Who The Most Powerful MCU Hero Is In Each Avengers Movie

Who The Most Powerful MCU Hero Is In Each Avengers Movie


The MCU has had four Avengers films thus far — each different from one another. Here’s the most powerful hero in every one of those ensemble movies.

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Who The Most Powerful MCU Hero Is In Each Avengers Movie

Each Avengers movie has introduced new characters, and changed the status quo of who the MCU’s most powerful hero is. Since Earth’s Mightiest Heroes first assembled in 2012’s The Avengers, the group has become the official premiere superhero team of the MCU. They’ve fought various villains in an effort to keep the planet safe, and while they succeeded in most instances, they’re not immune to failures.

Starting off with six original members – Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, Thor, Hawkeye, and Captain America – the roster of heroes featured in the Avengers films has continuously changed. The lineup was reshuffled in Avengers: Age of Ultron with the addition of Scarlet Witch, Vision, War Machine, and Falcon, while some founding members supposedly retired. Meanwhile, there was no clear team in Avengers: Infinity War with the heroes operating separately from each other following the falling out between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers in Captain America: Civil War. This played a pivotal part in their loss to Thanos, who successfully snapped half of life in the galaxy using the Infinity Stones. Finally, in Avengers: Endgame, all active heroes in the MCU come together for an epic battle against the Mad Titan, with Captain America’s “Avengers Assemble” line essentially making all of them an Avenger.

Regardless of the official roster in these movies, not to mention the type of threat they’re dealing with, every Avengers film makes sure to give each character their time in the spotlight to show off their skills. Given the sheer number of heroes now in the MCU, there’s also a variety of skills and specialization for each of them, but there are several clear powerhouses. From Thor to Scarlet Witch, here is the strongest hero in every Avengers movie.

The Avengers – Hulk

Who The Most Powerful MCU Hero Is In Each Avengers Movie

Marvel Studios solidified their plans of an interconnected universe through The Avengers, which brought together all their Phase 1 characters against Loki. There was so much excitement over seeing all of them together, but thanks to differing views and codes, the team didn’t jive well at the start. While pretty much everyone else was willing to be part of the mission, Bruce Banner wasn’t; at this point, he’s still uncomfortable with the idea of the Hulk also residing inside of him. But aside from Banner’s intellectual abilities that proved useful in cracking the mystery of Loki’s Scepter, which housed the Mind Stone, Hulk was also instrumental for his sheer strength. His rampage during the Battle of New York took care of countless Chitauris and even delivered the final throwdown on Loki. Prior to the final action set piece, no one was really able to contain him during his provoked rampage on the Hellicarrier.

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A close second in The Avengers’ power rankings is Thor — the only other hero who was able to go toe-to-toe to Hulk. While he wasn’t able to fully contain the green-rage monster, he put up a great fight against him. Their intense tussle was eventually recreated in Thor: Ragnarok, where Hulk still ended up besting the God of Thunder. Nonetheless, it proved that Thor can still hold himself pretty well against him.

Avengers: Age of Ultron – Vision

Who The Most Powerful MCU Hero Is In Each Avengers Movie

Born out of Tony Stark’s hopes for a better prepared Earth in case another alien attack comes, the creation of Ultron backfired after the AI deemed humanity as the ultimate threat in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Somehow, the original Avengers were so underpowered in the film that they resorted to creating Vision, who was deemed the perfect form for Ultron. Supposedly a combination of JARVIS and Ultron, Vision is powered by the Mind Stone, which in itself significantly increased his superpowers; he’s also worthy of wielding Mjölnir as he easily picked it up and handed it to Thor. Vision’s powers were on full display during Age of Ultron’s final battle against Ultron and his army, helping the Avengers in varying ways to contain Ultron. In the end, it all boiled down between the two Androids, with Ultron quickly destroying Ultron with an energy beam

Avengers: Infinity War – Thor

Who The Most Powerful MCU Hero Is In Each Avengers Movie

Coming off from the falling out between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers in Captain America: Civil War, the Avengers was essentially almost defunct during Avengers: Infinity War. The heroes were scattered throughout the universe, scrambling to fight Thanos on their own. While it wasn’t exactly the best game plan against the Mad Titan, it allowed the film to give its long list of characters their respective screen time, and there are some heroes who used it to prove their superiority when it comes to their power sets. Thor is at the top of the rankings in terms of raw strength in Avengers: Infinity War. The God of Thunder may have started the film strapped in as he watched the Mad Titan kill half of his people, including Heimdall and Loki, but since then had showcased just how strong he is. He’s survived the Asgardian ship’s explosion; directly took the energy of a star in Nidavellir, and then partook in the final battle in Wakanda, with a particularly impressive (and powerful) arrival. Had he gone for Thanos’ head, Thor would’ve also prevented the snap.

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There are two other heroes who proved themselves to be top-tier MCU heroes in Infinity War — Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch. Doctor Strange’s one-on-one fight against Thanos was the most creative in the film, with the sorcerer pulling an impressive feat standing up to the antagonist. He used various magic tricks that forced the Mad Titan to use the Infinity Stones in different ways. Wanda’s powers, on the other hand, were on full display at the end of Infinity War where she slowly disintegrated the Mind Stone Stone on Vision’s forehead while simultaneously slowing the villain down. Earlier during the battle in Wakanda, she also quickly took care of the Black Order minions, with Okoye even questioning why it took her so long to be on the ground.

Avengers: Endgame – Captain Marvel

Thanos’ defeat in Avengers: Endgame was through cooperation from all the active heroes in the MCU. But the final action set piece of the movie featured some great head-to-head battles between the Mad Titan and some characters. Captain Marvel exuded strength as she took on Thanos. At one point, the Mad Titan even tried head-butting her, but it didn’t affect Carol Danvers in the slightest. She impressively held her ground as Captain Marvel kept the Mad Titan’s fist open to pull off the Infinity Gauntlet. It was only when he used the Power Stone to knock her out that he’s able to get rid of him.

In second place in Avengers: Endgame is Scarlet Witch, who sought Thanos following her resurrection through Smart Hulk’s secondary snap. Motivated by her grief over the death of Vision, she used her powers to manipulate energies to relentlessly attack the Mad Titan. Scarlet Witch could’ve ended Thanos then and there as she gripped his whole body, stripped him of his armor, and raised him up on the air — she even broke his sword. Had it not been for the back-up from his minions, chances are that Thanos would’ve died at the hands of Wanda. Interestingly, recent events supposedly have Marvel Cinematic Universe’s most powerful hero title a toss-up between Wanda and Carol.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avengers-movies-mcu-most-powerful-superhero-characters/

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