XMens Secret Mutant Was Hidden In Plain Sight

X-Men’s Secret Mutant Was Hidden In Plain Sight

Jonathan Hickman’s X-Men relaunch revealed longtime mutant ally Moira MacTaggert was a secret mutant – but the clue was in her name all along.

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XMens Secret Mutant Was Hidden In Plain Sight

The X-Men’s secret mutant, Moira MacTaggert, was hidden in plain sight all along. When Jonathan Hickman relaunched the X-Men franchise in 2019, one character stood at the center of his story; Moira MacTaggert. Until the Hickman era, Moira had been seen as a human ally of the X-Men and a former love interest of Charles Xavier. But Hickman retconned her to be something far more.

It seems Moira MacTaggert has been a secret mutant all along. Moira possesses the power of reincarnation, meaning when she dies, she “reboots” back to the moment of her birth, retaining all the knowledge of her accumulated lives. What’s more, each time Moira is killed, her entire timeline is functionally erased from reality, allowing her to rewrite history based on her foreknowledge. Moira has lived nine lives, including ones in which her lifespan was artificially extended, meaning she’s seen the ultimate future of the mutant race. For years, she’s been secretly working with Charles Xavier and Magneto as part of a last, desperate plan to create a timeline in which the mutants aren’t ultimately rendered extinct.

Ironically, there’s a sense in which her true nature was hidden in plain sight all along – because her name is derived from the Greek word “Moirai,” goddesses of fate and destiny – more commonly known as the Fates. The Moirai were responsible for determining the lives of gods and men, and in some myths, only Zeus himself was greater than them. It seems quite likely Jonathan Hickman’s ingenuous retcon was inspired when he discovered (or remembered) the origin of Moira’s name.

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What makes this especially interesting, though, is that Moira is locked in a feud against another mutant who has traditionally been compared to one of the Fates by comic book writers; Destiny, the precog who is Mystique’s wife. Moira and Destiny crossed paths in an earlier lifetime, with Destiny learning to see around the “hole” in the future she senses whenever Moira is near, and she forced Moira on a path she didn’t really want to travel. Xavier and Magneto had attempted to ensure Destiny was never resurrected – in accordance with Moira’s wishes – but they lost control of the Resurrection Protocols. Hickman’s current X-Men: Inferno miniseries is essentially the story of two Fates colliding.

Of course, in Greek mythology, there were traditionally three Moirai, not just two. That means it’s entirely possible Hickman intended to introduce another Fate, perhaps someone who originated from a future timeline glimpsed in his Powers of X miniseries – such as Rasputin, a powerful genetically-engineered mutant who was subject to a major marketing push back in 2019. While Hickman is leaving the X-Men books after X-Men: Inferno, his plans are expected to continue. Hopefully, that means it won’t be long until the X-Men have a third Moirai to deal with.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/x-men-secret-mutant-moira-mactaggert-name-hint/

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