Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

Vikings: 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)


Vikings is a brutal, violent series, so its extensive kill count isn’t surprising. But which deaths were predictable, and which were shocking?

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Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

In the world of History’s Vikings, death is a normal part of everyday life. The Norsemen weren’t as attached to their time on Earth. Instead, they looked forward to joining the gods in Valhalla after they died. That’s why they made for such horrifying opponents – they didn’t fear death at all. The fans quickly grew used to the amount of carnage depicted on the show, but they were still often caught by surprise when some of the most important characters were suddenly written off too.

Some characters knew that their time was running out and died on their own terms. Others, however, were not as lucky. Their deaths caught them by surprise, just as it did the fans.

10 Saw Coming: King Ecbert

Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

King Ecbert’s death came as no surprise because Ragnar explicitly told Ivar to tell his brothers that they need to avenge his death by killing Ecbert. After all, the King of Wessex and Mercia betrayed the Vikings when he let them settle on his land, only to order their massacre later on in the show.

Just like the fans, Ecbert knew that death was coming his way. He welcomed death on his own terms, stoically and courageously.

9 Shocked: Helga

Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

Helga and Floki had one of the most healthy relationships on Vikings, but the happiness together died with their daughter in season 4. Grief-stricken, Helga forcefully adopted Tanaruz, a Moorish girl from the Mediterranean who was afraid of the Norsemen who butchered her family while raiding.

The girl didn’t like the situation she found herself in and took it upon herself to murder Helga. Right after stabbing her, she took her own life as well.

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8 Saw Coming: Bjorn

Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

After Ivar wounded Bjorn in battle, Bjorn Ironside found himself on his deathbed. But before he breathed his last breath, he mustered the strength to lead his men into battle for one last time.

He approached Ivar’s forces, mounted on a horse. After Ganbataar shot three arrows at him, Bjorn still managed to unsheathe his sword and thus died a true hero.

7 Shocked: Sigurd

Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

Ivar’s capacity for cruel behavior knew no limits. Impulsive and aggressive, he murdered his own brother Sigurd after he teased him by saying “It must be hard for you now that your mommy’s dead, knowing she’s the only one who ever really loved you.” While there was no doubt that Ivar had a short temper, it was still shocking to see him commit fratricide.

One of the things that doesn’t make any sense about Vikings is just how much plot-armor Ivar had. His brothers just let Sigurd’s death slide, and the Boneless was never punished.

6 Saw Coming: Athelstan

Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

Athelstan’s death was a long time coming, since Floki was clearly growing increasingly resentful of him. He was jealous of the relationship the Christian monk had with Ragnar, and didn’t have any tolerance for religious pluralism.

Athelstan’s memory lived on in Alfred and in the minds of both Ragnar and Ecbert. When Hvitserk converted to Christianity, he chose to be called Athelstan, as well.

5 Shocked: Heahmund

Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

Heahmund was by far the greatest swordsman on Vikings, so it did come as a bit of a surprise when he died on the battlefield in “Hell”. As he died, he called out for Lagertha. The fierce shield-maiden was clearly shocked by his death, as she decided to put down her weapons after that very battle.

Fans who know their history weren’t shocked to see Heahmund die, though; it’s one of the few events in the show that is actually somewhat historically accurate.

4 Saw Coming: Lagertha

Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

After announcing that she wants to go live in a forest all by herself and talk to ghosts, it became clear that Lagertha’s life was coming to an end. She’s fought her fair share of battles, knew love, and raised a son she was proud of.

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But fate had bigger things in mind for Lagertha. Duty called yet again. While cutting down White Hair in a battle, she was seriously wounded. She sought safety in Kattegat and ran into Hvitserk. It just so happened that he was hallucinating and killed Lagertha, thinking she was a deadly serpent. It was one of the most heart-wrenching deaths in the history of Vikings, but it was clear that Lagertha’s time was up.

3 Shocked: Yidu

Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

Yidu’s death in season 4 came as a shock because she was just introduced to the show and seemed like a promising character. She didn’t think Ragnar had it in him to murder her, and neither did the audience. But, he drowned her after she defied him and called him a liar.

What’s worse, two of Ragnar’s sons saw the whole thing. He proceeded to hug them with the very same hands he just used to murder an innocent slave.

2 Saw Coming: Ragnar

Vikings 5 Deaths We All Saw Coming (& 5 That Shocked Viewers)

With nothing much to live for, Ragnar decided it was his time to die. He sailed for Wessex with no intention of ever coming back. He was willfully ‘captured’ by Ecbert and then passed on to Aelle.

His journey towards that fatal snake pit took up more than one episode, so the fans had sufficient time to say goodbye.

1 Shocked: Siggy

Siggy drowned right after she saved the lives of Aslaug’s children. Aslaug wasn’t much of a mother; after Ivar was born, he was the main focus of her affection. At the time of the event, she was busy spending time with Harbard the Wanderer.

Her death came as a shock because it looked like she could have easily been saved alongside the two boys. Instead, she gave in and sank to the bottom of the sea.

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