The Mandalorians Peli Motto Is Star Wars Horniest Character and We Love It

The Mandalorian’s Peli Motto Is Star Wars’ Horniest Character – and We Love It

The feisty, sex-positive Peli Motto is a long-overdue addition to the Star Wars universe, which typically avoids intimacy among its characters.

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The Mandalorians Peli Motto Is Star Wars Horniest Character and We Love It

It’s time to have the Star Wars “talk.” In that galaxy far, far away people and creatures of all descriptions come together when they find love, companionship and to facilitate species survival through propagation. Although none of that is happening on screen, with most romance framed within a sort of galactic pseudo-Victorian courtly love. Thus, seeing Peli Motto (played by the hilarious Amy Sedaris) in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett flex her sexuality is long overdue. Motto definitely has a goal — and it’s not toppling empires.

Folks are (almost assuredly) having lots of sex in Star Wars. However, it is mostly kept unspoken and behind closed doors – with little room for passions and hormones in the battle for the galaxy. A few central characters have been the result of intimate relations between the main players, like Han Solo and Princess Leia’s son Kylo Ren, as well as Luke and Leia, children of the passion powerhouses Anakin Skywalker and Padme. Or Jin Erso as the daughter of Galen Erso in spin-off films like Rogue One. But the movies generally seemed to go out of the way to avoid sexually charged subplots. But that could be changing.

The Mandalorians Peli Motto Is Star Wars Horniest Character and We Love It

The character of Peli Motto is unabashedly overt with her sexuality, and her confidence is a refreshing and more realistic take on one of the basic motivations of nearly all living things – sex – for pleasure or procreation. The Mos Eisley mechanic is happily hooking up when the time is right, from her carefree admissions about intimacy with her Jawa ex-boyfriend to her flirtations with the Twi’lek majordomo. Sedaris is able to weave this part of her great character into the storylines without it feeling too out of place. It would be hard to imagine Mando sliding up to a cantina and hitting on someone because “he’s lonely and looking for fun” after exploring the galaxy for so long. It just wouldn’t seem to fit the brand. But somehow Sedaris is able to pull it off for everyone’s pleasure.

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Oddly, one of the aspects of the universe George Lucas created is that it is relatively devoid of sexual tension between characters. Audiences familiar with the franchise know not to expect romantic subplots beyond the core canon. Another great way Lucas avoided the issue was using clones to build his fictional armies. Not only that, the conspicuous absence of many women in uniform within the Empire and the First Order helps remove the issue. In many ways, it fits with Lucas’ overall desire to create a story arc that is appealing and accessible to children, who typically don’t care if there is a sexy subplot going on.

Leia’s slave outfit during her imprisonment by Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi remains one of modern cinema’s most iconic two-piece ensembles ever worn. The character’s on-screen sex appeal was meant for Hutt’s visual delight – not about sex per se with Jabba (hopefully!). Smooth operator Lando Calrissian – both young and old – was always a flirtatious charmer with an roving eye. Romance in the Star Wars universe has been predominantly cast aside for other character traits. Sure, there were moments like the accidental incestuous kiss between the two siblings during in The Empire Strikes Back, but not big passionate interludes between characters.

With romance off the table, it makes it easier to craft storylines without having to weave sex and passions into the mix. While it can help simplify the storytelling, it also has the effect of creating a giant unspoken void in the overall narrative. A void that sometimes plays to the detriment of characters. Sexuality is part of life – without it, it eventually becomes something that is hard to miss in the story and can rob characters of opportunities to expand their personalities on screen. Something Sedaris has happily shown can be fun for everyone, if it is being done right!

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