What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)


There’s nothing more relaxing than slipping into your PJs and binge-watching your favorite Netflix series—but what does it have to say about you?

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What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

There is nothing more relaxing than slipping into your PJs after a long day and flipping open your laptop so you can binge watch your favorite Netflix series. Once the series comes on, everything else shuts off. Because your favorite show is so entertaining, you don’t even feel the need to scroll through memes or send those “I’m bored” snaps to the group chat while the show is on. It’s as if nothing else matters but these characters, and as you watch, all of your problems somehow seem to melt away.

People often misjudge how much a person’s favorite TV show reflects their persona. This list will fill you in on what your favorite Netflix original series says about you! (Plus, two recommendations on Netflix originals you’ve gotta check out. Seriously. They’re awesome.)


What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

Big Mouth is easily one of the most hilarious shows on TV, thanks to comedy legend Nick Kroll. The animated series follows the adventures of awkward junior high students who are dealing with perhaps the most horrifying life alteration of all time: puberty. Yet unlike most twelve-year-olds, these kids get their very own “hormone monster” to guide them through all of the challenges that come with their transition from childhood to adulthood.

Fans of Big Mouth are usually blessed with a magnificent sense of humor and are most often mildly twisted individuals, due to the fact that they don’t feel the need to take a shower after anything Andrew’s hormone monster says. So keep it up with that killer sense of humor, Big Mouth fans, and never stop doing impersonations of Connie for your group of friends!


What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

If your favorite Netflix original series is Orange is the New Black, you live your life according to your own rules and you refuse to bow down to anyone! Because Orange is the New Black is all about resisting authority and finding ways to outsmart the unjust prison system, it is often the ideal show for individuals with a bit of a rebellious streak.

Fans of OITNB are usually described by their peers as “the life of the party” due to the fact that the prison series feels like one giant party episode after episode. (Well, maybe not so much in the later seasons, but you get the idea.)

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What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

If Stranger Things is your favorite Netflix original series, you’re clearly down to go on the craziest adventures with your best friends at a moment’s notice. Because the sci-fi series is never afraid to take viewers on a wild journey of incredible twists that not even the biggest fans saw coming, you are the type of person who would have no issue fighting monsters and aliens with your closest buddies.

In fact, you might even have a “bring it on” attitude when it comes to battling forces of evil because you crave that kind of excitement in your life. Your peers might describe you as a daredevil because you will accept any challenge that comes your way, regardless of how dangerous it may seem!


What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

If A Series of Unfortunate Events is your favorite Netflix original series, you are most likely a total mystery to your peers—which makes everyone all the more desperate to get to know you and figure you out! Most people find you fascinating because of your quiet nature and everyone is right to assume that you’ve got a whole lot of interesting and imaginative things stirring up inside your head.

Because A Series of Unfortunate Events is gothic and mysterious, you as an individual embody your favorite series. Your wardrobe most likely consists of black clothing, and you would be the first of your friends to boldly wear a black shade of lipstick. Plus, you’ve probably seen every Tim Burton movie at least a dozen times, and your friends can always rely on you to throw the most epic Halloween parties.


What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

If your favorite Netflix original series is Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, you are most likely described by your peers as the human equivalent of a golden retriever. This means you are the ultimate source of positivity and light in all of your peers’ lives. You brighten up every room you enter because your happy-go-lucky nature is contagious to anyone who comes across it.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is an incredibly light-hearted series which refreshingly proves to fans that there is light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how dark it may seem. Kimmy Schmidt has been through the worst trauma imaginable, yet she refuses to let it break her.


What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

Russian Doll is a Netflix original series starring Natasha Lyonne that is riddled with wisdom. Every episode of the series provides a valuable life lesson that can ultimately help dedicated fans see all of the beauty that life can offer no matter how much they’re internally struggling.

Although the show at times is rather puzzling, fans of the series have enough patience to wait out all of the confusing elements in order to uncover the endless wisdom. With Amy Poehler and Natasha Lyonne as the show’s creators, you know you’re about to dive into something totally worth watching.

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What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

Master of None is a series that deals with a lot of interesting topics such as race, age, gender, and politics. Yet when it comes down to it, Master of None is a series all about love. Relationships and romance play an enormous role in Aziz Ansari’s original series, and this is especially the case in the second (and final) season.

If you’re a sucker for anything that’ll cause your heart to skip a beat, Master of None is the perfect show for you. Need proof that this show is all about romance? There is an entire scene dedicated to John Legend singing “I Can’t Help It” on piano.


What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

Dead To Me is a dark comedy and Netflix original series starring Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini. Although the series deals with all kinds of interesting twists, when it comes down to it, it is a series that’s all about friendship. These two ladies will risk their lives for each other and, despite everything they go through together (which is a lot), they still somehow manage to make it through and come out even stronger.

If Dead To Me is your favorite show, you are most likely an incredibly loyal friend to have around and people would be lucky to have you in their lives. You will do just about anything to protect the people who are most dear to you, just like Judy and Jen.


What Your Favorite Netflix Original Series Says About You (& 2 Recommendations To Check Out)

Bojack Horseman is a fascinating animated TV show that is surprisingly underrated. With a dynamite cast and a brilliant premise, it’s hard not to find yourself drawn into the universe of “Hollywoo,” filled with talking animals that are intermixed with humans.

The premise of Bojack Horseman centers around a horse named Bojack who used to be on a very famous TV show in the ’90s. Nowadays he is considered a “has-been” and is currently a cynical and washed-out alcoholic. Don’t let the talking animals and pretty colors fool you. When it comes down to it, Bojack Horseman is dark. If you prefer your comedies black, this series is perfect for you.


This is the perfect Netflix original for you if you’re a total sucker for drama. Selling Sunset is a reality TV series which can easily be binged in a single sitting due to how addicting each episode is. It has everything you could possibly want in a TV series, from stunning scenery to the ruthless drama.

The show centers around real estate brokers who all compete against each other in order to sell the most gorgeous houses you’ll probably ever witness in your lifetime. Every moment is wildly entertaining, even if you don’t consider yourself to be a big reality TV fan. It is basically what you’d expect if you combined Mean Girls with Million Dollar Listing.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/favorite-netflix-original-series-recommendations/

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