The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

The Vampire Diaries: Stefan’s 10 Shadiest Burns


Stefan Salvatore’s dry sense of humor in The Vampire Diaries comes as an unexpected surprise. Here are his shadiest burns from the series.

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The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

Stefan Salvatore isn’t as expressive as his brother, but he can hold his own in terms of comedy in The Vampire Diaries. Although it takes a few seasons for him to open up, Stefan becomes more outspoken as the series goes on. He has a dry sense of humor, and his level of sass only increases.

Stefan is especially laid back when his switch is flipped, and he has no problem saying what he’s thinking during this time. Even when his emotions are on, Stefan doles out insults if he deems them necessary. Stefan makes countless quips to both his friends and foes, and some are especially amusing.

Stefan Tells Damon About His Breakup With Elena

“Don’t Pretend Like This Isn’t The Best Day Of Your Life.”

The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

The Salvatores don’t mess around when it comes to Elena, putting them in constant competition. It’s disheartening that she’s able to drive a wedge between the two, but the show eventually reinforces their bond.

Stefan and Damon’s relationship struggles most when Elena breaks up with Stefan for his brother in the fourth season. Stefan’s retort feels a bit harsh because Damon expresses sympathy after hearing the news. However, Damon has been going after his little brother’s girlfriend for years, so Stefan probably isn’t wrong.

Stefan Lets Loose

“Are You Drunk?” “I Don’t Know, Mom. Am I?”

The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

Despite being the younger of the two, Stefan is usually the more responsible of the Salvatores. They end up switching roles briefly when Lexi returns as a ghost in the season 4 episode “Graduation,” and Stefan lets loose.

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Considering that Damon is the one who killed Lexi, the least he can do is let Stefan savor what little time he has with his best friend. Stefan’s quip at Damon is ironic because Stefan is viewed as the killjoy. Damon likes to nickname other characters in The Vampire Diaries, and he dubs Stefan “Buzzkill Bob.”

Stefan And Klaus Gang Up On Rebekah

“You’re The One That Pulled The Dagger Out Of Her.”

The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

Stefan tries to bond with Klaus to earn his trust, but he seems to genuinely enjoy their banter. Although he hates everything Klaus forces him to do after they leave Mystic Falls, there’s no denying that Stefan’s “ripper” side meshes with the original hybrid well.

Stefan and Klaus play off each other effortlessly, and they act like brothers ganging up on their little sister. Stefan chastises Klaus for pulling the dagger out of Rebekah, making the scene feel like a typical Mikaelson family outing.

Stefan Lashes Out At Elena

“You Don’t Know What I Look Like When I’m Not In Love With You.”

The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

It’s an obvious lie, but these words are still difficult for Stelena shippers to hear. Stefan lashes out at Elena after she leaves him for Damon, and he acts like his feelings for her have disappeared. However, Klaus isn’t wrong when he says, “That kind of love never dies.” Stefan’s anger comes from heartbreak.

Stefan doesn’t have the best character arc in The Vampire Diaries’ fourth season, but Elena isn’t innocent either. She reprimands Stefan for his choices even though she no longer has a say in what he does.

Stefan Doesn’t Care

“I’m Sorry. Your Tone Implies That I’m Actually Supposed To Care.”

The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

Damon and Elena are the two most important people to Stefan, so he cares deeply about them under normal circumstances. Nothing about the third season is normal, though, and viewers experience a different side to Stefan when Klaus forces him to turn off his humanity.

Emotionless Stefan doesn’t care about anyone, which he has no problem making public knowledge. Yet, as Katherine says in one of her best quotes in The Vampire Diaries, humanity is a vampire’s greatest weakness. It always fights its way back in.

Stefan Insults Damon’s Sense Of Humor

“Actually, I Just Have No Sense Of Damon Humor.”

The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

Damon rarely misses a chance to make fun of Stefan’s broodiness and believes he has no sense of humor. It’s obvious that Damon is the funnier Salvatore, but not all of his jokes land. It’s no surprise that Stefan doesn’t find them funny, because many of them are at Stefan’s expense.

Stefan points out that there’s a difference between having a sense of humor and having a sense of Damon humor. Damon’s style isn’t for everyone, and Stefan’s sass can be just as entertaining as his brother’s sarcasm.

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Stefan Calls Out His Brother

“Do You Want To Talk To Her, Or Are You Still Pretending You Don’t Want To Hear Her Voice?”

The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

Stefan is never ecstatic about Damon and Elena’s relationship, but he eventually comes to understand that they’re meant to be together. Ultimately, Stefan loves his brother and wants to see him happy.

In fact, Stefan makes snarky comments after the couple’s breakup because he understands that Damon and Elena can’t stay away from each other. Damon might act like he’s fine, but he’s miserable without Elena. While it’s usually Caroline who says what fans are thinking in The Vampire Diaries, Stefan points out the obvious in this case.

Stefan Is Fed Up With The Mikaelsons

“Let Me Just Name The Million Other People I’d Rather Be Having Dinner With Right Now.”

The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

Stefan having dinner with Klaus and Rebekah is one of the funniest scenes in The Vampire Diaries. It’s no secret that Stefan is constantly fed up with the Mikaelsons, even if his relationship with Klaus tends to be more along the lines of “frenemies.”

Stefan doesn’t realize that getting information about the cure requires him to listen to the Mikaelson siblings bicker across the table. He’s stuck in the middle of their squabble and eventually helps mediate the discussion. Still, Stefan has no problem making it clear that he would rather be anywhere else.

Stefan Ignores Rebekah

“Hey, I’m Talking To You.” “Oh, I Know You Are. I’m Ignoring You.”

The Vampire Diaries Stefans 10 Shadiest Burns

The romance has its complications, but Rebekah is among Stefan’s best love interests in The Vampire Diaries. Their bickering is reminiscent of Stefan’s relationship with Katherine, but Rebekah has a genuine desire to connect with people.

Although Stefan’s retorts are funny, viewers can’t help but feel bad when he aims them at Rebekah. She isn’t a saint, and she often deserves Stefan’s barbs, yet she’s constantly receiving insults and criticisms from everyone on the show too.

Stefan Is Bitter About Damon And Elena

“Stefan, Where Is The Lovely Elena Tonight?” “I Don’t Know. Ask Damon.”

Even though Stefan and Damon try to kill each other in the first season of The Vampire Diaries, they’re at their most hostile in the fourth season. They’re no longer enemies in a literal sense at this point, but Stefan’s animosity toward Damon is unlike anything he’d shown before.

Stefan is heartbroken over losing Elena and angry that she moved on so quickly with his brother. He throws constant jabs at their relationship, and they deserve at least some of the shade. After all, Damon started dating his own brother’s ex only a day or so after they broke up.

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