The Witcher 8 Scariest Characters In The Netflix Show

The Witcher: 8 Scariest Characters In The Netflix Show


Netflix’s The Witcher is full of characters who are intimidating, frightening, and capable of committing dangerous and deadly actions.

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The Witcher 8 Scariest Characters In The Netflix Show

The Netflix series The Witcher strives to hit some of the same fantasy notes as Game of Thrones, and if anything it is even more cynical in its approach to the fantasy genre. Its main character, Geralt, wanders through a grim world that is full of all sorts of creatures and people, many of which are sinister with their intent and in their actions. In fact, there are quite a few of the main characters that are very scary, indeed, including the Witcher himself.

They each, in their own way, show just how far they are willing to go in the pursuit of power or what they think is right – although they are all very different kinds of ‘scary’.

8 Geralt

The Witcher 8 Scariest Characters In The Netflix Show

As the title character, Geralt is one of the most important characters in the series (and arguably the best Witcher), and at first, he doesn’t seem to have much motivation other than making more money by hunting monsters. As it goes on, however, he shows that he has a heart, particularly when it comes to those that are weaker than he is. What’s more, he’s a very frightening person, at times, for he has physical and magical abilities that go far beyond what normal people can accomplish. This allows him to protect the innocent, but there are times when he also shows a more sinister side to his personality.

7 Yennefer

The Witcher 8 Scariest Characters In The Netflix Show

As a powerful sorceress, it makes sense that Yennefer would become one of the most frightening characters in The Witcher. Like Geralt, she’s something of an enigma, for while she clearly loves him, she is also capable of acts of great power and violence. She is also haunted by her past–which was filled with trauma–and she is never quite able to come to terms with the fact that she left a great deal of her soul behind when she made the transition to being a sorceress. Her ability to summon fire and slaughter almost an entire army is the strongest indication that she is a character to be feared and respected. And, of course, her name is itself an indication of how complicated she is.

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6 Cahir

The Witcher 8 Scariest Characters In The Netflix Show

Cahir is one of the generals of the Niflgaardians, the empire that is invading the northern kingdoms. Given that so much of what the viewer sees of him is through Ciri’s eyes, he becomes a very frightening character. Most of the time, he is seen as nothing more than a man in black with antlers on his helmet. More frightening than his appearance, though, is just how far he is willing to go in his conquest of the northern kingdoms, bringing death and destruction wherever he goes.

He is clearly someone that will let nothing stand in his way.

5 Fringilla

The Witcher 8 Scariest Characters In The Netflix Show

Cahir might be frightening as a warrior of Niflgaard, but he pales in comparison to Fringilla, the powerful sorceress who has allied herself with the invading power and aids them as they set about their acts of conquest. Though she mostly hovers in the background of the main story, every time that she appears she makes it clear that she, like Cahir, is not going to let anything stand in the way of the conquest that is currently underway. She is almost utterly devoid of empathy or emotion, and she radiates a power that makes most afraid of her.

4 Stregobor

The Witcher 8 Scariest Characters In The Netflix Show

The sorcerers that inhabit the world of The Witcher are, for the most part, heroes, but Stregobor is something else altogether. He has a cunning mind, and he uses his own native intelligence in order to manipulate Geralt into doing away with his enemies. He is incredibly ruthless, and even after Geralt does what he wants he still urges the town people to chase the Witcher away.

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Stregobor is a frightening person in large part because he has no loyalty to anyone other than himself and his own desires, no matter how warped and vindictive they might be.

3 Calanthe

The Witcher 8 Scariest Characters In The Netflix Show

There’s always something imposing and frightening about monarchs, given how much power they have over the lives of their subjects, and that is definitely true of Calanthe. She repeatedly shows that she’s a queen to be respected and that she doesn’t suffer fools gladly. She is also a formidable warrior, and it’s clear that it’s her fearsome personality that leads to both her courtiers and her soldiers admiring her and being willing to follow her into battle, even when it’s almost certain that they will fall before the might of Nilfgaard.

2 Tissaia

The Witcher 8 Scariest Characters In The Netflix Show

Tissaia is one of the most powerful sorceresses to appear in the series and, like Calanthe, she repeatedly makes it clear that she isn’t a person who will put up with ineptitude. Though she takes the young Yennefer under her wing and largely supports her, she also expects a lot out of her. She’s also someone to be feared, as can be seen when she turns several of Yennefer’s fellow students into eels.

Tissaia isn’t willing to let even her feelings for her students stand in the way of her duties as one of those in charge of training them.

1 The Doppler

Of all of the characters that appear in The Witcher, arguably the most frightening is the creature known as the Doppler. As its name suggests, it has the power to take on the identity of any person that it chooses to and, just as importantly, it can also take on their memories. This makes the being a formidable enemy, and it plays a key role in the efforts of Niflgaard to conquer the north. It’s a frightening creature precisely because it makes both the characters and the viewers wonder just whose identity it might decide to steal next and how much damage it can do before it is discovered.

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