The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

The Mitchells Vs. The Machines: The 10 Most Relatable Moments


Netflix’s feel-good family animated movie, The Mitchells Vs. the Machines, is loved by audiences of all ages simply because it’s so relatable.

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The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

Netflix premiered another feel-good family animated movie in 2021 titled The Mitchells Vs. the Machines. The movie revolves around a family called the Mitchells, who have their own family issues to work out. In the midst of taking a road trip to drop their daughter off at college, there’s a robot takeover.

Fans of the movie don’t just love it for its many comedic moments, but the highly relatable scenarios when it comes to family life and coming of age. There’s the tense father-daughter relationship and the quarrels and tribulations of how technology controls everyone’s lives, not to mention the moment when the youngest character feels scared because they like a girl.

10 Phone Free Dinner

The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

The Mitchell family is having dinner but Rick (Danny McBride) realizes something is wrong. His wife, son, and daughter are all too preoccupied with their phones. In an age of technology, it’s a habit in many households to use your phone at the table.

Rick wants to savor the last night before his daughter leaves for college. He has his family put down their devices for unobstructed family eye contact. It’s comical to see all of them try to not fidget and reach for their phones, all while trying to look dead straight into each other’s eyes.

9 Rick & Katie’s Kitchen Blow-Up

The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

Viewers might sympathize and understand how hard it is for some to have a good relationship with a parent. In the movie, Katie (Abbi Jacobson) and her father butt heads often. Rick doesn’t seem to understand Katie’s desire to become a filmmaker. This is especially true when he can’t find it in him to be proud of Katie’s homemade movies.

At the table, Katie shows him her latest movie and Rick makes a face. When Katie notices, he asks if Katie really thinks she can make a living this way – a stab to the heart for any child. Katie thinks that her father expects her to fail. In Rick’s attempt to make things right, he breaks Katie’s laptop.

8 A Parent Stuck In The Past

The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

After Katie and Rick’s blow-up, there’s a moment that is relatable for any parent. Rick’s wife makes it clear that he and Katie’s relationship is broken. Before bed, Rick finds a box of memories and homemade movies. Watching homemade movies is always bittersweet for parents.

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Rick watches how close-knit he and Katie used to be. They shared good laughs, a unique moose toy and Katie was a ‘Daddy’s Girl.’ Adult and even younger fans can relate to Rick’s heartache of how things turned out.

7 Being Excited For College

The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

Going away to college is one of the biggest moments in anyone’s life. It’s a new chapter leading into adulthood that makes many people nauseous with excitement and a bit scared. It’s highly relatable to see how excited Katie is to go to her dream college. At the beginning of the movie, the audience gets to see Katie give it her all in her application and scream when she gets her acceptance letter.

On the morning of the big day, Katie wakes up happy to finally get away and see her new friends. For the majority of Katie’s teen years, she never felt understood. The people who are attending the same school totally understand her and she feels accepted.

6 Being Jealous Of Other Cool Families

The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

There always seems to be that one neighborhood family that has it all and is always on top of their game. So, it’s understandable when Katie’s mom, Linda (Maya Rudolph), is envious of the Posey family.

She sees their post on Instagram about their family yoga break and it gets worse when they arrive at the same dinosaur cafe the Mitchells’ are at. The Poseys have perfect family photos. Even viewers will feel jealous at how to put together they are when they share their strategic action plan for when the robots invade.

5 Wanting A Cool Slo-Mo Moment

The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

In the movie, the Mitchells have to get to the local mall to try and upload a kill code. Their plan doesn’t work that well but one relatable moment does happen. Ever watch action movies and have a deep desire to be in your own slow-motion scenario? Katie does, and she explains how cool it’d be to have all of them walk in slo-mo with fire blazing behind them.

Rick thinks it’s a waste of time, but the scene cuts to all of them looking serious as they walk away from the burning mall – all while awesome action music plays. Katie lived out many viewers’ small dreams of pretending they’re suave characters in an action movie.

4 Being Scared Of Liking Someone

The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

Viewers got flashbacks to their childhood when Aaron Mitchell (Mike Rianda) crosses paths with the Poseys daughter, Abbey (Charlyne Yi). At the dinosaur cafe, Aaron is having a meltdown over the dinosaurs being inaccurate. Abbey chimes in that they should have feathers and tells him she likes dinosaurs.

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Like any young child who finds their equal, Aaron gets googly-eyed and falls in love with Abbey. Being so young, the idea of liking someone else is bizarre and new territory, so he freaks out and says “I hate dinosaurs and I hate you!” This scene is relatable as it reminds of us what first love can be like with all its innocence and awkwardness.

3 The Furby

The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

Back in the late-90s to 2000s, there were a number of toys that were immensely popular. One of them was the infamous Furby, which was cute on many levels, but also a bit creepy. Audiences will relate to the moment the Mitchells encounter an army of Furby’s at the toy store.

They may be small, but once they open their round eyes and are controlled to be evil, they’re terrifying. Who wouldn’t fear an army of Furby’s, especially when they have their mecha mother Furby? In one scene, the mother Furby shouts, “Let the dark harvest begin!” and shoots a powerful destruction beam.

2 Rick & Computers

The Mitchells Vs The Machines The 10 Most Relatable Moments

Near the climax of the movie, Rick is tasked with uploading Katie’s home movie to short-circuit the robots. There’s one problem, Rick’s not exactly well-versed in technology. Many can relate to the frustration that Rick has trying to upload a video or watching their parents struggle with the same.

As Rick tries to go to YouTube, a software update pops up. Rick starts to freak out and hits “Remind me later,” while also accidentally making the main language Spanish. Rick gets sweaty and scared as all the controls, titles and words are now in a language he doesn’t know. We’ve all watched our parents do this or been-there-done-that ourselves, for sure.

1 No Wi-Fi = Chaos

It’s sad to say, but many viewers have probably panicked when their Wi-Fi stopped working or is shut off. In the movie, the robotic takeover is orchestrated by a cellphone AI named PAL (Olivia Colman). Besides trapping all the humans, she has another devious and maniacal plan to ensure chaos amongst the humans.

She simply turns the Wi-Fi from ‘on’ to ‘off.’ Viewers can’t help but laugh at the exaggerated reaction the humans have, while also feeling that is somewhat relatable. The humans walk around in a frenzy, asking if someone wants to take a photo of their food or unbox something in front of them. In a comical scene, two men describe how they must make a sacrifice to the router to get the Wi-Fi back.

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