Titans 8 Unanswered Questions After Season 2 Episode 8

Titans: 8 Unanswered Questions After Season 2, Episode 8


The latest episode of DC Universe’s Titans series finally reveals what happened to Jericho – and raises a lot of questions about the future.

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Titans 8 Unanswered Questions After Season 2 Episode 8

Titans season 2, episode 8 finally revealed what happened to Deathstroke’s son, Jericho – but it raises a lot of difficult questions about the OG Titans’ conduct. The second season of DC Universe’s flagship TV series began with a retcon, revealing that the original Titans disbanded five years ago after a mysterious tragedy. Dick Grayson’s decision to reform the Titans has led to the new version being targeted by Deathstroke, who blames Dick Grayson for his son’s death.

The loose cliffhanger ending of Titans season 2, episode 7 appeared to promise another flashback episode, and that’s exactly what was delivered. Titans season 2, episode 8 shows the Titans spending time with Jericho in order to learn about his dad. They come to care for the kid, and when they discover he has powers, they come clean with him and offer him a home at Titans Tower. Unfortunately, they fail to realize that their actions may have unintended consequences, and Deathstroke attempts to turn his son against the Titans. It ends in a brutal conflict between Deathstroke and Dick Grayson’s Robin – one that comes to a tragic conclusion.

It’s hard not to argue that Titans season 2, episode 8 feels like something of a misstep. Previous episodes had strongly suggested that Robin was right to blame himself for Jericho’s fate; Titans had seemed to be avoiding the overused trope where a superhero blames himself for anyone dying in his vicinity. In the end, though, that isn’t the case – because Jericho is accidentally murdered by his own father when he intervenes to save Dick Grayson’s life. Let’s explore all the difficult questions raised by this week’s episode.

8. Who Was Really Responsible For Jericho’s Death?

Titans 8 Unanswered Questions After Season 2 Episode 8

Deathstroke launches a convoluted plan to turn Jericho against the Titans. He arranges a meeting with Jericho before murdering an Amazonian diplomat and badly injuring Donna Troi. This goads Dick Grayson into betraying Jericho’s trust and interrupting the meeting between Deathstroke and his son, just as the assassin-for-hire had planned. It’s a rather strange strategy, because it depends on Dick not saying anything about Donna during the fight. Fortunately for Slade Wilson, he doesn’t.

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Naturally, Dick Grayson and Deathstroke are soon going at it, but it’s notable that Dick is the only one watching out for Jericho. At one point Deathstroke literally tosses a grenade too close to his son, and Dick takes the force of the blast in order to save him. In the end, a defeated Dick is about to be killed; Deathstroke draws his sword, spins, and doesn’t realize that Jericho has blocked the blade with his own body. There is literally nothing Dick Grayson can do; he’s laid on the floor, drifting in and out of consciousness.

Jericho’s murder is all the more surprising given that Titans season 2, episode 8 demonstrates Deathstroke’s hyper-senses. At one point, he declares that he knows Robin is there because he can hear his heartbeat. And yet, for some reason, he doesn’t hear Jericho coming. Bluntly, there is absolutely no way Dick Grayson can be blamed for any of this.

7. Why Do The Titans All Blame Dick For Jericho’s Death?

Titans 8 Unanswered Questions After Season 2 Episode 8

Meanwhile, Titans season 2, episode 8 shows the other Titans as, frankly, self-righteous hypocrites. Dove encouraged Robin to “be Batman” in order to hunt Deathstroke, but then breaks up with him because she doesn’t like the person he’s becoming. Donna encourages Dick even when he’s doubting this strategy, insisting that anything is justified in order to avenge Aqualad. Only Hawk seems to have had any sustained objection, but that’s inconsistent with his portrayal in Titans season 2, episode 5, where he was the one who wanted to hand Rose over to Deathstroke.

6. Why Did The Titans Even Target Jericho?

Titans 8 Unanswered Questions After Season 2 Episode 8

Meanwhile, it’s not even clear why the Titans targeted Jericho in the first place. This kind of strategy should really have been a last resort, but it instead appears to have been their first idea. When Jericho mentions Deathstroke’s close friend Wintergreen, it takes the Titans minutes to track him down and identify him as an old comrade of Deathstroke’s who was best man at his wedding. Why didn’t they start with the best man, rather than drag Jericho into all this?

5. Who Was Deathstroke’s Real Target?

Titans 8 Unanswered Questions After Season 2 Episode 8

Ironically, Titans season 2, episode 8 reveals that Deathstroke never targeted the Titans in the first place. Rather, he had been hired to kill the Amazonian diplomat Wonder Girl was meeting with, and the Titans simply got in the way. What’s more, for some reason the intervention of a superhero team scared Deathstroke off for a while, and he only went back to his mission when the Titans had drawn him out.

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4. What Are Jericho’s Powers?

Titans 8 Unanswered Questions After Season 2 Episode 8

Titans season 2, episode 8 reveals that – as in the comics – Jericho has inherited superhuman powers as a result of the genetic modifications his father was subjected to. He’s gained the ability to transport his consciousness into another person, taking complete control of their body. This also presents Jericho with a unique and entertaining opportunity to show his sense of humor, particularly in one scene where Jericho takes control of Hawk and makes him dance.

3. How Did Jericho Become A Mute?

Titans 8 Unanswered Questions After Season 2 Episode 8

It seems Deathstroke’s family broke up after some of his rivals successfully identified him, and tracked his family down. They held Deathstroke’s wife and son hostage; although Deathstroke rescued them, slaughtering the men, Jericho had his throat slit during the melee. This is pretty much identical to the character’s comic book origin, where a similar incident saw his vocal chords severed.

2. Where Was Rose In Titans Season 2, Episode 8?

Titans 8 Unanswered Questions After Season 2 Episode 8

There is, however, one mysterious absence in Titans season 2, episode 8; Rose, Deathstroke’s daughter. Jericho may be alluding to Rose when he makes a throwaway mention of how, after the incident that saw him rendered mute, he and his mother no longer live with “them.” The implication is that Rose did used to live in the family home too, but went with her father when the family broke down. Alternatively, it may well be that Jericho was hiding Rose’s existence from the Titans, for unknown reasons.

1. Why Didn’t Deathstroke Kill Donna and Robin?

Finally, Deathstroke may be an assassin-for-hire, but he doesn’t seem to be particularly efficient. In Titans season 2, episode 8, the flashback reveals he managed to beat both Donna Troi and Dick Grayson – but left both of them alive. In Donna’s case, it was probably for tactical reasons; he wanted the Titans to split up, with some of them being forced to care for their wounded friend. In Dick’s case, however, it likely reflects his shock at having just murdered his own son.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/titans-season-2-episode-8-questions/

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