Thor Ragnarok Set Photos Reveal New Costumes For Thor Loki & Odin

Thor: Ragnarok Set Photos Reveal New Costumes For Thor, Loki & Odin

New behind the scenes photos for Thor: Ragnarok have been revealed, showcasing new costumes for Thor, Loki and Odin.

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With each new outing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, most characters receive a new costume as well. One of the big reasons Marvel does this is for merchandising purposes, as new costumes means new toys on the shelves. Outside of money, the costume department and actors are able to figure out better ways for the costume to fit, and there are also times where it serves the story or character, such as Iron Man with his many suits. The Thor franchise has been no different in attempting to create a better feel for Asgard and the look, which means new costumes again for Thor: Ragnarok.

Filming is currently underway down in Australia, with set photos hinting at a very strange connection within the MCU, and Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston have of course been central to many of the scenes. Thanks to recent behind-the-scenes photos, new costumes for both Thor and Loki – as well as the All-Father Odin (Anthony Hopkins) – have been revealed.

Juan Miguel has been hanging out with Anthony Hopkins during his time filming Thor: Ragnarok and was able to get pictures with Hemsworth, Hiddleston, and Hopkins in costume. The photos were initially posted on his Instagram page (via CBM), but were taken down, seemingly once Marvel saw they had surfaced. The internet worked faster than Marvel however, with the photos once again popping up throughout Twitter.

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New!!! THOR, ODIN & LOKI New THOR: RAGNAROK Costume Pics

— SuperheroMovieScoop (@HeroMovies4life) September 1, 2016

Loki’s costume is not dramatically different from the one he wore in Thor: The Dark World, though it looks more casual instead of the royal look of his previous outfit. Thor’s suit is much different than what we have seen, but seems to fit with what we know about the plot. His costume is very much in the style of gladiator armor, which means this could be his costume once he gets involved with The Grandmaster’s games. We know Hulk will sport his gladiator armor as well, so it is not surprising to see Thor have a similar look. If this is the standard look for everyone involved in the arena, then a similar style could be used for Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) as well.

Odin has a distinctly different look than what we saw in the most recent images of him. Instead of being dressed in rags, he now appears to be back in some sort of royal attire, with a gown and his golden eye piece being featured again. It is still unknown why or how Odin was sent to Earth, but he has seemed to regain his regal-ness by the time this scene takes place. The extent of what they are preparing to shoot is unclear, with nothing but blue screen being featured behind, but this could the final preparations for their battle against Hela.

Doctor Strange opens November 4, 2016; Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – May 5, 2017; Spider-Man: Homecoming – July 7, 2017; Thor: Ragnarok – November 3, 2017; Black Panther – February 16, 2018; Avengers: Infinity – May 4, 2018; Ant-Man and the Wasp – July 6, 2018; Captain Marvel– March 8, 2019; Untitled Avengers – May 3, 2019; and as-yet-untitled Marvel movies on July 12, 2019, and on May 1, July 10, and November 6 in 2020.

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Source: Twitter

Cooper Hood is a news and feature writer for Screen Rant. He joined Screen Rant in late 2016 following a year-long stint with MCU Exchange, which came after first developing an MCU blog of his own. He graduated college in 2016 with a Bachelor’s degree in Media & Public Communication, with a minor in Media Production. Cooper’s love for movies began by watching Toy Story and Lion King on repeat as a child, but it wasn’t until The Avengers that he took an invested interest in movies and the filmmaking process, leading him to discover the world of film journalism. Every year Cooper looks forward to seeing the latest blockbusters from the likes of Marvel, DC, and Star Wars, but also loves the rush to catch up on Oscar films near the end of the year. When he isn’t writing about or watching new releases, Cooper is a fantasy football obsessive and looking to expand his Blu-Ray collection – because physical media is still king! Follow Cooper on Twitter @MovieCooper.

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