The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

The Witcher: 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments, Ranked


The Witcher is not intended to be a lighthearted romp, and these ten moments from the hit Netflix series prove it can sadden viewers to no end.

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The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

The Witcher is by no means a light and fluffy series. Even the good guys are morally gray, and the worst of the bad guys are a morally black hole. Innocent people die, and villains scheme and murder with seeming impunity. Tragedy happens frequently in this world, and it makes for some truly heartrending scenes.

So which scenes will make viewers reach for their tissue boxes? Here are ten scenes from Netflix’s The Witcher that are guaranteed to tug at the heart strings.

10 Eist’s Death

The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

A woman like Queen Calanthe, The Lion of Cintra is a badass woman in a male dominated world. Any husband she took was going to have to be just as tough simply to keep up with her. Eist stands by his wife, whether in peace, or on the battlefield.

Sadly, it is on the battlefield where this noble warrior meets his end. While attempting to repel an invasion by Nilfgaard, he is slain by an arrow. The raw grief and rage this provokes in Calanthe is terrible to see. Unfortunately the two would not remain parted for long.

9 Calanthe’s Suicide

The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

Queen Calanthe was not a perfect person. She was stubborn, prideful, and her warmongering tendencies got her nation into trouble on more than a few occasions. But these negative traits were tempered by her sincere love for her family and her people. Death is never pleasant, but The Lioness Of Cintra’s is more tragic than most.

As the Nilfgaardians begin overrun her city, she ensures that her beloved granddaughter Ciri has a chance to escape and survive. Afterwards, her retainers take poison to spare themselves the torment their invaders would visit upon them. Not willing to burden one of her attendants with killing their queen, she jumps to her death.

8 Death Of Renfri

The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

Are people born evil, or are they made evil by the experiences in their lives. This question of nature vs nurture is at the heart of Renfri’s character. Was, as Stregobor claims, a cursed child born under an evil star? Or was it a lifetime of mistreatment and scorn what put her on the violent road that would lead to her end?

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It is this ambiguity that makes the death of Renfri so tragic. In the end, whether she was truly evil or not, Geralt is forced to kill her to stop her from attacking the city of Blaviken. The act stays with him, and both he and the audience will never know for sure if it had to be this way.

7 Yennefer’s Childhood

The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

Yennefer’s backstory is one of the most tragic in the series. Born with a deformity that rendered her unattractive by conventional standards, she was treated as little more than livestock by her abusive father. Eventually he actually sells her to a sorceress for less than the price of a pig.

Her days training as a mage are far from rosy. The boy she believed was in love with her turns out to have been using her as a pawn in his masters schemes. She goes through an extremely painful process to make her beautiful, but at a cost she will later deeply regret. If recent events are any indication, her sorrow is just beginning.

6 Hirikka Slaying

The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

Not every act of cruelty has to be on a massive scale. Sometimes the little things are just as damaging as the larger ones. The slaying of the Hirikka is sad not because it plays a major part in the story, but because of how needless and cruel it is.

Sir Eyck of Denesle slays the poor creature in a foolish attempt to make himself look courageous. But as Geralt points out, the monster was not particularly dangerous, and would probably have gone away. To make things worse, its species is evidently dying out.

5 The Breakup

The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

The life of a witcher is a lonely one. The life of a sorceress is often just as bad. Perhaps it is fitting then, that Geralt and Yennefer should find comfort in each others arms. It’s unfortunate that it doesn’t last very long.

When Yennefer learns that Geralt used a wish granted by a Djinn to ensure they would be together, she begins to doubt their love. Is the affection they feel for each other real, or just an artifice created by magic? This doubt causes her to break off the relationship, much to her and Geralt’s sadness.

4 Jaskier And Geralt Part Ways

The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

Some friendships form over mutual admiration and shared interest. The friendship of Geralt and Jaskier begins because the Bard believes he can make himself famous singing of the witchers deeds. Eventually the pair grow genuinely fond of each other, even willing to risk their lives for each other.

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But in the aftermath of his breakup with Yennefer, Geralt lashes out at Jaskier for a minor offense. His words are hurtful, and the Bard decides that he should take his leave. The witcher is obviously regrets his outburst as soon as his friend has left. Unfortunately his pride keeps him from apologizing, and the two part on a sour note.

3 Geralt’s Reunion With His Mother

The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

Witchers are taken in as children, where they are trained to fight monsters and given mutations to enhance them physically. Some of these children are orphans. Others are given up willingly by their parents. The later was the case for Geralt, who has a chance encounter with his mother during the season finale.

Geralt angrily demands to know why his mother gave him up to be put through the harsh training and painful mutations of a monster hunter. The mother is clearly saddened by his words, and leaves after healing his fatal wounds. In the end, both parent and child are left despondent by the meeting.

2 Yen And The Baby

The Witcher 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments Ranked

After struggling so hard to get herself placed in the court of an influential king, Yennefer finds out that it isn’t at all what she hoped. She spends her days trying to aid selfish, vain, and stupid people as they plot and scheme. Eventually, she is caught in the crossfire when her king sends an assassin to kill his current wife and newborn child.

While she at first leaves the two to their fate, her conscience makes her go back for the infant. Sadly, it’s too late, and the child is dead. All she can do is bitterly tell the child of the cruelty of the world before burying her.

1 Tale Of The Striga

Love can be a wonderful thing that gives meaning to the lives of those lucky enough to find it. But it can also cause some of the most vicious acts of jealousy imaginable. Such is the case with the Striga. At first thought to be a mere monster, it soon becomes clear that there is much more at play.

Geralt eventually finds out that the Striga is in fact the daughter of King Foltest, a product of incest between the king and his sister. Cursed by a jealous suitor of her mothers, she becomes the hideous monster that prowls Temeria after her mother dies in childbirth. While the curse is eventually lifted, it will take a long time to begin to undue the trauma she has experienced.

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