player, you actually help Dandelion pick the lyrics for this song. As you do your best to choose line after line, a nervous Dandelion shakily tries to turn the lyrical concoction into a romantic, heartfelt ballad.

1 “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher”

The viral sensation itself. Since Netflix’s The Witcher first started streaming, fans have been absolutely fascinated with this great single. Of all the songs from the show “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher” is by far the catchiest. Following the show’s release it became a huge viral hit, being shared and covered by millions of people.

As a helpful song to help Geralt gain a little bit of fame and respect, the song was utterly successful. This song also no doubt lead many more viewers to the show, interested to see where the tune originated. Hopefully season two gives us many more great classics like this one here.

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