Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

Dark: 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast


There’s no doubt that everyone brought their A-game in Netflix’s Dark, but these actors went above and beyond the rest.

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Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

First hitting Netflix’s streaming service in 2017, Dark concluded its three-season run in mid-2020. The German science-fiction thriller series was met with critical acclaim since day one, singled out for its complicated and interconnected narrative, tone, message, and acting abilities of its immense cast.

The series largely follows Jonas Kahnwald as he discovers his place and purpose in a temporal loop expanding several generations and even multiple worlds. Many characters are portrayed by up to three actors—presenting the young, adult, and elder versions of themselves in the loop. There’s no doubt that everyone brought their A-game, but these actors went above and beyond the rest.

10 Jördis Triebel Embodies The Devotion, Fear, & Anger Of Katharina’s Loss

Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

Perhaps one of Dark’s most tragic characters (which is saying something), Katharina’s true goal in the series was to simply reunite her family. Devasted over the disappearance of her youngest son, Mikkel, and the subsequent disappearance of her husband, Ulrich, Katharina searches for answers largely on her own. When time travel is revealed to her, she has a hard time believing any of it.

After breaking down when she realizes her family is stuck in the past, she steals a map of the Winden caves to safely navigate to the past. Once there, her desperation begins to get the better of her, her once composed demeanor giving way to a grieving and unsteady outlook. Jördis Triebel takes every bit of venom Katharina rightfully feels and shoves it on both the audience and other characters.

9 Mark Waschke Unsettles Both Other Characters & The Audience As Noah

Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

Long before Adam and Eva are revealed to even exist, Noah fills the role of time manipulator and series antagonist. At the time, it seems that every negative action and consequence is his doing. Chillingly charismatic, he easily earns the trust of several children in various timelines, manipulating them into becoming his henchmen or getting them relaxed enough so he can use them in time loop experiments.

While Noah appears in all three seasons, it’s truly in the first that his unpredictability and the mystery surrounding him take full effect. Mark Waschke is terrifyingly approachable and sinister in the role, and as the truth is revealed to Noah more and more throughout his life, Waschke captures the shattered will of a man who swore his life to his cause.

8 Lisa Vicari Captures The Painful Progression of Martha’s Life

Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

Jonas’ love interest and the older sister of Mikkel, Martha is also a fully fleshed-out protagonist in her own right. Losing her brother in the very first episode, Martha tries to adjust to life without him, seeking comfort and answers from her parents, friends, and Jonas before resolving to find them on her own.

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Lisa Vicari’s acting is never flat in her performance, but when the Martha from Eva’s world is fully introduced, Vicari really starts to shine. Sometimes portraying several different versions of the character at various points in her life, Vicari often has to act off herself, resulting in a stunning and impressive display of deep emotion, determined commitment, and the inherent tragedy of her existence.

7 Maja Schöne Is A Terrifying Mix Of Compassion & Coldness As Hannah

Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

Initially appearing as the rather mousy and submissive widow of Michael Kahnwald, Hannah’s complex layers revealed themselves as the series progressed. Having apparently always been infatuated with Ulrich Neilsen since high school, Hannah would go to extreme lengths to break his marriage to Katharina. Even though she carried on an affair with Ulrich behind Katharina’s back, she wanted more.

Maja Schöne perfectly balances the love Hannah holds for Jonas with the disdain she accumulates for those who mistreat her and those who cross her. After the existence of time travel is revealed to her by an older Jonas, Hannah steals Jonas’s time machine in a quest to find Ulrich after he disappeared in the original timeline of Adam’s world. Finding Ulrich behind bars, she tells him she no longer needs him, leaving him to his fate.

6 Winfried Glatzeder’s Grizzled & Aged Ulrich Exudes Sympathy & Tragedy

Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

Ulrich Nielsen disappeared when he traveled back in time to find his son, Mikkel. As he attempts to navigate the Winden of the past, he is apprehended and jailed for kidnapping a young Helge Doppler—who he thought he could kill to prevent Mikkel from disappearing, when in reality, he helped create the very paradox that would cause Helge to become Noah’s underling.

It’s later established that he was imprisoned in an insane asylum due to his ranting of hailing from a different time. Winfried Glatzeder portrays the aged Ulrich and looks largely empty and hopeless nearly every moment he’s on-screen. That being said, he’s also able to effectively portray Ulrich’s hope and joy when briefly reunited with Mikkel and his wife, Katharina. When Katharina’s plan to free him falls through, and she is killed, Ulrich is left bleakly staring out the window, mourning his promise of freedom.

5 Barbara Nüsse Is An Unstoppable Force of Eva/Martha’s Anger, Rage, & Commitment

Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

In the Season 2 finale, “Beginnings and Endings,” it’s revealed that there’s not only a fractured timeline but a fractured world. A version of Martha from a world where Jonas doesn’t exist appears and saves Jonas from the apocalypse, transporting him to her timeline and world. Much like how Jonas would become Adam in his world, this alternative version of Martha would become Eva in hers.

Though Lisa Vicari portrays Martha primarily, Barbara Nüsse quickly gave her a run for her money when she began appearing as the leader of Erit Lux. Resolved to her cause of preserving the knot and endless loop in the timelines, she acts swiftly and often without mercy, showing no regret or remorse when she disposes of those who get in her way.

4 Carlotta von Falkenhayn Embodies Innocence & Its Brutal Loss Through Elisabeth

Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

Elisabeth is perhaps one of the most complicated and confusing characters of the series by its conclusion. The daughter of Charolette and Peter Doppler, Elisabeth is also her own grandmother due to the infinite intertwining of the temporal loop. First seen as innocent and naive—Elisabeth is forced to quickly grow and adapt to the literal end of the world.

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Following the fall of civilization, Elisabeth survives with her father, foraging for food and supplies while searching for her mother—whose body was never found (and who had actually been taken to the future). Carlotta von Falkenhayn morphs Elisabeth from a doe-eyed young girl into a hardened survivor, bashing in a man’s face with a fire extinguisher after he tried to assault her and murdered her father. It’s painful and horrifying to see her innocence die.

3 Sebastian Rudolph Rawly Showcases The Complexities of Mikkel/Michael’s Displacement

Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

One of the very first scenes of the series is Michael writing a farewell letter to Jonas before hanging himself. The subsequent episodes reveal that Michael was, in fact, Mikkel Nielsen, who had inadvertently traveled back in time to 1986. Adopted by Ines Kanhwald and eventually renaming himself Michael, he went to school with and eventually married Hannah.

Sebastian Rudolph’s time on screen is limited, but he makes the most out of every second. Michael never seems fully in place in any of his scenes, pulled out of time and struggling to watch as the world changes into what he grew up with as a child. The scene shared between his past and present selves is unsettling and heartbreaking, with Rudolph perfectly capturing the curiosity and fear of someone meeting themselves.

2 Louis Hofmann Expertly Navigates & Tackles Jonas’ Journey

Dark 10 Best Performances From Its Extensive Cast

While the cast and characters of Dark can often be hard to keep track of, there’s no doubt that Jonas Kahnwald is the true protagonist of the series. Son of Mikkel Neilsen/Michael Kahnwald and Hannah Kahnwald, his very existence shouldn’t have happened. Jonas grapples with his identity and purpose in life numerous times throughout the show resolving to do whatever it takes to make things right.

Louis Hofmann could not have been better as the most prominent version of Jonas’ character. Jonas often spirals through uncertainty, confusion, and fear, with Hofmann’s voice and expressions perfectly embodying every word and feeling Jonas has to sort through. Through it all, he always resolves to save the past, present, and future, his raw determination coming as naturally as breathing to Hofmann.

1 Julika Jenkins Perfectly Portrays Claudia Tiedemann’s Passion, Love, & Sadness

Claudia’s allegiance—like most other characters in the series—frequently fluctuates through the timelines. Once allied with Adam, the Claudia of Eve’s world convinced her to switch sides. Over time, Claudia realized that neither Adam nor Eve really had a solution. With a resolve fueled by her love for her family, she seeks to end things her way. In that regard, she’s really the Tritagonist of the series.

All Claudia wanted to do was save her daughter. Every action she takes is to ensure Regina’s survival and future. Though the other actresses for Claudia certainly aren’t lacking, Julika Jenkins acted through nearly every major traumatic event of Claudia’s life. She witnesses the ones she loves most suffer and die around her, their fates only strengthening her resolve to make things right. Claudia is the one who finally breaks the cycle—content as she fades from existence, comforted by the fact that Regina could finally live.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/dark-best-actors-tv-show-netflix/

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