Wonder Woman 1984 CCXP Exclusive Trailer Includes More Action & Maxwell Lord

Wonder Woman 1984 CCXP Exclusive Trailer Includes More Action & Maxwell Lord

An exclusive, extended trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 shown at Sao Paulo’s CCXP convention showed off more action and Pedro Pascal’s Maxwell Lord.

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A new, exclusive trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 not shown outside of Sao Paulo’s CCXP convention shows off extended fight scenes as well as a look at Pedro Pascal’s Maxwell Lord, according to eyewitness reports. Fans have already fallen in love with the new, bombastic look the upcoming Wonder Woman 1984 film seems to be adhering to, and for many fans the movie is just one of the many reasons DC’s upcoming films look better than Marvel’s.

In a teaser trailer released earlier this weekend, fans learned the film would be focused around Diana’s friendship with Barbara Minerva, better known as the supervillain Cheetah, as well as their interactions with Maxwell Lord, played here by The Mandalorian’s Pedro Pascal. The film also teases the return of Steve Trevor, a character who was thought to have sacrificed himself in the original Wonder Woman movie. Although the recently released Wonder Woman 1984 trailer doesn’t offer any answers to how this occurred, fans surely already have theories.

Now, thanks to a number of eyewitness accounts from Collider’s editor-in-chief Steven Weintraub on Twitter, fans have an even better understanding of all the small details they missed out on by not attending Sao Paulo’s CCXP convention. According to Weintraub, the extended trailer shown during the event has “WAY more action” involving Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman and Chris Pine trying to capture Maxwell Lord. Apparently, Wonder Woman even uses her lasso at one point to keep Pine from getting hit with a bullet.

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Just watched the regular #WonderWoman1984 trailer. The extended trailer has WAY more action of @GalGadot and #ChrisPine trying to capture @PedroPascal1. Also in the tank scene someone fires a bullet at Chris Pine and WW uses her lasso to prevent him from dying. LOVED the trailer pic.twitter.com/SDOcpvXA54

Weintraub continued to note differences from the regular version of the Wonder Woman 1984 official trailer to the extended cut, saying at one point the CCXP version shows Wonder Woman getting shot in the shoulder and “using her head piece to go after the people.” Apparently, getting shot doesn’t do much to the superhero, as Weintraub notes “The bullet doesn’t break skin… but it looks black and blue like it really hurt.” The CCXP exclusive Wonder Woman trailer also has extra footage of Kristen Wiig at the end, but it’s unclear as to what the actress is doing in those scenes.

Although it’s likely fans will never get to see this extended version of the Wonder Woman 1984 trailer, hopefully DC will see fit to release more information about the movie soon. From these first few looks which have been unveiled this weekend, Wonder Woman 1984 looks to be combining the best elements of both DC and Marvel superhero films, and fans can only hope it will meet their expectations when it eventually releases.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wonder-woman-1984-movie-ccxp-exclusive-trailer-description/

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